‘The Ringmaster’s Wife’: Atmospheric Jazz Under the Big Top


Some novels pull you in with an instantaneous “tug” that grabs hold of your reader’s heart, and refuses to let go long after a its opening. Such is true of Kristy Cambron’s marvelous gem of a novel. Beginning with the “end” and tumbling back three years prior to the prologue, I don’t think there’s a dull moment in this novel. Before I step further into my thoughts of The Ringmaster’s Wife, let me introduce you to the characters you’ll meet.

‘The Ringmaster’s Wife’: Atmospheric Jazz Under the Big Top #bookarchives #HistoricalFiction Click To Tweet

THE STORY | Life for Mable Burton hasn’t turned out as she’d have imagined. Even after she left her small-town America home to chase her dreams, as the 20th Century approaches, feeling content continues to elude Mable. Everything changes when she meets the charismatic John Ringling.

the ringmaster's wife

So you see, it’s the journey we’re after – not the reward. – Kristy Cambron

Over two decades later, Lady Rosamund Easling faces a difficult decision. Her family is pressuring her to marry well, but the life she was born to holds little appeal. Then an American Irishman, Colin, walks into her life. A man she meets by chance when one of her father’s business dealings brings him to their estate. Through a series of events, Rosamund leaves for America with Colin where she becomes a part of the circus family Colin feels so closely connected to. But will she find peace in these dreams?

The Ringmaster’s Wife by Kristy Cambron | Book Review

REVIEW | Counting the ways this novel met and surpassed my expectations is impossible. Every once in a while (and with greater frequency each new book season), there is that one story that, as a book blogger, you find a challenge to write about. Mere words cannot seem to properly convey or compliment the beauty inside their pages. One such novel is The Ringmaster’s Wife. Kristy’s eye for detail and marriage of the two genres (semi-autobiographical and fiction) work effortlessly in a timeless fashion of joy and exotic experiences. The characters are equal parts complex, compassionate and passionate people who are all unforgettable. I loved the way Rosamund searches for her dreams; Collin’s steadfast friendship and support; and the gentle wisdom Mable uses to help support them both.

If I’m being specific, I’ll confess to preferring Rosamund’s story best. Reason being I often find myself preferring the “present” story in duel generation stories. That said the romance of Mable’s story is priceless and beautiful. Both are strong women who I admire greatly not only for who they were, but for the manner in which they face their fears and challenges. Though once a blank canvas that was but an inkling of an idea for this talented author, the rich tapestry filling in that blank space is remarkable. Everything within these pages proves this novel’s subtle beauty time and again. 

Those who love costume dramas (like The Great Gatsby, Downton Abbey or the like) a-la the visual appeal of Water for Elephants or historical fiction in general must read The Ringmaster’s Wife. It’s an absorbing and atmospheric story with the intoxicating age of jazz as its backdrop, all of which takes place under the mesmerizing “big top.”

About the Book

Author: Kristy Cambron
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (Harper Collins)
Source: Publisher Provided via Litfuse Tour
Publication Date: 2016
Find the Review elsewhere: Goodreads | WordPress
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Genre: Fiction; Historical, Romance
Rating: 5 out of 5

Sincere thanks to Litfuse and the publisher for providing a complimentary copy of this book for reviewing purposes.

Written content (unless noted) © Finding Wonderland (Dreaming Under the Same Moon), RissiWrites.com

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. Jill & Rissi ~ I just found this post (sooo sorry I missed it over the summer), but wanted to stop by and say Hi. Thanks for reading and loving on both Mable and Rosamund in this story. Ya'll just sent me a virtual hug (in November)!!!! ;)

    2. Thanks for visiting, Kristy; anytime you stop by is fabulous! Thank you. :)

      It's always a pleasure to spotlight one of your novels. Looking forward to your 2017 release. It's not too early for that, right!? ;)

  1. This sounds so cool! I'll add it to my TBR list.

    BTW, I sent you an email at the address you list here on your blog. Did it get through, or has it fallen through the cracks of the internet?

    1. This one is beautiful, Rachel. It's so good and beautiful and wonderful. Hope if/when you read it, you enjoy. Let me know what you think if you do.

      As for the email, I think I got it, right? I sent you a reply and heard back from you, so I'm hoping, yes, we're discussing the same email. Thanks for checking in! I appreciate that as I often wonder if my emails get lost in cyberspace. ;)

  2. I'm glad to know you loved this one! I have it for review, only I haven't gotten to it yet. But now I'm definitely looking forward to it. :)

    1. Hi Kara & Rachel ~ Thanks so much for stopping by here, ladies. Hope Ringmaster contributed to a wonderful late-summer reading experience for you both. ;) Wish we could sit in a coffee shop and talk books together.

      Rissi ~ That's an idea. Coffee shop and chocolate Skype chats with authors would be soooooo fun here in your book community! Feel free to sign me up. Ha ha!

    2. How fun would this be!? Someday I'm going to actually meet some of my amazing bookish friends and the fabulous authors, such as yourself, who share the stories that have introduced us all! :)

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