‘A Path Toward Love’ by Cara Lynn James
STORY: Eight years ago Katherine Wainwright rebels against her family, society and her best friend, Andrew. Coming from a wealthy family from one of the most prosperous in New York society, she elopes with Charles and now resides in Florida. Now her husband’s father has died and she’s a widow whose one dream is to see her father-in-law’s citrus groves return to its former glory. She wants to do this for her father-in-law whom she loved, and now Florida, somehow, feels like home.
When her father and Andrew travel to Florida to convince her it’s time to return to New York, Katherine is faced with a decision: Leave everything she now loves or return to the people she hasn’t stopped loving.
A Path Toward Love, by Cara Lynn James | Book Review

Though I have her debut series on my bookshelf, this work of fiction is the first I’ve read of James’. To be honest, regardless of the reservations I end up with about this story, it will not be the last. Before I was even out of the first chapter, Katherine’s story enchants. It’s an 1800’s fairy-tale that starts out in the right place. Whether it be the dashing hero or the sweetness in the affection that builds between the would-be lovers, everything is captivating.
In the second half or at the very least fourth of the novel, things start a downward slide that James never really returns from. It’s almost as if all the care she pours into the story with is forgotten. For example, I begin to question Katherine’s motives and true feelings: Will she stand up for herself? Or will she buckle to her mother’s whims? Despite what the back cover synopsis has us believe, this story is not one of a re-kindled romance, but rather one of proper expectations and a “sensible” romance is the result.
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‘A Path Toward Love’ by Cara Lynn James. #BookReviews #bookArchives #Books #BookLovers Share on XBeyond Katherine and Andrew’s re-kindled friendship, I’m a bit disappointed in the relationship between Katherine and her parents. I understand the expectations of the era but for the story, it reads as if there’s a price to Mrs. Wainwright’s affection for her daughter and similarly Katherine’s father places bargaining chips on the table. As a reader, that sort of relationship doesn’t endear characters to me. Regardless, A Path Toward Love is a lovely read. Please understand, this rhetoric is just me being (very) persnickety. In the end, if you like this time frame or James, her latest novel is a sweet story of letting go of one’s past.
IN CONCLUSION: Pretty on the surface, ‘Path’ may have some flaws, but all things considered, it’s a sweet one-time read.
About the Book:
Author: Cara Lynn James
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: 2012
Genre: Christian Fiction, Romance
Add the Book: Goodreads
Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5
With thanks to the publisher for providing a copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
Sounds intriguing! :D
This was a sweet read, Lydia though not my favorite. Hope you enjoy if/when you read it. :-)