Grave Consequences by Lisa T. Bergren


Grave Consequences by Lisa T. Bergren. Review of the historical novel from 2013; book two in the Grand Tour series. Text © Rissi JC

STORY: Since first discovering she was a part of the prosperous, wealthy American copper family, the Kensington’s, Cora has begun to forge relationships with her half-siblings and their traveling party. Near-death experiences and grand parties have fashioned some of the most harrowing and wonderful experiences of Cora’s life. Feeling more accepted by her two sisters and brother, her heart has been thrown into turmoil.

Dashing and handsome with a wealth beyond her imagination, Cora catches the eye of Pierre, a member of Paris’ aristocracy whose wealth her father’s company welcomes. But his lifestyle seems more akin to that of royalty to the simple farming upbringing Cora had. Enchanted by his suit and kind-hearted manners, were her heart not already given to the young tour guide, Will – whom her stern father would never approve of – Cora could see herself welcoming Pierre’s suit. How can she go about pleasing her new family, protecting Will from the wrath her father could surely unleash all while staying true to her own self?

Grave Consequences, by Lisa T. Bergren | Book Review

Picking up immediately where the first novel, Glamorous Illusions left off, Lisa’s second chapter in the lives of the Kensington-Morgan clans travels is no less decedent in its settings featuring a compelling, “real” heroine and the best part of all, it shows no sign of letting up as reader’s gear up for the final novel in the trilogy. Never is there a dull moment in Cora’s overseas travels that continues on through Austria, France and Italy. The skill with which Lisa writes this book is unparalleled. History lovers should never feel slighted with the detail carefully inter-woven into the heart of the novel. Chocked full of interesting historical tidbits for any reader who enjoys fascinating fiction with a historical framework, the author never misplaces the concept of what this started out to be; a coming-of-age saga involving a girl whose identity has suddenly been upended.  

Grave Consequences by Lisa T. Bergren #FWarchives Click To Tweet

Cora’s heroine is a wonderful personification. Her character is not only likable but also a sympathetic personality who is easy to relate too – we’ve all at some point struggled with a form of identity, it’s a part of the growing up process. The first person narration seems understanding of that leading Cora to become more of a “friend” than an impersonal character. The stage on which
Cora’s self-doubts, dreams and confusions play out is opulent and thought-provoking.

Much as I love romance (and there is plenty of that smoldering here, never fear!), what is so poignant is the abiding fear struck in Cora that she’ll never want to turn back from the life of comfort she was swept into. One of the characters’ who is far too often in the shadows of everyone else is, Anna. I adore her conversations with Cora and the genuine advice she imparts to her mistress. Then there are the charms of the romantic triangle. Pierre is, of course back along with Will, the young guide (or Bear).

It isn’t hard to like both men even though we all probably have a frontrunner. For Cora the choice is clear – for readers, both will likely make you swoon at some point or another. *wink*

If you’ve not yet been swept up into the charms of Lisa’s Grand Tour, there is no better time; wait no longer. It’s a journey you won’t want to miss!  

About the Book:

Author: Lisa T. Bergren
Publisher: David C. Cook
Publication Date: 2013
Series: “Grand Tour” (book 2)
Genre: Christian Fiction; Historical
Rating: 5 out of 5

With thanks to Litfuse and the publisher for providing a complimentary copy of this book for reviewing purposes.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Loved this book! So glad to see you liked it too, Rissi. :) AND thank you for including the cover for the next book! I saw it via Twitter and was/am SO excited. :)

    1. You and I both, Charity! Looking forward to your review next week.

      Loved chatting with you on Twitter about the new cover for book three. Now we have to await the fall release. It's such torture. ;)

    1. Thank you for sharing these stories, Lisa. We sure appreciate you writing such a memorable series – it's one for the keeper shelf. :)

  2. Can I just say I don't care for Will much at all? I really have no idea why! I guess maybe he's just not a "bad boy" like I like when I'm reading a book. I like Pierre because he has that aura of mystery and roguishness about him that I'm a sucker for. I don't know. Hopefully he'll grown on me if he's to be Cora's one and only. ;-)

    Great review!


    1. Of course, Renee! I was going to chat with you about that on your blog but wasn't sure if you meant Will or Pierre… glad you brought it up. I am usually the girl who roots for the guy I assume will be the "loser" in the end – unless he's a jerk. Like in the film, Red Riding Hood, I wanted Valerie to look at Henry differently. In the 'Baily Flannigan' series, I always liked Brandon better for Bailey than Cody. And on the list could go. In this case, I love Will but am also very much a fan of Pierre's. Sadly, I suspect he may not turn up again in book three…?

      I hope you end up liking Will more also, Renee. I'd suspect he'll end up being Cora's mate also. :)

  3. I found the first book free for Kindle a while back but haven't read it yet. No idea why. I'm thinking I need to change that! Nice review, as always. :)

    1. Hope you enjoy this series then, Kara. It's quite memorable. :)

      Thanks for reading – and I'll look for your thoughts on Glamorous Illusions.

    1. I cannot wait for you to read this one either, Rosie! Hope you enjoy whenever you are able to read it…

      Isn't that cover gorgeous!? We were all a-twitter over it on Twitter a few days ago, which I think it deserves. :)

      Thanks for reading, Rosie.

  4. A very compelling review, Rissi. I haven't read Glamous Illusions yet, but from the sound of the second book, I may have to check it out. :-) I've been to Europe myself, so I'm eager to find out if I recognize all the places described in the books.

    1. Hi, Gwendolyn! So glad you dropped by.

      I hope you can read 'Glam' soon as it's a really nice historical series but is also a great character study and being partial to that element always makes the book more worthwhile. I'd enjoy reading your take on this series. :)

      Really!? You've been to Europe!? That is awesome; it is definitely a someday dream. :)

  5. I've been wanting to read this one and need to get Glamorous Illusions first, I think? I love her style of writing and am looking forward to this series. Thanks for the review!!

    1. Hello, Joanne! Yes, I'd recommend reading Glamorous Illusions first. The two books seem rely on one another in many element even though there are "reminders" throughout book two of all that happened in Glam. Lisa does write a fabulous, compelling story. And this series in particular is definitely a favorite. :)

      Thanks for reading and stopping by, Joanne! I appreciate it. :)

  6. I just downloaded the first book of this series as a ebook and will surely read it soon. I've heard nothing but great things about these books on the blogs I follow.

    1. They are such enjoyable reads, Birdienl. Hope you enjoy! :)

      Let me know what you think if/when you read it as I'd enjoy getting your opinion.

    1. Thanks bunches, Chelsey for following along – I've enjoyed your lovely blog and look forward to some fun book conversation also. :)

      Thanks for reading – this series has been such a great one, now I cannot wait for the last novel. Hopefully it ends well.

    1. Same here, Melanie. Love this entire series (so far!) and am eager to see how it all ends. The book is awaiting for me to read – and being quite tempting also. :)

      Hope the ending is a good one for you.

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