Picture Perfect by Janice Thompson
Story: Hannah Grace is tired of her life being a series of “almosts.” Though the eldest in her family, she is the only one not yet married and is in fact, still living at home with her parents whose repetitive routines are enough to make any girl go mad. This time, Hannah has had enough: No more is she going to settle.

She has started her own business – a photography studio – plans on winning the favor of Bella Neely, Galveston’s most sought-after wedding coordinator and shoot the wedding of one of the music industry’s best talents, which could make or break her burgeoning career. First, she must get over the re-appearance of her high-school nemesis, Jacque Goldfaurb. This time, however, Hannah’s Jacque arrives in her competition, the handsome Drew Kincaid – a man whose good looks and beautiful eyes may tempt Hannah to stop thinking of Drew as the enemy. To make matters worse, there is an Irish legend that says the Kincaid’s and McDermott are mortal enemies. These near-misses, Hannah determines to ace!
Picture Perfect, by Janice Thompson | Book Review
If there is one author who has the romantic-comedy genre cornered, it’d be Janice Thompson. Her books have been one winner after the next and each one has been a delight coming alive with spunk and color with its quirky antic and loveable characters. Her brand-new new series is no different. In fact, if it is possible, I adore Hannah more (only by a smidgeon) than I did the memorable Bella and company back in the fictional trio, “Weddings by Bella.” If you have an aversion to over-the-top comic mishaps, this may not be the book for you. There are moments that may overreach but at the heart, this is a charming read.
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Picture Perfect by Janice Thompson #FWarchives Share on XThe characters are as close to perfection as any book in this genre is ever to be; Hannah and Drew make an attractive match and catching up with the Neeley/Rossi clans was a hoot. Given how much I complain that the romantic leads often meet “too” soon (I realize that sounds strange), it did surprise me how much I missed them not meeting until several pages in. In this case, it was tolerable because Drew and Hannah knew each other; we just weren’t privy to it since it happens off-page. I suspect part of this is because the story is a first person POV and also, anyone who has a complaint about the time it took to put the leads together should feel quite engaged in that first meet cute.
Memorable hysterics though the viewpoint of an intriguing image behind the camera lend elements of realism to everything about Picture Perfect. The only minor flaw is that the antics of the supporting characters do overwhelm Hannah and Drew’s blossoming relationship. From that first get-together with Bella’s family to Hannah’s failing attempts not to fall head over heels for Drew’s charm – primarily by imagining him as her teenage nemesis, it’s always a surprise what is around the next corner.
Somewhere between the Monday nights spent watching Dancing with the Stars (a situation that reminded me all too much of my own) and the celebrity wedding of the year, I fell in love with another of Thompson’s Texas big comedic sagas that left me bemoaning book two’s summertime release. It cannot come quickly enough!
About the Book:
Author: Janice Thompson
Publisher: Revell
Publication Date: 2013
Series: “Weddings by Design” (book one)
Genre: Fiction; Christian, Romantic-Comedy
Rating: 4 ½ out of 5
With thanks to the publisher for providing Picture Perfect for reviewing purposes
Glad you liked this one too!! Cannot WAIT for Scarlet's story! :D
So looking forward to your review, Rosie! Will be watching for it on the dashboard this week. :)
Scarlet's story should be a good one! She was a riot. :)
Just requested this at my library after I read this post :) I'm really excited to get it and read this new series! I'm dying to revisit the families! And meeting new characters too I guess…I tend to love the older ones best, but we'll see! The next book sounds great too. The author seems to do well with weddings…but then it's such a happy time full of messes and chaos! Why not write about it?? :P Eagerly looking forward to this book now! Sierra
Keep growing beautiful!
Cool! Hope you like this book/series as well as you did Janice's prior books! It was a keeper. :)
The new characters are just as loveable as Bella and company and the laughs just as frequent. It's amusing to read about Bella and Dwayne's lives now even though they are in such a different phase of life.
Cannot wait to get your thoughts on this book/series, Sierra! Hope it arrives soon!
It's being transferred, slowly or else I would have had it today :( Cannot wait to revisit the old characters. I can't help feeling it might be a little weird :P And I hope the laughs are still coming because the WBB series really did make me laugh out loud :D Sierra
Keep growing beautiful!
Oh, bummer, Sierra. :/ Hope it arrives ASAP.
Janice still has a great voice in Hannah. Enjoy!
I'm definitely going to read the next book, because her plots are always so funny! But I agree, the supporting characters do sometimes fully overshadow the main story!
Given how cute and anit-stereotypical Scarlet was? Book two should be terrific. :)
You are AWESOME!!! So glad you enjoyed Hannah's story. I love Scarlet's, too, because I happen to be a cake decorator. :) Maybe I'll have a cake decorating party to debut the next book. Ha! Are you coming to my Bing & Bob party to celebrate the release of Picture Perfect? Here's a link to the specifics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hw0Z5wuYIaA
It was a delight from the first page to the final words, Janice! Thank YOU for writing such a charming, funny, romantic story.
Thanks for the info. for the party! It's very much appreciated though unfortunately, I am not a Facebook-er. And for stopping by – CANNOT wait for Scarlet's story. How neat that you were able to write such a relatable story! That in and of itself sounds fun. :)