Typical to what we’ve come to expect from the talents of Irene Hannon, her final novel in her latest (aka my favorite!) series is no let down. Yet, somehow Deceived is creatively new and different.
STORY: Deceived is the story of grieving mother, Kate Marshal whose husband died three years ago. She also believes her four-year-old son died in the same boating accident, but Keith’s body was never found. When a chance encounter in a busy shopping mall leads her to believe that her son is still alive, Kate employs the help of Phoenix, INC. detective Connor Sullivan. This she does in the hope that she will finally have the answers that have plagued her for years. What neither one of them expected was the web of secrets they’d uncover.
‘DECEIVED,’ BY IRENE HANNON #bookarchives Share on XDeceived, by Irene Hannon | Book Review
This trilogy has actually been one of my favorites from Irene or really, in this genre period. It’s been somehow, indescribably different which is what let it have a voice all its own. One of the funniest bits is the banter between the three partners (Dev, Cal and Connor). Getting back on task with the specifics of Deceived, what I appreciate most is this isn’t the same kind of edge-of-your-seat suspense as the norm. Hannon manages to find “new” devices to ensure the pages keep turning (no kidnapping the heroine here!). Instead, wonderfully the danger that does amp up the climax doesn’t overstay its welcome and does just what it sets out to!
Some readers may not enjoy this story as well because it’s more information gathering and conversations than car-chase-happy, but I like this missing element. One of my biggest pet peeves in suspense novels is the lack of “real” (or appropriate passage of time) one-on-one time with the leading couple who fall in love. By eliminating that high-action mentality, Irene allows the reader to revel and enjoy the burgeoning romance between Connor and Kate. She gives it more depth and emotional stability because of that – plus the ending is darling. Following in the good character traits is the interesting “villain” character; he’s more conflicted than most and isn’t the stereotypical evil person we’ve come to expect. Yet another way Irene Hannon’s books are anything but ordinary.
If you like suspense novels and if you’ve been reading this series, you’ll enjoy reading Irene Hannon’s latest; the final book ends very well and does justice to the series.
About the Book:
Author: Irene Hannon
Publisher: Revell
Source: Publisher
Publication Date: 2014
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Series: Private Justice, book 3
Genre: Fiction; Suspense
Rating: 5 out of 5
Sincere thanks to the publisher for providing a complimentary copy of Deceived for reviewing purposes.
My favorite of the series too!
Yay! Glad you enjoyed it, Dawn. I'll be sure be reading your review. :)
That's it. I am definitely reading this book. And the sooner, the better.
I wasn't a huge fan of the first book in the series but I remember simply LOVING The Guardian of Justice series because of its superb characterisation. Your pet-peeve in suspense novels is one of mine as well . How are we suppose to believe the characters are truly in love and not just attracted to each other if we don't witness their relationship evolve? I'm absolutely in favour of character driven stories so when I hear about a book with well-drawn characters, my curiosity is definitely piqued (+ the synopsis for Deceived as I've already mentioned is very intriguing).
Enjoyed reading your review, Rissi.
Wasn't a big fan of the first book in the Private Justice Series, I mean.
Last comment : Sorry but have I told you how much I liked your blog's new design, Rissi? VERY nice.
Oh Ganise, you should totally read it! It is by far the best in the series!
Can't wait to read it, Dawn!!
*bites nails* Well, now I'm nervous, Ganise. I sure hope this one isn't a letdown then – especially given you didn't love book one. Happy reading. :)
In my opinion, this suspense novel stands apart from the rest of its peers; it's just SO good.
No apologies for multiple comments; I love any and all. And yes, this is relatively new. Thank YOU. I struggled a bit getting this one "squared away," but I hope (for now) it's okay. :)
Dawn: ditto! :)
Rissi, I'm always just slightly behind you in posting reviews ;D I think I'll be posting mine in a day or two, but I fully agree with you – loved this one! I hadn't read anything by Irene before but this was definitely worth it. The premise was just so captivating, and I don't think I've ever felt sympathy for a villain before like I did in certain scenes. I'm eager to read the rest of her series. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Well, I'll be excited to read your review, Jillian; whenever it arrives. :) I'm behind on blogging too – and in fact am surprised I managed to get this one posted today. (Still working on tomorrows entries!)
Yay for a fellow fan! I'm so glad you loved this one too; definitely go back and read the rest in this series as well as some of Irene's older books if you enjoyed her writing. I think this is my favorite of hers (series) so far, but her older "Heroes" books are good too.
If you "liked" how this villain was, you'd be interested in her others from this series too. So brilliant! :)
Love this review, Rissi! I'm in the middle of reading Deceived and am really enjoying it so far. Totally agree to what you said about the one-on-one time with the leading characters. :) Now I really want to check out the other books in this series too! :)
Thank YOU for reading, Bekah. Glad you're enjoying this one too; it's probably my favorite from Irene yet and of course I adore this entire series. Happy reading – and I'll look forward to your review. :)
Well, obviously I need to check this series out. I think I saw it on NG. I'll go look again and request it and then read the other books before it. I do enjoy these types of books, especially when they're written well. :) I also love when a series ends well. That last book can really put a damper on a series.
This is definitely my favorite series from Irene so far and already I'm hoping her new 2015 series gets off to a good start. Betting it will. ;)
Sure hope you enjoy these if/when you read them, girl.
Hi, like suspense novels and if you’ve been reading this series, you’ll enjoy reading Irene Hannon’s latest; the final book ends very well and does justice to the series.
So glad to know Irene’s latest series ends well, Lisa! I am sure I’m behind on reading her more current novels but know I did used to read them ALL THE TIME! :) Thanks for sharing and the visit here (and my apologies for the format of this review. It’s one I haven’t edited/reformatted since the Blogger to WordPress transfer.)