Taylor Swift: Begin Again Single Review


Taylor Swift: Begin Again. Sharing thoughts on the 2012 single from the country superstar Taylor Swift. All review text is © Rissi JC / RissiWrites.com

The Story: Following the end of a relationship, a girl finally decides, eight months later to go on that first date, again starting over taking a first step to begin a new relationship and renew her faith in love.  

Taylor Swift: Begin Again – My Thoughts | After her chart-topping first single from the upcoming album, Red, Taylor Swift again enchants us. This time with the second track from said album, in this song that seems to retreat to her country roots. When I first listened to it, I was unimpressed by, what seemed, a copy-cat plot. On the surface, it comes across no different than Swift’s usual writing and in many platforms it is. 


Multiple plays since has changed my mind – this song is so much better than ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.’ For the first time in a long time, a Swift song tells a compelling story of new love that paints the hero as a gentleman. In novels, songwriting or film, no matter the media, it’s hard to find a guy who fits that description. So I do applaud Taylor for giving us a guy who stands when she enters the room or pulls out his date’s chair as Taylor replies, and you don’t know how nice that is. But I do.

Taylor Swift: Begin Again Single Review #FWarchives Share on X

The progression of the song is really pretty and its notion inspiration almost “sounds” vintage (which does apply to the music video); essentially, it encourages “bravery” to put yourself out there again. To her credit, Swift handles this song beautifully – the vocals sound great and match the tempo of the music well in addition to the sound coming across as more mature, plus the lyrics seem well put-together, which is something we usually expect from Swift but in a more teeny-bopper form. When the last line is softly breathed, I realize that though I don’t always personally connect with the her lyrics, she’s not lacking for writing talent; basically, this is a soulful, simplistic song that I sort of love. Even taking into consideration the back-and-forth (stereotype) comparisons of the old boyfriend vs. the new guy, ‘Begin Again’ is a testament to that.  

About the Song:

Released: 2012
Writing Credits: Taylor Swift
Label: Big Machine Records
Genre: Country, Pop
Rating: 4 ½ out of 5
Debut: #1  


And you throw your head back laughing

Like a little kid

I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny cause

He never did

I’ve been spending the last 8 months

Thinking all love ever does

Is break and burn and end

But on a Wednesday in a café

I watched it begin again

– Taylor Swift

Tell me, which of the three songs off Taylor’s upcoming album do you like? What are your thoughts on this “Taylor Swift: Begin Again” track? Did you like it or no?

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. This is a lovely song, lyrically and musically. =) It's very bittersweet and hopeful and the fact that the "Romeo" in the song is such a gentlemen is so, so refreshing. Frankly, I love it, and probably wouldn't have found it, if you hadn't turned me onto it… so thanks! =)

  2. I have only gotten to hear a little bit from Begin Again, but while it seems quiet and a bit slow, (*hangs head* Yup I like fast music, sue me!) the lyrics seem really wonderful! And what you shared in the post was just so beautiful! I wish I could write stuff like that. Have it rhyme and work together without sounding like I was trying to get it to rhyme :P I'm really liking how this album is sounding so far. And oh! I really like that he's a gentlemen, I happen to want one of those and I think the world is crazy for putting them down! Sierra
    Keep growing beautiful!

  3. Rosie – so far, I am not sure which of those two is my fave but I like both better than "Never Ever."

    Did you see the track listing for 'Red' today!? It sounds awesome!!! (I should RT it!) Hopefully the rest of Swift's songs will be equally well written. *crosses fingers*

    AnnaKate – isn't it pretty? I thought exactly as you did that the tune had a lovely lyrical quality far too often absent from music.

    Glad you enjoyed this one – it is one of Taylor's more special songs IMO. If the track listing is any indication, it appears she may have some more cool songs to give us. :-)

    Hope your move is going okay. :-)

    Sierra – that's okay! Fast songs are just as good as slow ones. :-) That is probably the best thing about this song – the lyrical story is fantastic! I love that Swift wrote a "real" hero who is quite the gentleman – that is the sort of guy we ladies should expect. Anything else is not being respectful to ourselves.

    Yeah, the world is CRAZY for putting down guys who are gentlemen – like why wouldn't you want someone who knew how to treat a girl like a lady!? I mean really! :-)

    Have you seen the track listing from the album Red? It looks like a good one so I have great hopes for it!

  4. I agree, we should expect it most certainly, as God has hand picked our men and if they're from him they're gonna be gentleman and good Godly men for sure! Makes me happy :D I haven't seen it yet I'll have to check it out! Sierra
    Keep growing beautiful!

  5. Sierra – unfortunately finding the "right" guy has been made harder because of how culture has "demoted" them. Still… they are out there, we just have to look a little harder. :-)

    I posted some titles to Twitter 'cause they sounded so great – hopefully their sound will be as fab!

    Lydia – hope you enjoy it! I think it's one of Swift's sweetest yet. :-)

    Rosie – I haven't pre-ordered it but I'll pick it up in stores. That way I get it quicker. ;-D

  6. Sierra – oh. My. Gosh! Isn't that just stunning – I LOVE it way more than the first. What about you!?

    You and me both, girl: CANNOT wait for its release (March – I think!).

    Rosie – if it gets me some awesome new music quicker… I am all for buying it in stores! :-D

  7. Gina – thanks! I always enjoy these music posts because they go up so easily unlike my rambling reviews or opinion rants. :-)

    So glad you dropped by!

    TJ – thank you. Most of all, thanks for reading these! I really appreciate it. :-)

    Hope you enjoy this one; so far out of all four of Taylor's new songs from the upcoming album, it's a tie between this one and 'Red' for me. I like this for its sweet story of a blossoming new romance but 'Red' is musically quite fun!

    1. She did do a nice job, didn't she!? I thought the set was cute though her music video for this song was really "classy." Her red dress was cute! Didn't love her "audience" dress but when she preformed, she looked darling. :)

    1. This is possibly my favorite song, Tessa – it's so pretty and yet lyrical in ways that 'Never Ever' isn't. The music video is STUNNING! Am watching her newest now and wow! It's edgy.

      Thank YOU for following and reading my blog – I really appreciate it. :)

    1. Thank you for reading, Charity – I'd actually like to write more like these but rarely take the time to focus on getting some new ones written up! Perhaps the first of the year will see a few more. :)

      This song is STUNNING! It's one of the best off this album. Hope you enjoy – and thanks for all your lovely comments!

    2. Two months later…I listened to it (in part because of your recommendation here). And then I listened again. And then it started running through my head sporadically. And now I have to listen regularly. And I can FINALLY say I like a TS song. ;)

    3. Oh, goody! Glad it grew on you, Charity. It's such a lovely lyrical story. This is where Taylor shines: In lyrics. She isn't any great vocalist – although she doesn't sound bad on this track. The song is full of hope and the lyrics suit the melodies well. :)

    1. So do I, Raquel! It's one of Taylor's best IMO. And, yes, it does make you want to sit in a Paris café – even more so with the charming video that accompanies the song. :)

    1. Me, too, Ella! It's a wonderful, romantic ballad that Taylor sounds great on. 'Enchanted' is also a charming song – love that one also. :)

      You as well, Ella – have a great weekend!

  8. I love this song– love almost this entire album! I think my current favorite on Red is 'Treacherous'. Just that one line sums up much of what I've been learning lately, "Nothing safe is worth the drive."

    1. (My apologies! Not sure how this comment escaped my notice! Forgive this late reply.)

      Me too, Rachel! I think Red may be my favorite album (collectively) from Taylor yet. It's so different but seems to suit her.

      I'll have to listen to 'Treacherous' again. It's been a while. That line is awesome though!

    1. As do I, Leighanna! Each time I hear it, I love it more. :)

      As for my blog design, I found a template I liked and pasted that into the HTML coding, then added in whatever colors I wanted and my own graphics. (I.E., the header, welcome message, etc.) Thank you for the kind words; I wanted "professional" but welcoming! :)

  9. To start with, I'm just going to put a disclaimer out there that I am a HUGE Taylor Swift fan, the first song I ever listened to of hers Love Story (Romeo & Juliet, plus a happy ending, how could I resist?!). After that, I was hooked, with Begin Again easily making it to number 3 in my Top 5 Favorite Taylor Swift Songs List. The melody and lyrics, as you'e said, just suit each other so well, both being catchy, slow-moving, and almost wistful, and while I love the chorus, my favourite section would have to be the bridge, particularly the line 'And for the first time, what's past is past.' This song and Stay, Stay, Stay are definitely the ones I listen to the most from her Red album.

    I am also eagerly looking forward to what else she has in store with her latest album, 1989, (although unfortunately, I am NOT a fan of the cover art). Also, I had a question…have you ever listened to a song of hers called 'Ours'? I think it was attached as a bonus song on the deluxe edition of her album ‘Speak Now’, and is definitely at number 2 on my Favorite Swift Songs List.

    God Bless
    Eleanor Rose

    1. I'm a big Taylor Swift fan too, Eleanor. Her songs are usually of the happy-go-lucky variety that are hard to resist and hard NOT to clap along with. 'Love Story' is a favorite of mine as is this one, 'Begin Again' which seems to paint a realistic picture of the story it tells.

      Aw, I love 'Stay, Stay, Stay' too! It's one of my favorite "cute" songs. But then, I pretty much love every song on Red to be honest. ;)

      Same here! Cannot wait for 1989 (sorry you don't love the cover art – I don't mind it as it's more artsy which is cool, though I totally get why fans wouldn't care for it in comparison to her earlier artworks). Yes, I have heard 'Ours.' My reaction to that one is the same as all the others I've mentioned – SO cute. Yeah, it was on the Target deluxe edition I believe. :)

      Always glad to have you stop by.

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