Reviews | Period Drama Archives
Feature Photo: Elizabeth (Kiera Knightley) kisses Mr. Darcy’s (Matthew Macfadyen) hand after they declare their love. Credit: Focus Features/Universal Pictures
You Have Bewitched Me, Body And Soul.
Pride & Prejudice
the PERIOD DRAMA archives
on this page, you’ll find our archives of period dramas sorted by era. Enjoy!
Reviews | Period Drama Archives. An archive page for all things #PeriodDramas and #Romance from Medieval - 1950s! Share on X
Photos: Pride and Prejudice (Focus Features); Rosaline (Hulu / 20th Century Studios / 21 Laps Entertainment / Cattleya); Mirror Mirror (20th Century / Rat Entertainment / Relativity Media); Emma (Focus Features / Working Title Films); Far from the Madding Crowd (Fox Searchlight Pictures); Downton Abbey (ITV / Masterpiece Theater); Australia (Twentieth Century Fox); Brooklyn (BBC Film / Parallel Film Productions / Wildgaze Films); Crooked House (Stage 6 / Sony Pictures / Fred Films)