On My iPod Playlist 2014: Fun Music!


So. This post came together on a whim. You see, I was in the middle of a project earlier in the day only to realize, tomorrow (or today), is FRIDAY… what am I going to post to the blog!? That was followed by, “oh, no worries I have something on my trusty USB archive disc of files.” Wrong. Following this is then the realization that alas, I haven’t really  written any reviews for a long time. Which means there are tons I need to write and gush over and encourage you to gush with me. But, they’ll have to wait for next week and following. If I haven’t given you all too much information, we’ll just move on from here. It IS Friday, after all, so let’s talk about our iPod playlist 2014.

On My iPod Playlist 2014: Fun Music! Sharing some of the things on my iPod playlist 2014; what are you loving? Text © Rissi JC

Recently I’ve been having some music talk on Twitter and various other places, this made my choice of topic seemingly perfect for today. Why not share some of the songs that have been enjoying LOTS of repeats on my iPod of late (aka, those songs I don’t hit “skip” when they begin) or those I recently found and plan on enjoying on repeat. Yes, there are always several that I’m obsessing over. Some of those are as follows.

iPod Playlist 2014

Dan + Shay, ’19 You + Me.’

Okay, yes, I know this is more a “young” story tune, but I can’t help it. It’s happy and cute and fun.

Playing on My iPod. Sharing some of the things on my iPod playlist 2014; what are you loving? Text © Rissi JC / RissiWrites.com

Lady Antebellum, ‘747’

Haven’t really listened to much of this in all honesty because my physical copy isn’t here yet, but I do like the title track or I did when listening to it via my MP3 download.

Megan Nicole, ‘Feel So Close’

Okay, the blame for this one goes to Meryl and Maks DWTS tango last season; can we just take a moment to again brag on its beauty, I adored everything about said tango – the movement, the passion, the dancers, and this cover version of the song it was danced to just happens to be the one I bought, so it’s the one that goes on the list.

Christina Perri, ‘Human.’

Yet another song I can lay blame to DWTS for. See the show is good for more than just overhyped drama. Or glitter.

Taylor Swift, ‘Shake it Off.’

You knew this one would be on here, right? I know there  are lots of you who don’t like this song, but for me, it’s “that” song that instantly puts me in a good mood when it cycles through on my shuffle mode.

That’s all I’ll say since I’ve bored you enough on Twitter as regards this one.

Carrie Underwood, ‘Something in the Water.’

I was so-so about this one first time I heard it because it’s different than Carrie’s usual songs, but after multiple listens… I’m a fan! Cannot wait for more new tracks from this lovely artist.

Other songs I’m always putting on repeat is anything by Florida Georgia Line (what, I can’t help it!) and I’m thrilled they, along with Little Big Town have new albums nearly here! Bring it on, country awesome-ness. Plus, I just bought Birdy’s ‘Not About Angels’ from ‘The Fault in our Stars’ soundtrack (and I’ve been told this song is lovely) and the track-listing for Nicholas Sparks’ The Best of Me leaves me excited.

What about all of you? What iPod Playlist songs are you loving? Or have you recently discovered? Any recommendations you have, toss them my way. Let’s talk.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Besides the Avett Brothers (who I always listen to), I've also been listening to Lauren Shera's album Gold and Rust basically nonstop. But that might be cheating because it's not a recent discovery…I've been listening to it for about a year now. :) I stumbled across it for free on Noisetrade back then, but apparently she just recently rereleased on September 16th. Anyway, it's the same album and I'm obsessed with it. It's so good.

    1. Ooo! Thanks for mention your favorite album, Kristin; I'm ALWAYS up for new recommendations. No cheating at all – any and all favorite music talk is a go. :)

  2. I used to listen, in the past, to a lot of country and pop music, and I do still listen to some, occasionally….

    However, I have transitioned into a love for KLOVE! It's my favorite radio station! I think I know just about every song on there & knowing the focus on all the music is in worship to our Savior, is the Best!

    My faves:
    For King & Country- Fix My Eyes,
    Meredith Andrews- Not for a Moment, Open Up the Heavens,
    Plumb- Need You Now,
    Moriah Peters- Well Done, Brave,
    Mercy Me- Shake,
    Rhett Walker Band- Come to the River, Here's to the Ones,
    Sidewalk Prophets- What a Glorious Night

    I could go on & on… but that's just a few fave's from my ipod list!

    Thanks for sharing with us, Rissi!

    God Bless,

    "It's a Wonderful Movie" Blog

    ((BTW, don't tell, but… I also like Taylor's song "Shake it Off"! It is catchy & cute and I agree – it's a lot of fun!)) :) :)

    1. Well said, Net. There is plenty of Christian music I love too. As I've gotten older I've transitioned more away from it, just because many of my favorite artists don't put out records as they once did. But, still. My more recent favorite is "Blessings."

      I've got some favorites from For King & Country also, though I haven't listened to their new album. Must listen to more from Meredith (I think I have one of her CD's that I've not even opened yet!) and I've been needing to check out Moriah's music, too.

      Thanks for commenting, Net – and no worries. Your Taylor Swift love of 'Shake it Off' is safe with me. ;)

  3. Great list, Rissi! It's perfectly acceptable to love Taylor Swift — I do. I'm anxious to hear more from her upcoming album. I've heard it's going to be more "sonic", less country. That's fine by me, I like her singing anything ;)

    I actually hadn't heard Carrie Underwood's new one yet. Thanks to you, I listened and loved it!

    Lately I've been stuck on Phillip Phillips' latest album, along with Taylor Swift's album "Red" (particularly All Too Well and Holy Ground), "Slow Your Breath Down" by Future of Forestry, and "Love Is War" & "Scandal of Grace" by Hillsong United.

    1. Same here, Courtney. Cannot wait to listen to the rest of '1989.' It promises to be an awesome album and really, like you, I'm excited to see what a no-country album sounds like from her. ('All too Well' and 'Holy Ground' are two of my favorites as well.)

      Yay for the new Carrie Underwood song. Glad you loved it – it's lovely.

      Haven't listened to Phillip Phillips latest songs, though I love 'Home.' :)

  4. Oh, I love "Human" and "Shake It Off." The music video of "Shake It Off" turned me off the song for a bit, but on relistening I've discovered that I really like it. Like you said, it just puts one in a good mood :)

    I've personally been hitting "repeat" on the Boyer Family Singers' new album, The Big Debut. I purchased it on iTunes and have been loving "Bei Mir Bist Du Schon," "(I've Got A Guy In) Kalamazoo," and "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy."

    dance a real

    1. Me too, Hannah! I discovered 'Human' on DWTS, but it's now a favorite. Yeah I'm so-so with the music video. Sometimes I am cool with it, other times I find it a bit… "out there." Though when you listen to her explain the vibes she wanted, it all makes sense.

      Thanks for sharing some favorites – who isn't up for some new songs to look up!? :)

  5. LOVE this post, Rissi! It's so nice to see Carrie's new single on your list ;) Isn't it so good? I agree it's very different from her usual music but I love the message. I haven't listened to Lady Antebellum's yet but I want to! And I love that cover of "Feel So Close." Thanks for sharing :D

    1. Thanks for commenting, Jillian. Carrie's new song is lovely and like many in the past, I'm pretty sure the more I listen, the more I'll love it. It IS good. Lady A, I didn't love(love) what I'd heard so far, but I mean, beating 'Just a Kiss' is pretty tough. Hoping when I have the time – and my physical copy, I'll fall for it. Yay! Glad you liked 'Feel So Close.' That was the one I bought after buying it from its DWTS debut. :)

  6. I love listening to music recommendations! I'll definitely be checking out those on your list and in the comments I haven't heard yet. Right now I'm on the lookout for upbeat songs with a fast beat since I started running again (yay!!!) after a two-year break due to plantar fasciitis in my foot- total pain. I'm loving Shake It Off and Cruise by Florida Georgia Line and Nelly.. and my favorite jam is Harlem by New Politics. I also love finding music from movie soundtracks because I already have associations with the songs. My favorite soundtracks are from Dan in Real Life, Pieces of April, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Dear Frankie, Juno, Whip It, Pride and Prejudice (2005 version), 10 Things I Hate About You, and Across the Universe.

    1. YES! Upbeat songs are the BEST, Heidi – and hooray for running again! Go you. I never try to hard with exercise though I often *think* about it – does yard work count!? ;)

      Lovin' 'Shake it Off' as well as 'Cruise.' It's STILL one of my favorites.

      Ooo! The 2005 P&P soundtrack IS gorgeous! I remember buying that CD and I still have it. *sigh* So pretty. Haven't listened to any of the other soundtracks you mention but I'm thinking I totally should. :)

  7. I've been listening to a lot of Lindsay Sterling, Audiomachine, Two Steps from Hell, Lights by Ellie Goulding, and Of Monsters and Men. All great music to listen to while writing. :)

    1. I've heard of Lindsay I believe, but not the other artists you mention, with exception to Ellie. I should listen to 'Lights' again since I remember liking that song/album in general! Super glad you dropped by, Emma. Thanks for sharing – and music while writing? It's a winning combination. :)

  8. I wasn't originally a big fan of Shake it Off, but now I'm enjoying it more. Definitely a feel good song!

    Ooh, I hadn't heard the Carrie Underwood song, but I like it! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

    1. Definitely, Lea! 'Shake it Off' is one of those songs that tends to get under your skin, right!? ;)

      Glad I could introduce you to Carrie's new song; hope you enjoy it.

  9. I'll have to look up some of those.

    Shake it Off – yes the beat is catchy but I don't think the song is a favourite for me…

    Human – Now that one, yes. So good. I was introduced to it by a friend and, even though, I usually am not into what's popular, this one caught my attention.

    Nice post, Rissi – thanks for sharing!

    1. Hope you find some fun ones, Ganise; I still listen to and enjoy those from Brooke Fraser you recommended once upon a time.

      Shake it Off; nothing wrong with that! Just because a song is popular doesn't mean it's good for everyone.

      Human; YES! Glad you enjoy that one. I do too. There is just something beautiful and even "haunting" about it.

      Thank YOU for reading. :)

  10. LOVE this post, Rissi! One of my favorite things to do on the internet in my spare time is music hunt. ;) So thanks for sharing good recommendations!

    I really liked that "Feel So Close" cover… I haven't caught up with DWTS quite yet but I will have to be on the lookout for that song now! Also liked the Carrie, Lady A, Little Big Town, Birdy, FGL, and Christina Perri shoutouts. I'm pretty interested in checking out the FIOS, Best of Me, and Mockingjay Part 1 soundtracks as well.

    I'm currently obsessed with "Distance" by Christina Perri ft. Jason Mraz… SO good. Also, "All About That Bass" by Megan Trainor. I practically wake up singing that song nowadays. Bad, I know. :)

    1. Me too, Bekah; I confess I've probably wasted more time than I should on music hunting. But, hey, it's WAY too fun, right!? ;)

      I'm not sure if that was the first song I came across in looking up the song 'Feel So Close' or if it was more I wasn't familiar with the artist who originally sang the song, but I'd bought some of Megan's songs before so I went with that. Not sure. Either way, it's a song I always listen to. Sounds like some great soundtracks to look into – hope they're good.

      Yay more songs to look up ('Distance') and YES! I'm only recently interested in 'All About that Bass' too. I can again blame DWTS for this. ;)

  11. Oh! This post came at the right time for me!! I've been looking for some new music to download. I actually loved Carrie Underwood's new one on first listen, but I have such a wide taste in music. I'm one of those persons who don't like Swift's new one. :( I think I would go with it except she swears in that bridge and I've got little ears at home even if it didn't bother me, which it does, so I can't even download it and I was so disappointed. You know? I love, love, love Human!! That one's been on my iPod for a while.

    Do you want to know some of my favs right now?
    – Celine Dion's Incredible. Love singing and dancing to that one.
    – Unconditionally by Katy Perry – I don't love her, just I like a few of her songs
    – One Republic's Native – I've always loved their sound and I have all their albums
    – Say Something by A Big Wide World & Christina – Yep. Still love this song. My husband and I like to sing and do the parts in the car. He's (my husband) got a great voice and its fun to sing with him and have our kids all join in. <3
    – Automatic by Miranda Lambert
    – Hold On by Colbie Caillat
    – A Sky Full Of Stars by Coldplay
    – Even The Stars Fall 4 U and Come Back to Me (and others on this album-Fuse) by Keith Urban – I've got a huge crush on him. ;)

    So glad you shared! :)

    1. Yay! I'm glad, Tressa; and me too! I am always hunting for new music and sometimes it's just a whim buy that is the best kind of new find. Glad you're a fan of Carrie's too – I'm liking it more and more each time I hear it. I totally understand your reservations about Taylor's new song – my family was like that too, when we were young there was NOTHING my parents didn't screen first.

      *high five* 'Human' is awesome. :)

      Absolutely, I want to know some of your favorites! That's what this post is all about. :)

      – Haven't heard much from Celine to be honest.
      – I'm the same way with Katy Perry, 'Firework' is one I listen to.
      – I'll have to look into more of OneRepublic since I do like their 'Apologize,' or I think that's the song I own from them…
      – This one sounds fun, especially since it gets your entire family singing. Those are what memories are made of. :)
      – I've been asking myself WHY I've not listened more to Miranda's new album… *makes note to do so*
      – Must listen to more of Colbie's new album too… *sigh* I'm so behind.
      – Haven't heard any from Coldplay, that I know of…
      – Love that song title – seriously, where have I been!? ;)

      Glad YOU shared. Thanks. :)

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