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‘Land Girls,’ Series Two: British Characters to Love & Cheer On!

I don’t know how historically accurate this series is, but I can see why this British “soap” is such a popular daytime drama among its targeted (likely female) audience, because it is addictive. In all the right ways. Today we take a look at Land Girls, Series Two.

Land Girls, Series Two (2011) BBC TV Review

On the Finch farm, everyone is guarding close secrets. Young Bea (Jo Woodcock) is learning how to settle into motherhood and is caring for her small son while working the fields which comes at a price. Her new marriage to the farmer’s son, Billy Finch (Liam Boyle) isn’t exactly rosy. Although he promises her past makes no difference, Bea begins to doubt Billy’s acceptance of her young son. As she sees how Joyce (Becci Gemmall) is swept off her feet by her fighter-pilot husband, Bea starts to feel restless. This leads Bea to befriend a POW working on the farm which spurs a wide chasm between the newlyweds.

Into all of this strolls newcomer Connie Carter (Seline Hizli). A city-bred girl who leaves London, and a wealthy beau behind after encourage her to try country life. Unfortunately for Connie, she and country life don’t mesh. In charge of the day-to-day land girl tasks, Esther (Susan Cookson) is upset by Connie’s brashness, a behavior that escalates when she is seen kissing Billy, and young Martin (Mykola Allen) is injured in the aftermath. Not one to be easily hurt, the sassy Connie captures the attentions of several soldiers, but it isn’t until she meets the mild-mannered Henry (Liam Garrigan) that she begins to wonder what a simple life could be.

Land Girls, Series Two: British Characters to Love & Cheer On! A BBC review of the popular British "soap opera." #BBC #British #Historical #History #WWII Share on X

TV REVIEW | Land Girls, Series One (2009): Romance and Life on the Home Front

Back at the estate, the proper and staid Lady Ellen Hoxley (Sophie Ward) comes to terms with her husband’s death. Her home is temporarily posted as a headquarters for U.S. troops in the area. This gives her flirtatious, and married sister (Raquel Cassidy) an endless stream of men to entertain her. It isn’t until an American business man (Clive Wood) arrives that the pair of them learn the man they vye to impress may harbor secrets of his own.

As historical dramas go, this one is perhaps not the best ever, but I still love its endearing qualities. It’s sweet without being too sappy, which is especially true where series two is concerned. This season has an edgier feel that the first misses. Land Girls, series two has a lot of events that mislead unless you pay close attention. Unfortunately for all the good intentions, my esteem for a couple of characters slips drastically. One of these acts is done for the good of another, but the other suggestion is incomprehensible. Also, I’m not fond of the drastic change in Billy; for some reason, his insertion rubs me the wrong way.

Darker in general, this time around murder, sinister characters, children refugees and “arrangements” make our skin crawl. News about Joyce’s husband arrives, and Bea contemplates an entirely new life. Writers tried their hand at some light suspense which worked well. Each episode left us on the edge of our seats wanting to play the next one and surprisingly, the writers did sometimes surprise us at how they resolve some of the on-going subplots; some of which don’t always end with happiness and sunshine.

I adore Connie’s character; she’s one of those people who’s not what she seems upon first impressions. Despite the cliches, the romance between her and Henry is pure delight. It’s too cute and I am very much looking forward to seeing where the writers take these two. Fortunately the third series is available on dvd today which has me excited to see the next installments, but wary about yet more casting changes and what it will mean considering the young Finch family will be absent. Their story results in the finale being both a bit sappy (the gesture was what counted) yet beautifully bittersweet.

CONTENT, this series is TVPG; there are implications of two romantic trysts, both of which involve married women [we see one couple briefly in bed together still clothed]. Characters drink at social events; there is a murder and conversation about one in the past. A man gets his leg caught in a trap [no blood] and there are brief references to child abuse. There may be a British swear word here and there, other profanities consist of da*n.

Photo: BBC

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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  1. I had seen this one several times on Amazon and places such as that. About six months ago I asked my friend if she'd ever heard about it because she sees all of the costume dramas and series but she hadn't. I got S1 for Christmas and "fell in love" with its sweet charm. S2 is a bit darker and more mysterious but just as entertaining. =)

  2. Trinka – this one is really cute. I so enjoy getting "lost" in the lives of these characters during the forty-some minute episode. Considering that there is only five episodes per "season," this is really more like a mini-series than TV show.

    Ruth – me, too! =)

  3. Thanks for your balanced review of the show, Rissi. I always love reading what people think – whether it's good or bad – and appreciate the time it takes to write such a thorough review. It always gives me something to think about! Regards Roland Moore (writer of Land Girls)

  4. You are welcome, Roland. Thank you for stopping by! =)

    Each series, I enjoy Land Girls, so I hope that means there are more in-the-works. =)

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