It’s fair to say society is no stranger to change. This is true of society worldwide as it’s true of closer to home society. Something else true is that culture shifts. financial and culture crisis

Culture right now is an interesting and crazy combination of things. There’s good and there’s bad, there’s intriguing poll trends and there’s depressing ones, not just for individuals, but the betterment of society. Something that has become an obsession in recent years is the incessant creation of panic. There’s an unusual number of people, podcasts, public figures, and social media users like myself, harping on everything being bad, and it’s only a matter of time before there’s some kind of financial or culture crisis.

Everywhere I turn there’s panic and sensationalizing. Sometimes it’s silliness. Sometimes it’s people telling others they’re unsympathetic if they don’t publicly support the cause they claim is the only one (usually this also is from an account talking about not chastising fellow Christians). Other times it’s this weird trend of you are only really living if you do or have x, y or z. No matter where you look, everyone, from a serious journalist or an influencer, is using this playbook.

It looks differently depending on their leanings, but everyone is doing this. 

Let me tell you, it’s exhausting.


DEAR EVERYONE, PLEASE CALM DOWN! Talking about the trend of promoting a #culture crisis and why it's more than a little exhausting. #Opinion #Financial #Discussion Share on X

The constant harping on what you should or shouldn’t do; the things you have to do to survive; commentary on what someone posits is next are all just parts in an endless string of things. The level of inundation is out of hand, and quite frankly I am over it.

Fear isn’t a societal new. There’s been countless end-of-life predictions. Though loudspeaker voices aren’t new either, I think there’s this new level with parroted messaging and new (aka social media) loudspeaker venues. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen essentially the same narrative telling you if you don’t do thing a or b; don’t have a or b; or don’t purchase this or that thing, then you’re not doing things right. And we come back to fear.

It’s kind of this weird culture of voices with sponsors getting clicks and popularity from this.

Something bad may happen, this is always a possible scenario. Bad exists. However, this doesn’t excuse the narratives that these audiences are being sold every day. It’s a bothersome trend that takes up far too much head space.

Even if I’m the one in the wrong, and everyone else is right, the way this consumes people in the interim should be reeled back. It’s causes people at worst to not do life to its fullest, and at best, from enjoying life.

What I’ve learned and am still learning is excluding and limiting this from daily life is a wise choice. There’s more opportunity to truly think rather than be told how to feel. There’s more room to decide what you think about situations and see how everyday people react to things.

Whether anyone agrees or not, I can say one thing. Taking a different approach to what I listen to and view is enormously insightful. Instead of taking in perspectives daily, I step back and observe rather than support any one voice. So far, I haven’t found anyone who agrees this is a good perspective, but it doesn’t change my closing advice. My challenge to anyone is to take a break, and commit to it. If you too are feeling down or just find all of the voices overwhelming, it is okay. This doesn’t mean you are being unrealistic. It doesn’t mean you aren’t aware of what’s going on. All this means is you are able to recognize when there’s little sanity left.

So take that break and don’t let anyone tell you it’s wrong. Breathe, do something you enjoy. Listening to people daily (no matter who they are) is unhealthy. Plus, you’ll never know what perspective a break can give unless you give it a fair chance.

In the meantime, to everyone instilling these ideas, please… calm down.

What are your thoughts on the sensationalizing of everything? Do you think outlets are curating fear? Which sources do you think are most fair and honest with their audience? Do you listen to or read a source everyday? Have you felt similarly? What are your thoughts on the financial and culture crisis commentary? Comment all of your thoughts below. I welcome any and all respectful conversation.


DEAR EVERYONE, PLEASE CALM DOWN! Talking about the overwhelming and "popular" trend of panic creation with financial and culture crisis.

Thank you for visiting; please come back soon.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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