Reviews and More! A New Silver Petticoat Update


Apart from brief snippets in my monthly roundups, it’s been a while since last I shared what I’m writing on Silver Petticoat. At least here it has been. (When it comes to Twitter shares, my game is still pretty strong.)

Silver Petticoat is a fun, and cool online webzine entertainment webspace that has been an honor to contribute to these past years. It’s not only a creative place that I enjoy being a part of, it’s also been a helpful learning space for me which I hope leads to better writing (and I am learning).

Tonight, I thought I’d share some of the recent articles and lists as I’ve been writing and the reviews of some of my recent finds, which I haven’t reviewed or talked about here on Finding Wonderland. I’ve written about some fun topics, been keeping up with the new Hallmark romances (because, duh!) and have seen some really entertaining and great films.

The list below will start with my older contributions (from February or March) and work through April. Here we go.

Silver Petticoat Update, Edition One

Silver Petticoat Update, Edition One

Tell me, have you seen any of these films? Do you like any of the stories featured in the articles? Have you discovered a new favorite love story, ship or film? Comment down below with all of your thoughts!

Sharing some of my recent Silver Petticoat articles, lists and #moviereviews! Have you seen any of these? Reviews and More! A New Silver Petticoat Update, Part One Click To Tweet

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. It’s a lovely story, Genesis! The older I get, the more films cause me to tear up – which is WEIRD for me because I NEVER cried in my younger adult years. ;)

      Nothing wrong with skipping something; I thought Perfect Date was darling, but of course, it does have flaws. :) Thanks so much for visiting!!

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