Lady Antebellum: Downtown


Review: If I were to pinpoint the beginnings of my love of Lady A’s music it’d be with their charming lead single off Own the Night, “Just a Kiss.” In that song, they win my musical sensibilities (such as they are) over completely. Since then, MP3 files of past hits have found a place in iPod files and their most recent album was one that ended up among my CD collection. Now, with the build-up to a 2013 album about to drop, the lead single is released, and gosh, what a terrific tune it is. Led vocally by Hillary Scott, the song is an upbeat tempo with some kickin’ it good lyrics to match. 

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Lady Antebellum: Downtown. Chatting up the adorable sass and pop-y nature of the country trio's 2013 single. All text is © Rissi JC /
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Promoting their fourth studio album, Golden, Lady A has called their upcoming (May 7th) new music something different than what they usually record – which makes it sound as if fans are in for a treat. Sometimes this may prove to be a risk, however if ‘Downtown’ is any indication, it will be smashing. The great guitar chords and beats keep up some catchy timing – the sort of tempo you cannot help but snap your fingers or beats that almost demand you bob your head to as the song sweeps you up into a fun rhythm.

The lyrics match up wonderfully with the melodies. It’s a playful, flirtatious song heralding a now non-existent date night (plus some past indiscretions); the tease of a new dress with some well-placed exclamations and a great musical personality carries the tune to its final notes – in which, Scott proclaims, “I just don’t get it!”

Taste of Country proclaims this single as “funky” and it is. Working with three of Nashville’s best songwriter’s may have something to do with this “new vibe” Lady Antebellum has; the sound itself is a tease to fans of what’s yet to come. New or not, the trio shows no signs of novice musicians in their performance of this tune with style. Chockfull of sass, it’s a bit of a good-old fashion country “kiss-off” summer feel-good song; ‘Downton’ is sure to instantly put a smile on your face.  

About the Song:

Type: Single
Debut: #1 Single
Writing Credits: Luke Laird, Shane McAnally and Natalie Hemby
Release Date: 2013


I got some platforms sitting in the corner // They wanna stroll on a city sidewalk // I got a dress that’ll show a little uhhh uh but
you ain’t getting uhh ohh if you don’t come pick me up // And I don’t know why you don’t take me down town like you got anywhere better to be♥

What is your favorite Lady A song? And may I just say, 2013 is shaping up to be an awesome year for country music!

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. 'Downtown' has a lot more sass – and personality! Where 'Just a Kiss' was sweet and heart-warming, this one has quite a beat and "less innocent" lyrical story. Still… it's just too much fun, Rosie! :)

      Hope you like it if/when you have a listen.

  1. I LOVE Hillary Scott's voice! They're Christmas cd's are some of my favorite holiday favorites! She sings a duet on Dave Barne's Christmas album (the song "Christmas Tonight") and it's my FAVORITE song on his cd – if you've not heard it, gral, even though it's not Christmas, you must check it out. :) This new songs got such a fun tune to it! I don't have a favorite, but my LEAST favorite is "Need You Now," since it was SO overplayed on the radio!! One of my galfriends and I have that song so much grief! Cheers to Lady A!

    1. Until this song, I really didn't "notice" Hillary's voice because the band's vocal talents just sounded right together. Then when hearing this, it dawned on me that Hillary was carrying this one almost exclusively. It was very good! Glad you like it too, Kellie. :)

      Thanks for the duet recommendation. I will have to check into it as I've not heard it yet however I do think Lady A's Christmas album is gorgeous! Their original titular song is wonderfully lyrical.

      I'd agree that 'Need You Know' is overplayed… it was their first big hit so likely that is why it crops up everywhere. It's good but pales in comparison to the wholesome message of 'Just a Kiss.' Articles say 'Downtown' is their biggest hit yet – so hooray for 'Golden'! Where is May 7th!?

  2. I had seen this on itunes but hadn't gotten around to listening to it yet. I already knew it'd be good :P They are such a great band!! My favorite song is Just A Kiss (no other choice!!) Sierra
    Keep growing beautiful!

    1. You got that right, Sierra: They are awesome and if early reports are any indicator, 'Downtown' is their biggest single yet.

      'Just a Kiss' is charming. And romantic. The perfect blend. :)

  3. Fun post! :) I have one of Lady Antebellum's albums – "Own the Night" – and I think my favorite songs on that one are "We Owned the Night," "Just a Kiss," "Dancin' Away With My Heart," "Singing Me Home." I guess that's not really narrowed down much, is it? ;) It's an enjoyable album, and I'm curious about this upcoming release!


    1. That album is awesome, Amber! It's the only one I own (well, save for their Christmas ones) also. It's got a fabulous array of tunes from heart-breaking to upbeat. Love all of the ones you mentioned.

      LOL! I probably couldn't pick a favorite either!

      You and I both: Cannot wait for 'Golden.' Should be a keeper. :)

  4. I keep hearing this one on the radio. Don't mind it, don't love it. I'm not big on women singers, I guess…except ones like Katherine Jenkins (operatic). :) But this song is rather catchy! :)

    1. Ironically, I have LOTS more favorite female singers just because too many of today's male artists sound like women when they sing. Yes, I know that sounds comical but they do! LOL! :) Needless to say, that isn't the sound I am looking for when I pick favorite male artists. ;)

      Perhaps 'Downtown' will grow on you with time and if it doesn't, there's nothing wrong with that.

      Oh, gosh, yes Katherine Jenkins is a great talent.

  5. Love their new single for sure and looking forward to their new album, but my two all time favorite songs of theirs is a tie between "American Honey" and "I Run to You."

    1. Me, too, Natalie!!! So excited for May 7th to be here – methinks 2013 will be an awesome year for country music. :)

      Do you know, I am not sure if I've heard 'I Run to You.' I'll have to look into that!

      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  6. I've been looking for new artists to listen to. My music playlist needs some fresh songs. Thanks for sharing about Lady Antebellum. Heard of her, but never tried listening to any of her songs. But that'll probably change now.

    1. Lady A is a band – two guys and one girl is what it's comprised of. The female vocalist – Hillary Scott, leads this song. The name I believe comes from a Southern term somehow connected with a Civil War mansion. If you enjoy anything country, this is an awesome group. 'Downtown' is very sassy and more pop sounding. :)

      Hope you like if you get a copy – let me know. :)

    2. When I first heard of this band, I was afraid they would be something of a Lady Gaga sort. But really, I should know better than to make such presumptuous speculations. Anyway, I visited their YouTube channel and listened to a couple of songs. The tunes are pretty catchy, and I'm liking them!

    3. Oh, gosh! Thank goodness Lady A is no Lady Gaga. Her sort of music is not really my thing. :)

      Glad you are liking their sound. I adore 'Just a Kiss' and love this new single. It's full of sass and some great vocals. :)

  7. Shall I admit that the only song of theirs that comes to mind first is Need You Now? I do like that one. But I haven't heard much of their more recent songs. I shall have to take a closer look! :)

    1. Always have liked 'Need You Know' but since it's their "greatest" hit, it is overplayed meaning that for me, it's kind of run it's course. Still, I like to have a listen every now and then.

      Hope you enjoy some of their more recent music, Kara. :)

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