Kate and Leopold (2001): Contemporary New York Becomes a Time Travel Portal in this Romance

Romantic comedies are something I never tire of. Even when filled with clichés, I return to them time and time again. Why is this? Because they make me happy. In this world, happiness is impossible to overdose on. For this reason, I’m willing to put up with commonplace copycats because at the genre’s heart, smiles and happily ever afters prosper. However, Kate and Leopold is a standout in the genre – even earning a Golden Globe nomination for Hugh Jackman’s memorable performance as the time-traveling Duke.  

In this romantic-comedy, we meet Kate McKay (Meg Ryan), a driven New York executive striving to get ahead in a man’s world. Her ex, Stuart (Liev Schreiber) is something of a nut case who believes time travel is possible. However, living in the same apartment building makes it hard to avoid one another. Despite a month passing since the demise of their relationship, the two still see each other often. (Kate even sneaks into his window to collect things like her PalmPilot!) Read the review in its entirety on Silver Petticoat Review →

Marriage is the promise of eternal love. As a man of honor I cannot promise eternally what I’ve never felt momentarily.

– Leopold, Kate & Leopold
Kate and Leopold (2001): Contemporary New York Becomes a Time Travel Portal in this Romance Share on X

Just as a fun note, I shamefully neglected mentioning this in my review, but something else I appreciate is that Leo isn’t depicted as a bumbling buffoon. So many historical-to-modern films do this and it’s annoying. This one gets it right, and we love that about Kate and Leopold.

Content: There are some minor profanities and a few “crude” sexual jokes, but overall the PG-13 rating isn’t abused.

Photos: Miramax

This review first appeared on Silver Petticoat Review. 

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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    1. I love that aspect of the script, Amanda. Too many of these time travel films make their characters something of an "idiot," and it just doesn't work. I adore that Leo is such a gentleman – in contemporary New York or 1800s New York (plus it helps that Jackman plays him ;D).

    1. YAY! Hope you enjoy, Molly. Until a week (or so) ago, I'd not seen this one either. It's worth the wait – plus HUGH JACKMAN stars, so yeah… there is that. ;) Let me know what you think.

    1. Right?! My reaction was very much the same, Kara. Especially considering all of our Twitter convos which told me how well you and Amber enjoy this one. :)

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