Geek Girl: Model Misfit: A Fun Comedy of an Every Day Girl
Author: Holly Smale
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication Date: 2015
Series:Geek Girl | Book 2
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary YA, Secular
Source: Amazon Buy
Rating: ★★★★ ½
Geek Girl: Model Misfit by Holly Smale | Book Review
THE STORY | Since last we saw Harriet Manners, she’s transformed. She’s now a sophisticated, successful model who rules a jet-setting lifestyle. Or this is what she wishes happens. In reality, Harriet remains the same. She’s still clumsy, and hasn’t modeled again. To make matters worse, her summer is no longer going according to her plans.
Her best friend, Nat, is leaving for France and her amazing boyfriend, Nick has recently called it quits. Needless to say, Harriet needs a new plan – soon. The new plan arrives sooner than she thinks when she is given the chance to go to Tokyo for a brand-new ad campaign. The trouble with this otherwise perfect summer plan 2.0? Nick is also in Tokyo! What’s a girl to do?
REVIEW | You may remember when I read Geek Girl, my fangirl gushing did not stop at a simple, read this book. It’s adorable. No, instead I feel like I talk of its cuteness in greater length, and with a healthy does of gusto. But when a reader finds a book that makes them smile and takes them along on a story with a character we want to know more about, it’s hard not to overshare.
FILM REVIEW | The DUFF (2015) – YA Lit Adaptation Inspires Laughs and Standing Up for Yourself
When it comes to Holly Smale’s ‘Geek Girl’ series, I feel like it’s one of the most underrated series (and an underrated) author I’ve run across. Though I don’t know what her popularity is like in the U.K. (which is where these novels were first published), I do wish more people knew about Harriet Manners. She’s the ideal character in a YA setting. She doesn’t fit a typical “mold,” which makes her relatable. She’s the kind of character that transcends age. Even I (an adult) can feel some sort of kinship to.
“Scientists say that music can change the speed of a heartbeat. They failed to add: so can a text message.” – Holly Smale, Geek Girl: Model Misfit
Like Geek Girl, ‘Model Misfit’ follows the same pattern. Harriet gets a modeling job, and unintentionally destroys the “mood.” Whether it’s the wrong shoes, or missing an early shoot time, the girl is a master. No matter her flubs, she remains a likable and entertaining character we love to hang out with. Between her down-to-earth first-person thoughts, and her wish she and Nick were still a “thing,” the story keeps a smile affixed for its entire 300+ pages.
If you enjoy contemporaries or comedies with some sass, the ‘Geek Girl’ series is ideal. It’s smart without being cheesy, and usually has a lesson to teach its character. Either way, if you want something happy, Geek Girl: Model Misfit is a must-read book. It makes you feel happy, and for me, that’s the perfect kind of story.
#BOOKREVIEW | Geek Girl: Model Misfit, A Fun Comedy of an Every Day Girl Share on XContent: there may be a minor use of profanity, and a mild suggestive comment or two.