‘Battleship’: A Popular Video Game is Epic Sci-Fi Adventure


Expected to be a hit in the tradition of Marvel’s superheroes or Disney’s crazy band of Pirates, to say this film was a dud is an understatement. When critics decimate a movie, it cements (I haven’t decided if that’s my defiance of arrogant critics or just from pure enjoyment *wink*) that I will enjoy it. For the life of me, I cannot figure out what is wrong with Battleship. Something I say understanding its not Oscar material. Nevertheless, it still entertains.

Battleship (2012) Film Review

Alex Hopper (Taylor Kitsch) has a problem. He’s a twenty-six year old who would rather spend his time at bars, cruising through life rather than making something of it, not to mention squandering his intelligence. The complete opposite of his elder brother,Stone (Alexander Skarsgård), it’s been Stone who has picked up the mess after Alex’s shenanigans time and again. A commander in the Navy, Stone realizes that when Alex’s attempts to impress a girl – a girl who just happens to be Stone’s boss’ daughter, Sam (Brooklyn Decker) land him in jail, it’s time for Alex to put his mind to good use, so Stone enlists him in the Navy.

Reaching the rank of lieutenant, Alex is still messing up every opportunity and breaking the rules. The one constant, good thing in his life is Sam. Only trouble is, Alex has a few hurdles to overcome if he has a prayer of marrying the girl. The most important being her tough-as-nails military father (Liam Neeson). Alex’s future with the Navy looks grim until, he sets about commanding the war games. As a leader he begins to garner some respect, including Petty Officer Cora “Weps” Raikes (Rihanna). The real challenge arrives when the fleet comes under attack, and a fight for survival begins.

I’ll admit that when I first saw the trailers, the interest meter was low. I had no expectations for it and instead of estimating it as being something I’d see, I forgot about it. Until now. For those of you who don’t know much about this, my perception places this in the category of Transformers  only with more heart a-la The Avengers. If you like any of Marvel’s extravaganzas or Cowboys and Aliens, this is yet another movie you will – in all likelihood, enjoy. battleship

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Who else enjoys this sappy #scifi action flick? #MovieReview | ‘Battleship’: A Popular Video Game is Epic Sci-Fi Adventure. #Movies #WhattoWatch Share on X

To say I’m impressed by this stylish (albeit sometimes “silly”) sci-fi adventure is an honest confession. If you view this as a fun, sci-fi popcorn flick, it doesn’t disappoint. Battleship is one of those movies you expect next to nothing but a good time from, and walk away with a great deal more. The special effects impress as does the acting. Each time there’s a grand battle sequence, the “believeability” (within the realm of the genre) somehow works. The sci-fi is epic, but the film serves as a tribute to the men and women in the armed forces. If there is a flaw it would be that one or two scenes drag on longer than necessary. The film itself clocks in at nearly two hours; shorter scenes would have been effective. This certainly would give the ending more time.

The rest of my thoughts on this movie fit one word: fun! There isn’t a time when I’m not entertained by its crazy premise. The characters are easy to like and above all, we root for them to succeed. (Although to warn you, not everyone makes it out of the invasion alive.) To be fair, I will also admit that I yell at Alex a time or two (when he deserves it!). As a girl who wants her hero to inspire and truly be heroic, it’s hard sometimes to see the hero throw away so much. Flaws and all, he winds up leading a battle that could have be avoided but needs to be defeated. In the end, his courage and newfound leadership was something we can all learn from.

CONTENT: There is very little “bloody violence” though the destructive nature of the film implies death. Pieces of metal wreck havoc on military bases as do mechanically engineered weapons. Creepy looking aliens terrorize victims [again, no blood]. A scene shows soldiers pulled from the water with bloody gashes; elsewhere characters engage in hand-to-hand combat. There is mild profanity but nothing worse than sh*t or da*n. Alcohol consumption is present nearer the beginning of the film, which is PG13.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Ah, this is one that I scratched off of my to-see list when I saw the trailer. My first initial thoughts were, "They've turned a fun game into a movie???"

    Glad you enjoyed it though!

  2. Rosie – ah! I can totally understand that mentality. I feel that way about some films and even didn't pay much mind to this until it came to DVD when all the sudden I "had" to see it. :-)

    Using a game for a movie… yeah, that doesn't inspire confidence, I'll admit to that. Still… I was surprised by how good this was. It is silly yes but from my impressions, no goofier than Transformers (haven't seen those).

    Charity – as always, Liam is a wonderful actor. I haven't seen him in a bad role yet. (His last scene was fabulous – cute even. :-D)

    Meg – well… there IS that, too. ;-)

    Thanks so much for dropping by – do so again sometime. :-)

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