‘Always on my Mind’: More Emotional Romance!
Each of this author’s books seem to grow. The stories are better without leaving out the importance of realism and the writing is consistently brilliant. The fourth book in Warren’s on-going series sets itself up in a way that the same ease with which the prior books flow, this one may stumble. Fortunately, I don’t think it does.

STORY | Casper Christiansen runs away after the girl he falls hard for is uninterested. Or that’s how he sees Raina’s apparent fascination with his younger brother, Owen. Now he’s back from his treasure-hunting adventure, and Casper makes a decision. One way or another, he’s going to tell her how he feels. When he shows up, he finds Raina pregnant… with his brother’s child.
Raina doesn’t see lump herself into the single mother category, but to tell Owen – or any of the Christiansen family, is out of the question. So, she gives up the child for adoption and with time, she and Casper slowly begin again…
Always on My Mind by Susan May Warren | Book Review
REVIEW | I’ll be honest I didn’t expect this novel to live up to the others in this series. Especially after reading When I Fall in Love. The proceeding novels set this one up in their subplots, which leads to this book brimming with too many complications, which then doesn’t make for an “easy” story. But then, they say the best things don’t come easy. But as with any books I have a false impression of, I’m glad to be wrong. Casper’s reservation is completely justifiable and on any other hero this might be grating for the reader. I say it’s just a normal process he has to work through in order to “heal” and have any kind of normal, happy life. Truthfully, it’s Raina who most baffles. Sure I like her and want her to realize her full potential however I lose some respect for her because of the choices she makes.
As for the format, this novel significantly backs away from the two romance plot. This is something I appreciate. Here, eldest brother Darek gets some page time. His “update” story reads very well in this book. In fact, it’s easily engrained in the “bigger picture” because of Casper’s aspirations and expectations, and I like that while he and Ivy get a happy ending, we see a realistic side of their romance, too. Following tradition, daughter Amelia’s story is teased in the final pages (ARC text) and let me tell you, I’m already here for it. Though it suffers a few flaws and setbacks, this story will easily occupy your mind.
Because of the subject matter, Always on my Mind won’t be everyone’s cup of tea from a creative standpoint, but that does not hinder the beauty of the “broken” moments the characters experience. Nor does it lessen the impact of letting go and forgiving even where there is a stumbling block.
‘Always on my Mind’: More Emotional Romance! A review of the 2015 Susan May Warren novel. #BookReview #MustRead #BookLove Share on XABOUT THE BOOK
Author: Susan May Warren
Publisher: Tyndale House
Publication Date: 2015
Source: Publisher Provided ARC – Thank you!
Find the Review Elsewhere: Goodreads
Find the Book Elsewhere: Goodreads
Series: The Christiansen Family, Book 4
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary Romance
Rating: ★★★★
Sincere thanks to the publisher for providing a complimentary copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
Like you, I love this family. and my favorite is also When I Fall in Love. But I enjoyed this one way more than I expected and I can't wait for Amelia's story.
Same here, Dawn. I had my doubts… but as usual, Susan wrote a compelling and beautiful story. Now let's have Amelia's story… ! :)
Finally had a chance to read the book! It was not at all what I expected, but I loved it :-) I also enjoyed the look into Darek & Ivy's current life, and I can't wait to find out about Amelia!
Me too, Becky! I thought it was wonderful. But then, I would expect nothing else from the talent of Susan May Warren. Same here; reading about Darek and Ivy was a treat. It's nice to be able to see what their life is like. Ooo, Amelia's story is going to be lovely I think. :)
I agree with you! Because of 3 previous strong stories, this one had a lot to live up to. It did not disappoint!
I, too, was frustrated a bit with Raina and her decisions – especially her blindness to Monte's nature. But I did want her to find her way!
I can't wait for Amelia's story, either. I'm anxious to know how she will react after (spoiler!) Roark showing up at her house.
No, no it did not – but then I shouldn't have doubted. It is, after all, Susan May Warren. :)
Raina is a likable character, but yes, she was a bit wishy-washy. That being said, I suppose that stemmed from her belief she wasn't any better than what Monte offered…?
Me too! I cannot wait for Amelia's story. Sounds SO good and looks lovely, as usual… :)