Despite growing up in a household that keeps up with what’s going on nationally, I didn’t truly take that much of an interest until the last five or so years. Since then I have certainly formed my own opinions. One of these, which I’m currently pondering, is the opinion reactions of people whom I respect based on their commentary. Something they seem to do is advise the people who listen to their podcasts, shows or commentary, is to not fall into trapping a or b, only to then turn around, and on a different subject they do the same. In this society, sadly, we have to be bolder. So, the question is, is this contrary commentary bad opinion?
DOES CONTRARY COMMENTARY CONTRIBUTE TO BAD OPINION? #DISCUSSION #OPINION #THOUGHTS #COMMENTARY #PODCASTS #POLITICALCOMMENTARY #POLITICS #POLITICAL Share on XI don’t agree with the premise agreeing with any one narrative. I tend to go against the flow, question things and I think for myself. In fact, that’s about ALL I do. Not in a what-is-the-universe kind of way. Rather in a do-I-agree-with-this or do-I-have-an-opinion kind of way. I consider things, from which I form my opinion. Sometimes my opinions shift or change just like they had in recent months. Other times they further cement.
When it comes to commentary, I don’t enjoy it. Not because the people providing it aren’t consummate professionals, but because the subjects are heavy. On my mind recently is how the same commentary can lean one way for subject A only to lean the opposite for the next subject. Lately, there’s a lot of this type of contrary commentary.

Sometimes applying something different to a different scenario is ok. In many ways, social media inspires this need to instantly react. And it’s because of social media that we know so many of these commentators supposed beliefs. Beliefs that then don’t always match their commentary. Some days I think it’s a disservice to the listener and the commentary. Other times it seems authentic. I think there’s good in taking each situation for what it is and considering each one.
As usual, my thoughts are a haphazard mess. Despite the game of ping pong, I think there’s good and bad in this kind of commentary. This said, when there’s no trust in reporting, it’s impossible to find anything good in any commentary.

Whatever your perspective on commentary, political or otherwise, of the different voices, some do a really good job at consistency and furthermore expressing them as that. Others aren’t quite as reasoned. Nonetheless, it’s a tough job that I envy no one in doing. Truth is, there are moments that challenge us all, but I think if convictions matter, then there shouldn’t be so many shifts.
I absolutely believe some things should be called out. I absolutely believe some things deserve to be called out. But some situations also call for grace. Sometimes today, we woefully forget this.
What are your thoughts on contrary commentary bad opinion (yes or no) and whether its honest or not? Do you trust it or no? Do you have people you trust? Or no? Comment all the comments! Let’s chat.
What are your thoughts on contrary commentary bad opinion (yes or no) and whether its honest or not? Do you trust it or no? Do you have people you trust? Or no? Comment all the comments! Let’s chat.

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