Seamlessly, each novel to come from the pen of Elizabeth Camden continues to inch past the lines of excellence. Each story challenges the reader to dare assume a novel by her cannot beat her previous stories. With exception to one of her novels, I have thoroughly enjoy her work. with every breath
STORY: Kate Norton and schoolmate Trevor McDonough are enemies, or at least in school they are. Both of them use each other as motivation to be better, only 12 years later, Kate is out the scholarship she desperately wants and looses to Trevor, and fate is about to bring them back together. Now a successful doctor relentlessly studying for a tuberculosis cure, Dr. Trevor Kendall has reinvented himself and he needs Kate to assist in his work. Their lives have both changed drastically since their school days, but one thing that hasn’t altered is Trevor’s feelings for Kate… if only her own experience in life hadn’t made her afraid to embrace a new future.
With Every Breath, by Elizabeth Camden | Book Review
Simply put, Elizabeth’s writing is exquisite. She has a voice that never ceases to draw even a halfhearted reader in – or that has been my past experience. In her latest jewel, I felt like this novel is very nearly her best to date, although nothing quite rises to the level of Against the Tide (but then, we know that is an unfair advantage because, Bane! *swoon*). Despite this, I will say this book certainly runs a close second, because the characterization is brilliant. It was so interesting to read about a hero who goes against the norm. Here Trevor isn’t a charismatic, charming man. Instead he’s reserved and from Kate’s, opinionated perspective, he’s a cold-heart, who has no empathy towards people. Then on the flipside, there is the vibrant, fiery Kate. Underneath her personality lies a heart of fear that ties nicely into one of the primary issues that plague this character.
I do feel like there’s some minor pacing issues with the story, things “resolve” before expectations, meaning the characters spend time in in denial which seems to drag out the story more than need be. However at the risk of contradicting myself, it’s nice to have “space” and more time to the “revelation” moment. Either way, that’s a minor complaint and I enjoy the sweet epilogue that ties everything nicely together. With Every Breath is not a journey any avid historical reader should miss being a part of. As its endorsements boast, this story is a journey full of “breathless” excitement, romance and the healing power of choosing life and love over the fear of the unknown; that kind of payout is beautiful and reminds us, we should never take life for take for granted.
About the Book:
Author: Elizabeth Camden
Publisher: Bethany House
Source: Publisher
Publication Date: 2014
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Genre: Fiction; Historical, Romance
Rating: 5 out of 5
Sincere thanks to the publisher for providing a complimentary copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
Fabulous review – as always! And ooooooo! Her next book sounds fabulous too!
Thanks for reading, Jamie – I'm going to be watching for your awesome review, too. :) Doesn't it?? I'm already anxious to get my greedy hands on that book… looks like a keeper. :)
Great review, makes me really want to read it! I love that Kate and Trevor had a contentious past, makes it interesting. I still love "The Rose of Winslow Street," haven't read "Against the Tide" yet although it's on my Kindle just calling my name…
You must get to Against the Tide soon, Lis. It's gorgeous. Happy reading of this and your Kindle edition of ATT. Enjoy both. :)
Great review! I was a little hesitant about this one since I didn't really enjoy Into the Whirlwind but if it is almost as good as Against the Tide then I can't wait! AtT was amazing, especially Bane! :)
Yes. Yes. Yes. Against the Tide was ah-ma-zing because of Bane. Period. ;) That guy… *swoon* He's really the perfect description of a "perfectly flawed hero." Hope this one doesn't disappoint, Abbi. *crosses fingers*
Yay! I have this one in eARC format, but haven't read it yet. I'm so glad I requested this one! :) Now I just need to get it read. I've got too many books, if there is such a thing. Lol!
Hope you like it, Tressa. It's oh-so good. Not that I'm surprised. ;) Happy reading.
As for your rhetorical thought… yes and no! I suspect there is such a thing as too many books, but then… maybe not. ;)