Long Weekends


Three-day weekends are my favorite kind of weekends.  

I love those all-too-rare holidays that give us an “extra” day on the already too-short weekends; even if I do pay the rest of the week by being confused what the day is. Reaching the first of September ushers in a long weekend – Labor Day. For some, this holiday means a getaway or picnics and basking in the final rays of summer’s warm sunshine and taking advantage of that by boating or swimming. Unofficially, it’s the “end” of summer, to me, all this marks is a revelation over how quickly the year has gone. I am flummoxed. What happened to February? May? July 4th? I’m sure that it’s only yesterday I was watching New Year’s Eve and keeping an eye on the clock spindle inch ever closer to the midnight mark that would ring in 2013.

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Checking the calendar proves differently – we’ve reached summer’s end.  

With a week full of shopping trips, garden produce and temperatures soaring into the nineties with (bonus!) unbearable humidity, I’m more than ready for a relaxing weekend. My weekend will be all about a get-together with family; late nights watching favorite TV shows (hello, Once Upon a Time and NCIS!) and Hallmark movies, good food; more family, church; and of course, reading. After Friday, the weekend has a cooler forecast which will also make for a more pleasant outdoor weather unlike the stifling heat and is one of the best signs that the crisp air of autumn is just around the corner. Or that is what I am wishing for.   

What about all of you – how have you or will you be celebrating, this a bonus weekend day? What are some of your fave ways to spend, long, “lazy” weekend days?

However or wherever you spend it, I hope you have a sunny, wonderful time! Happy day. ♥

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. Aw, bummer! Sorry you had to work, Melissa. If there is an upside, I hope you made good progress so you can enjoy those days later this month! :)

  1. I need to do school even though it is Labor Day. . .I'm still working on "finishing up" from last year! Blech. It makes me ashamed to say it :P But I need a set grade in U.S. History and I need to ready myself for MTH 95 by getting a little further in Algebra 2. Still, my school year "officially" starts on September 4. Blech again.

    1. I don't blame you, Hannah! I'd have felt the same way. Hope you managed to make good progress on catching up. And good luck with school starting tomorrow. You'll do just fine, I am sure. :)

  2. I love three day weekends. We need more of them. :) Too bad mine is mostly packing up my apt. Boring! But I'm excited to get into a new place, so it doesn't make it so bad. Glad you had a fantastic weekend!

    1. Me, too, Jamie! They're my favorite kind because they mean family time. :) Love that.

      Hope things went well with your packing – and yay! How exciting to be getting a new place. That sounds fun, despite the work. ;)

    1. Ooo! I always love that kind of shopping, Juju. Once upon a time, my mom and I went every spring to let me pick out a new outfit for my piano recitals. That is a fun memory. :)

      I agree. Love spending lazy days with family.

    1. That works – since the day isn't any kind of "special" holiday, there is no need to observe anything. My weekend was "routine" in the sense that we didn't go on any day trips or the like, rather I always love that "extra" day for being epically fun. ;)

  3. Mine depends……do I want to do shopping…..or work on some college studies. I might do both =)

    But I'm savoring this weekend…because I am about to run around like a chicken with my head cut off because of life

    I hope you enjoy yours, Rissi <3

    1. Getting both things in – shopping and studies – would be a very productive day, Ella. Hope you managed it. Those are also the best kind of days. :)

      …oh, no! Will be thinking about you. Hopefully that "running around" is only the good kind of "life," and nothing bad. :)


  4. Not doing anything special today…catching up on some letter correspondence with a penpal, editing my draft and hopefully starting my article for Femnista and getting back to some comments on my blog! lol

    Hope you're having a wonderful long weekend! Three-day weeks are pretty awesome :)

    1. Yay. Writing in and of itself is special. Wish I would buckle down and get some done, Lianne – instead I "goof around" while on the computer. Note to self: Be productive! ;)

      Good luck with that editing and Femnista article. :)

      Three-day weekends rock! Even if they do confuse the rest of my week.

  5. I love having this long weekend before the school workload really kicks in– I've been reading The Catcher In The Rye all day and drinking various teas and hot cocoas :) I'm Skye by the way! I love reading your blog <3

    1. Hello, Skye! What a pleasure to meet you. I appreciate you commenting and please, feel free to join in any conversation anytime around here. You are most welcome.

      Long weekends are my favorites. Gotta' love that extra day. :) Glad you enjoyed the day reading and drinking those yummy beverages – sounds relaxing!

  6. My last day of the awesome 3-day weekend was spent with friends playing tennis, clue, spoons, (a more sporty version of it!) and simply talking and having an wonderful time! It certainly was a fantastic way to end the summer.

    1. It sounds like a FANTASTIC way to spend the end of summer, Evelyn. Plus Clue is my favorite board game. It's so fun – must be all those suspense novels I read. :)

  7. I love my three day weekends! Never more so than right now, since I spent it packing boxes. But I'm happy you had a wonderful weekend yourself! And mine was quiet and busy and nice. A good friend kept me company while I packed and it was so nice to have someone to chat with. :) Have a wonderful rest of your week, Rissi! :)

    1. You and I both, Kara. There is something so fun about that "extra" day. :)

      Despite all that work ahead of you, I am glad you had a three-day weekend in which to do it plus how fun! You had a friend to help out. That alone had to have made the process more entertaining. :) Hope things continue to go well for you, Kara. Will be thinking of you.

      Happy week!

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