I still remember reading my first novel by Kristen Heitzmann. It came about thanks to the INSPY Awards and the specific book was The Breath of Dawn. Needless to say and without getting into detail, I was wonderstruck by it. That was three years ago and since then, there has been nothing new from this talented author. Until now. Now, Kristen Heitzmann is revisiting the title of author in a big way: she has joined the ranks of Indie authors. Her first Indie book just released and is as delightful as one would expect.
The story chronicles best-selling author Grace Evangeline. Her path crosses with playwright Devin Bressard, a man who believes Grace’s novels are anything but worth their status. This immediately pits the pair as kind of enemies which is inconvenient since Grace and Devin must write a play together. As tensions mount between this unlikely pair, their passion leads to life-changing events. Whether they like it or not, their hearts may never be the same.
Told You So, by Kristen Heitzmann | Book Review
‘TOLD YOU SO,’ BY KRISTIN HEITZMANN #bookarchives Share on XTold You So is certainly its own story however the one thing that did flitter across my mind while reading through its quick-witted barbs were reflections of Darcy and Elizabeth. The story is completely different, but the structure of the lead characters is very reminiscent of the fan favorite and iconic literary couple. Grace and Devin’s bickering is beyond brilliant and composed. Words fail to describe my feelings of this. Kristen knows all of the right bits of dialogue to craft so that the entire novel really feels like one marathon string of witty dialogue montages and it really reads like that as well. This book was so impressive and entertaining, but there’s also an elegant prose with an equally sophisticated plot that exceeds expectations of this novel.
The shift that happens at approximately the halfway point left me stunned. Not in a bad way, rather in an unexpected-plot-twist kind of way. Where the book leads is a bend that completely shifts the otherwise clever albeit humorous attitude the novel adopts. Not to be slighted, the characters are also more than just the exquisite wit. Kristen places a depth to these characters that too frequently is missing from the lines of romantic-comedy. Grace isn’t the average “pretty face” her made up persona would suggest and Devin, well, he’s not the man your first impression might draw of him.
If you liked Kristen’s prior novels, be sure you pick up a copy of Told You So. It’s a grown-up kind of romance and the author pushes limits further than she’d would in traditional publishing. The balance in the give-and-take and knowing where to pause is good as is the sense of complexity the book puts out. Much as I enjoyed reading my Kindle copy, this is one book I will be adding in paperback to my bookshelf because it effortlessly earned its place among my favorites.
This is one book I heartily anticipate re-reading because it’s one novel that – I believe, will only grow more and more engaging as I’ve a feeling I missed some of the cleverness. Simply put, with this sort of novel, a reread is bound to allow a reader to catch missing nuances.
About the Book:
Author: Kristen Heitzmann
Publisher: bHd Books
Source: Author Provided (Launch Team)
Publication Date: 2015
Find the Review elsewhere: Goodreads
Find the Book Elsewhere: Goodreads
Series: Told You, Book 1
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary Fiction, Indie
Rating: 5 out of 5
Content note: this book is PG13 though it never crosses into graphic territory, instead remaining classy at all times. If you’ve read Kristen’s Breath of Dawn, you have an idea of the reason why though anyone who prefers clean fiction might wish to be aware there is some adult subject matter and implications to deal with.
Sincere thanks to the author (and Rel) for providing a complimentary e-copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
Excellent review! I haven't read any of her books yet though there might be one or two waiting on my to-read list. You made me want to drop everything and read all her books ;) Thanks for the recommendation!
Thanks, Heidi. This one is definitely going on my "top list" of 2015. It was really good and I loved the great banter. *bites nails* I hope if/when you have a chance to read this one, you enjoy… :)
I'm so excited to read this. I've heard such great things!
It's amazing, Kara. Happy reading! :)
Fantastic review, Rissi, as always! You have described my thoughts on this novel to perfection :)
Hi Rel! Thanks so much for visiting. I was excited to have opportunity to read Kristen's latest novel; thanks to you both for that chance. Thank you for reading! :)
I loved this one too!!! Real topics, real characters and real (and beautiful) redemption. So good!
Well said, Jamie. I agree 100%. :)
Interesting review! I read the Kindle sample and decided that I didn't want to spend the money on the rest of the novel, but now you have me intrigued. May have to add it to my wish list after all!
Thanks, Becky. There's nothing wrong with feeling like a novel isn't the story for you. I've experienced that many a times – some books are hyped beyond imagination and yet, for me, they just don't work. That's what's so great about the many (many!) books out there. We can all find something we like. :)
This book sounds great, and your review is amazing (as always) Rissi!! Definitely convinced I have to give this one a shot. I haven't read any of Kristen's books, though Breath of Dawn has been on my tbr for quite some time. Can't wait to get started!
This one is certainly one of the most unique contemporary romances I've read, Bekah and I think between that and the style/writing, I was sold from the beginning. Of course, I went into it already being a fan of Kristen as well. Thanks so much – as always, for reading. I hope if you have a chance to read this one, you do enjoy! :)
I haven't heard of the author, but you sold me on this one! This was such a great review! I'm definitely adding this to my to read list.
Thank you for reading, Gennifer! This review was easy because the book was so good. (And in my opinion, those reviews are the best to write. :D) Hope if you do try this one, you enjoy! Happy reading. :)
Wow, this looks so good! I definitely want to read this one.
You've introduced me to so many wonderful books through your reviews, books that are now my favorites. Whenever I'm interested in finding something new to read, I just go to your book review list and find something that intrigues me. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts on all these books. :D
It was very good, Faith. I hope if/when you read it, you enjoy it.
…and thank you for the kind words. I appreciate that. It's nice to know you've found some new novels through these reviews – there are some amazing authors out there. Part of the joy of book blogging is just that: the possibility of introducing new readers to new authors. :)