‘When I Fall in Love’: A Romance Novel with an Important Impact
If ever there was an author in the Christian fiction market who consistently does everything but disappoint, it’d be Susan May Warren. I started with her Deep Haven novels way back with Happily Ever After, then later some suspense and historical (did you ever notice that she writes every genre and does each so very well?) before coming full circle and returning to where it all began: Deep Haven, with a host of new characters to fall in love with. when i fall in love

This third novel is all about daughter, Grace of the loving Christiansen family. A homebody to a fault, she feels comfortable in her surroundings at the family home and working for the small hometown pizzeria. Only that’s all about to change when, shortly after her eldest brother’s marriage, she receives a gift of a Hawaiian vacation from her family. Much to her embarrassment, her almost brother-in-law, Jace, asks his fellow hockey teammate to look out for Grace during the trip he too is taking. Between Grace’s fear of being away from home and Max’s deep-seated fears over his own carefully protected secret, this experience may not last for either of them…
REVIEW: Who cares about a tepid start (to this series) in Take a Chance on Me (in my lone opinion), when its peak heads towards the closest thing to book perfection there is. This series is shaping up to be the definition of a long-running set of novels that is not fizzling out in the least the longer it goes on. As a story, this has outshone the two prior to this thus far despite them also being able to stand up to the best of the best. The best part is it’s showing no signs of becoming bogged up in any “bad” fates or as if it’s losing its ability to turn ordinary into something so much more.
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I absolutely adore Grace. Her personality and character sparkles in everything she does; she may be the “quiet, shy” kid of the group, yet her character is one of the most memorable. To the mix, add in a hunky hockey star, Max Sharpe, and you’ve got a recipe of pure brilliance. Without giving too much away, let me just say that the plot of this book is… risky in all the ways it should be. It takes happily ever after without being sappy (not that I’d mind) because I completely believe in everything Grace and Max say to each other; in their demonstrations of love. For once, a book has a very natural cadence that doesn’t upset the balance of the good and the bad; embedded in the story are the most beautiful lessons on how to live and in this is something we all could learn from even if we’re not in the same situation or face similar choices.
In the past, the one thing that puts me off regarding this series is the multiple character arcs (characters that have equal time as the two main characters). It’s something that I don’t care for in book one, like better in the follow up (there’s only one person), and finally feel like this element of prose finds its niche in this novel in which we get the perspective of Owen Christiansen (well done, Susan, well done). This subplot leaves us anxious for more!
If you like contemporary (of any variety) or enjoy reading these, do not miss this third novel. Between its setting (may I just give a shout of joy for a new locale?? It’s striking), plot and characters, this book is sensational – and that’s the honest-to-goodness truth. I was already longing for the fourth novel prior to completing this one because it has a kind of tranquil quality to it that nothing can damper; When I Fall in Love is a must-read for your summer reading list. Trust me. You’ll fall hard for this one.
Note: Sincere apologies to the publisher and author for the delay in posting this review.
'When I Fall in Love': A Romance Novel with an Important Impact. A review of the contemporary novel by Susan May Warren. #MustRead #BookReview #Throwback Share on XAbout the Book:
Author: Susan May Warren
Publisher: Tyndale House
Source: Publisher Provided ARC
Find the Review Elsewhere: Goodreads ▪ Life is Story ▪ Novel Crossing ▪ WordPress
Find the Book Elsewhere: Goodreads
Series: The Christiansen Family, Book 3
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary Romance
Rating: 5 out of 5
Sincere thanks to the publisher for providing a complimentary ARC copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
I also loved this book. I can't wait for the next one. I'm torn between which one it'll be – Caspar or Owen. I"m hoping for Caspar because I don't think Owen's story will be fully wrapped up until the last book. I think he has a lot of growing up to do still.
The next book is going to be about Casper, Dawn. It's actually up on Goodreads and is titled Always on my Mind. It's even got a shiny cover and all that jazz! :)
I agree. Given what happened in this book and what book 4 is about, I think writing Owen's story is going to be a challenge. But, if anyone can do it, it's Susan May Warren. :)
Excellent review, Rissi! You spoke so eloquently exactly what I was thinking while reading this. Definitely going in the favorite pile at my house! :)
Thanks for reading it, Kara. Same goes for me – this one is a forever kind of keeper and squee… I'm already *dying* to get my greedy hands on book 4. ;)
Wonderful review, Rissi! I couldn't have said it better. This book was totally amazing and I can't wait to read Casper's story! I just knew his would be next. ;)
Hi, Aerykah! How lovely of you to stop by – thanks.
I agree; this book was amazing and I'm right there with you – bring on Casper's story. Despite the challenges, I've no doubt it will be equally poignant. :)
Great review girly! I haven't read it yet but I'm always on the look out for new books!
xo TJ
It's absolutely LOVELY, TJ. Hope you can read it soon.
…and hope you're doing well. *hugs*
So glad you loved this one too! I am so happy about it being six books. Seriously. Bring it on!! Lol! :D
Tressa @ Wishful Endings
Me, too, Tressa. It was breathtaking really – Susan has a knack for this genre. Yes, six books makes me extremely happy. We're at the halfway point…! What will happen next?