Forever Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon – The Final Journey to Doon

STORY: The Scottish adventures of best friends Vee and Mackenna draw to a close in Forever Doon, the final novel of the series. As the story opens, things pick up immediately where Shades of Doon (book three) left off. Vee is in Doon while Mackenna is stuck in contemporary Scotland without means of returning to the place she now thinks of as home. Vee believes her beloved Jamie is dead and gone leaving Doon’s queen solely responsible for the safety of their people. With the Brig o’ Doon destroyed (a feat orchestrated to protect their people), Mackenna and Duncan strive to keep those who managed to cross the bridge safe. But with an evil soul on the throne of Doon, their greatest battle is yet to come.
Forever Doon, by Carey Copy and Lorie Langdon
Reaching the end of what has become a journey, no matter the book realm, is often bittersweet. This is especially true when it’s a story like this series because there are a myriad of moving pieces. Co-author team Corp and Langdon packed this series with many interesting and adventurous happenings that kept the pace and story moving at a swift clip. This final novel is vastly different because it separates its primary four characters for a great portion of the story. This is no way lessens the excitement or the final book anticipation. In fact, it may even raise it.
‘FOREVER DOON,’ BY CAREY CORP AND LORIE LANGDON: THE FINAL JOURNEY TO DOON #bookarchives Share on XHard as it is to experience separation, I think the ploy helped the characters. They grow as individuals and become better people for it. It’s revealing to experience Vee “on her own” without the people she trusts most, and rise to the occasion of being an unstoppable leader. Likewise, it’s important to see Kenna and Duncan trapped in a world neither craved. It was heart wrenching to experience the bad caused by the chaotic villainess. Yet all was something I respected. Saying more wouldn’t be prudent because of spoilers.
As the characters grow up throughout this series, part of the reason this fourth story worked well was its darkness. The comedy isn’t as prevalent and the situation forces the characters to examine their hearts. I loved how their strengths and weaknesses were on equal display. Sometimes they were able to use both to conquer whatever faced them. As a side note, those fangirls who love something like Outlander will likely love the guys in this series. Just saying.
As everything draws to a close, it’s safe to say the authors’ give fans a fierce (lots of battle and girl power here, book nerds) conclusion. In my book blogging circle, this YA series has been one of the most popular, and it has an appeal that’s hard to ignore. The swoony romance of the series (this extends beyond the relationships) and battle of good vs. evil keeps things rolling in the right direction and is, at its best, one of the most entertaining YA series I’ve read. It was with ease that I fly through this final story and when we turn the final page, I’m pleased when “the end” arrives.
So much changes in Forever Doon and yet everything that happens still has roots in the magic we first fell in love with in that first novel. Pick up this fantasy novel. It’s enchanting with plenty of fairytale influences without sacrificing adventure.
About the Book:
Author(s): Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon
Publisher: Blink
Source: Publisher Provided
Publication Date: 2016
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Series: Doon, book 4
Genre: Fiction; Young Adult/Teen, Time Travel, Fantasy
Rating: ★★★★
Sincere thanks to the publisher for providing a complimentary copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
Review text is © Copyright 2011-2016 Rissi JC and first appeared on
Oh!!! *insert heart eyes here* I can't believe the day has finally come! Since I'm just starting this one and need to review soon, I'll come back to read your review ASAP but I really just wanted to share my excitement!! Also, your book review graphic is sooo pretty. You really have a talent for graphic design!
Right!? It's sort of scary when we realize a book series we started from the beginning is now at its close – especially those series that release once a year. Makes us realize that – *yikes* – four years have come and gone, and it all passed WAY too quickly.
Hope you enjoy this one, Bekah – and I'm SO looking forward to reading your review, friend. (And thanks. I probably spend too much time on this graphic creation pursuit, but it's fun.)
This sounds like a WONDERFUL BOOK!! I LOVE reading books with a "Scottish theme" to them, to My daughter; She is Autistic, and She Loves to read, but understands the books better, if I read them to her!! I See a *New set* of books for Christmas in "her future"!! ;-) lol
It is fun! Such a unique story of friendship and time travel. Hope you enjoy this series if you decide to get them – and I think you're daughter would really enjoy them; how fun you read to her. My family used to read books aloud together during the winter months and I still have fond memories of those winter nights. :)