‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ (2009)
After three successful X-Men movies in which the adventures of Marvel’s mutants continue to play out. But at this point in the timeline, it seems filmmakers decide it’s a good time to backpedal into history and tell Logan’s story. In X-Men Origins: Wolverine fans are treated to a bitter rival between brothers and a cliché romance in what is, nevertheless, an entertaining movie.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) MCU Film Review
Until the death of the man who raises him, young Jimmy Logan didn’t know the power of his mutant powers. This death prompts him to murder the man he doesn’t know is his father, and go on the run with his older brother Victor. Victor (Liev Schrieder) travels through generations and many wars, and his taste for death is soon something not even Logan (Hugh Jackman) can foil. Their lives change when a man named Stryker (Danny Huston) approaches them, and asks that go on a recovery mission. A team of fellow mutants is put together including John Wraith (Will I Am) and Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds). Reluctantly Logan agrees. It’s on this mission that he sees how bad his brother’s thirst for destruction is. The lines blur, and Logan walks away.
Six years later, Logan lives a peaceful live in the Canadian Rockies working at a logging camp and falling in love with Kayla (Lynn Collins). His comfortable life shatters when Stryker returns with news that one by one, former members of the unit are dying. Logan’s refusal to return brings Victor back into his life with horrific consequences.
‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ (2009). A review of the Hugh Jackman Marvel film. #MovieArchives #Movies #Marvel #HughJackman Share on XFILM REVIEW | ‘The Wolverine’: A Story about Courage
As a lesson in the history of a character cornerstone to the X-Men series, this isn’t a bad movie. Some of the methods of the story are a stereotype, but this script explains a lot of what drives Logan. This makes it easier to understand him, especially not that I did follow up ‘Origins’ with X-Men. Soon as the film “settles in” and the story starts moving, my “movie radar” said nothing would end well. I had a pretty good idea the direction it was going and wasn’t surprised when, yep, it goes there. Every writer knows, the easiest way to push a protector or good guy’s buttons is to take away what is most dear to him.
Like anything in this Marvel world, there’s cool special effects and of course, the cast is fun. The one BIG thing that puzzles me about the franchise is the intricate character connections there are. None of them seem in order or add up, and I’m left more confused than satisfied. Why does Emma Frost show up here when clearly she was (or is?) working for the terrorist mutants? How does Scott Summers play into ‘Origins’ only to no longer be a gangly kid when Logan is brought to Xavier? Or what about the time gap between Logan’s story and his X-Men introduction?
Either way, there’s some goofs over five movies. Still, the film is pretty good, and for that, it seems a decent edition to the popular Marvel series. Now, I’m eager to find out what comes next. Let the guessing games commence!
Content: the mutants all have a litany of powers, everything from mind reading to claws that impale. Countless characters die; there is a ton of explosions and various fiery crashes, a man is shot repeatedly in the head [non-graphic]. Innocent bystanders are die from a sniper rifle and the opening credits feature various war battles. There is several brief scenes of a nude man, from the backside as he attempts escape [prior to this, he undergoes a procedure that puts needles into his entire body]. There’s a brief inference a man is going to rape a woman [he throws her against a wall] and an unmarried couple lie in bed together. There’s one or two F-words, other minor profanities like sh*t, h*ll and the like plus a crude hand gesture. The film is PG13.
Bad, bad movie. The "new" Wolverine is much better than this one. And yeah, don't try and make the mythology line up, because it's not there — there are a LOT of inconsistencies between the prequels and the originals.
Oh, thank you! I am so glad you said there is no way the timelines line up – I thought it was only me (particularly since I watched most of these late at night) and had to ask myself, "should I even admit this!?" ;)
…I VERY much am looking forward to watching the "new" Wolverine movie, Charity – hopefully I'll have seen X2 and 'Last Stand' first. :)
The one I am most looking forward to is 'Days of Future Past.' I think that one is going to be EPIC.
One of the most glaring inconsistencies is between when Xavier was crippled and when he appears to be crippled in the original films. X3 I think has him walking around when he's middle-aged! Either way, don't analyze the changes too much or your head will implode.
I was surprised how much I liked the new "Wolverine" movie. It was strange in a way because it has so FEW mutants in it — just a handful, and most of them are characters we've never met before. It's more about family than anything else. Plus, the Japanese setting was pretty awesome. I love martial arts.
Can't wait for DoFP. Hope the trailer's good.
You know, at the end of 'Origins,' Xavier was walking (I think), and I had much the same reaction. It seemed off of the timeline given the story in 'First Class' or rather 'First Class' was "off" the timeline – either way, don't these people take more pride in their work than that!?
I thank you for saying that the mythology doesn't match up because like I said, I was wondering if it was just me. :)
Believe it or not, I've grown fond of several of the mutants, so I'll miss that element in 'Wolverine.' However, hopefully the rest will make up for that.
To jump right into your comments in the last paragraph, let me say this. First Class had NOT been made when this one was. If you look at it that way, then First Class is really the one with the inconsistency. It is totally possible for there to have been another time gap between when Summers was rescued to when Logan finds Xavier.
Anyway, that's my speculation. Glad you liked this one, despite the obvious cliches!
You are SO right, Rosie – thanks for that. I knew that while I was writing these, I guess I just didn't articulate that correctly. Revisions… here we come. :)
I did like it, Rosie! As a movie that tells the backstory of a key character, it was entertaining and I like it explains a lot about Logan.
I remember seeing this in theaters, and the only thing that kept me from walking out was Hugh Jackman…on the big screen. He was mighty fine to look at! It's definitely a fun movie but not really a great one – at least for me! :)
'Origins' isn't my favorite either, Katy. However as you say, it was "fun." Plus it does reveal a lot about Logan's character – clichés and all. ;)