When you admire and eventually count as a friend bloggers who dream of entering the publishing world by putting out their own novels, it’s a joy to watch them realize that dream. All while they’re a shining example of excellence in the all-to-often brushed aside Indie world of publishing. Amber Stokes takes us on a journey to the old west with her sweet prairie romances in the Hearts Spring series and now breaks from that pattern to charm us with a new adult novella that is nothing if not sweetly romantic. Without dillydallying, the story immediately gets into the heart of what is coming as our already confused hero (being dissatisfied with his life’s path), Derrick happens upon the mysterious figure of Brielle, a girl no one seems to know. how a star falls
Right off, Amber creates a mystery and it’s something I really enjoy. There’s a nice quality to the flow of the storytelling because of this and because of the heroine, there is definitely a mysterious question of what’s to come. Essentially, this is the strength of the novella and also a minor detriment because the ARC text wraps up the “who” and “why” of Brielle before it seems like the larger story elements play out. Does this in any way detract from the story? Nope. The story is complete in every way with exception to perhaps the reader wishing to experience more of life with Derek and Brielle because they are easily relatable characters – just like many of us are, they’re going through the confusing stage of no longer being a kid which forces them to learn how to live in the mile-a-minute real world of adulthood.
‘HOW A STAR FALLS,’ BY AMBER STOKES #bookarchives Share on XThough short, How a Star Falls is well worth setting a course for. There’s a simplistic magic that is magnetic. There’s a great set-up, and a special kind of close-knit family, all of which endears this. Basically, the book is the perfect kind to read when you’re looking for something with charisma yet is short enough to read in an afternoon. It’s cute, wholesome fun that sets up the potential for something dark, only it’s over before we’re ready; it’s the sort that feels like the ending is really just the beginning and sometimes those are the best kind of stories. In this “the end,” it serves us well to remember “happily ever after” isn’t an end, it’s just the beginning. These characters have quite a beautiful life ahead of them and because this author introduces them to us so well, they’re anything but a fading burst of stardust. ⭐
About the Book:
Author: Amber Stokes
Publisher: Seasons of a Story
Source: Author Provided
Publication Date: 2014
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Genre: Fiction; New Adult Contemporary (novella)
Rating: 5 out of 5
Sincere thanks to the author for providing a complimentary ARC copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
Rissi, what a lovely and thoughtful review! Of course, I would expect no less from a wonderful reviewer and blogger such as yourself. :) Thank you so much for taking the time to read Derrick and Brielle's story and share your honest and uplifting thoughts on it! Your support throughout the writing and publishing process means so much to me. ♥
Amber, thank YOU so much for writing these and being so willing to share your stories with us. It's really a charming, wonderful kind of story and I'm glad you were struck with the inspiration for it. :) Best of luck on your continuing publishing journey; I know it'll be awesome!
I really hope to get my hands on HOW A STAR FALLS, some day! It looks like such a sweet story, and happens to take place in my hometown! :)
This one is SO good, Liv. It's a wonderful novel that's one of those feel-good, cozy novellas. :) Hope you enjoy it!