Find all things “LISTS!” here. From favorite fiction to fangirl OTPs, seasonal films to enjoy and seasonal gift lists, you’ll find (hopefully!) a little something for everyone all in one neat location (or you can just browse the ‘list’ tag). What kinds of list would you like to see? Drop me an email with the subject “LISTS!” or contact us here if you’d like something specific!

You can also search the ‘Top Ten Tuesday’ tag for bookish lists!

PS; if you notice some “disorder” in any of the older lists, please excuse the this. after the move to wordpress, margins and the list are out of order. I’m slowly working my way through archives to fix these backend discrepancies. you can read more about Finding Wonderland’s changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!


Ordered from newest to oldest

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