‘The Huntsman: Winter’s War:’ Ice Palace, Warriors and A Love Story


Good afternoon lovely readers and friends. This past Saturday, I went to the movies and because I review nearly everything I see, naturally I reviewed said movie. Of course, the purpose in going was to review this one for “work,” so I didn’t have a choice. The film I went to see is the critic bashed The Huntsman, Winter’s War. Let me tell you friends, my mother went with me, and we both absolutely adored this one

FILM REVIEW | Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

The Huntsman Winter's War

Is it perfect? Absolutely not! (Not that this bothers me because, what is?)

Could it have better balanced its humor against the darker elements? Perhaps.

Might it have done better as a straight prequel or sequel? Possibly.

Discover the origins of Snow White's Huntsman in this stylish #fairytale! #SnowWhite #Fairytale #Movies #CharlizeTheron #EmilyBlunt #ChrisHemsworth Click To Tweet
The Huntsman Winter's War

But, no matter what might have been changed about it, as a fantasy flick with a strong fairytale theme (with contemporized visuals), this is gold. I loved every second of it though I missed Snow White’s presence, Chris Hemsworth made up for a lot. *wink* The production from start to beginning is stunning. The cast magnificent, and the costumes!? Yeah. Those are masterpieces all on their own.

Below you can read a snippet of my review which went live today on Silver Petticoat, and find direct links to read it in its entirety should you be interested.

The Huntsman Winter's War

The Huntsman: Winter’s War – An Enchanting Dark and Romantic Fairytale

Four years, multiple story revisions and casting rumors later, the follow-up to 2012’s Snow White and the Huntsman (or SWATH as it’s commonly referred to) is finally here. The characters who returned for the sequel treat us to quite a journey that takes place in the same world as its predecessor. Or at least it’s a return to the same world for our titular character (played to perfection by the rugged Chris Hemsworth). High fantasy lovers will be delighted as the production qualities are, in my opinion, off the charts good. Continue Reading on Silver Petticoat Review ➔

CONTENT: The Huntsman is more adult than SWATH with two non-graphic sex scenes (one of which has barely avoided upper female nudity). There’s also plenty of fantasy violence.

Have you seen The Huntsman or Snow White and the Huntsman? Did you like them, dislike them or have so-so feelings? Share your thoughts below! I’d love to read them.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Oh, I am *so* looking forward to this movie! Hopefully I'll make the trip to the theaters soon…just have to find someone to go with. ;) I was worried about there being no Snow White (I really liked the original movie) but like you said, I'm sure Hemsworth makes up for it. :D

    1. I *really* liked the original too, Bekah. In fact, I'm going to watch it closer to this one's DVD release (which probably will be a quick turnaround given the bashing it has taken) just to contrast and compare better since it's been a while since I watched SWATH. Plus, I also really liked the romantic angle in the first movie, and without Snow, that's impossible in this one. Still, hope you enjoy it, friend. I'd love to know what you thought if you do (good or bad).

  2. This is one we'll definitely see. I didn't love the first one, but I loved the costumes and overall effects, as you said, they are done marvelously well. And I love Chris Hemsworth. Looking forward to it!

    1. You might be in a better place having not seen SWATH, Tressa. It seems those who did see the first movie were even more disappointed in this one. I wasn't (in the end), but I think I'm in the minority. Happy watching – and let me know what you thought! :)

    1. It's really good, Carla. Such a unique little fantasy picture. Of course, it's nothing "serious" in that it has lots of humor, but I loved it nonetheless – especially considering the cast! :)

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