STORY: Leaving her rural home in pursuit of the bright lights of Hollywood is a dream Minerva Sinclaire believes she can see realized. She takes her father’s money, everything he has to pay his debts and bills, and heads for the glamour hoping to be a star and then able to pay off her family’s debt in full. Trouble is, Mina’s plans hit more than one snag. in a far-off land
‘IN A FAR-OFF LAND’: A 1930s DAZZLING HISTORICAL NOVEL #BookReviews #HistoricalFiction Share on XHer dreams of stardom don’t pan out and instead of movie sets, she must work at sleazy places that ask more than she knew she would have to give. Then she meets Max, and as her agent, he promises to get her a career as an actress. But in their pursuit of this, Mina becomes a person of interest in a murder which leads her to rely on Max, and a bitter man named Oscar, who may have a grudge against Max.
In a Far-Off Land by Stephanie Landsem | Book Review
REVIEW: This is one of those books that is a dark but still dazzling kind of historical novel that reads, in part, like a fairy tale. Set in the 1930s during the Great Depression, it takes us on quite the journey. It’s one that goes through peaks and valleys, all while presenting the reader with some darker personalities.

This is the first novel by Landsem I’ve read, mostly because she writes Biblical Fiction which isn’t my normal cup of tea. However, from the moment I saw this cover art, the story captivated me. The plot is a kind of Prodigal Son parable that allows us to follow Mina on her journey to forgiveness. Her story is a good one though sometimes the story reads a little too “easy.” By this I mean there’s one or two scenes that happen in a moment that doesn’t feel “right” in its reveal. I’m also not fond of the way the book returns to the past in the first ¼ of the novel. That said, the book is still very well written and good.
Those who enjoy something like Susan May Warren’s ‘Daughters of Fortune’ series will likely enjoy reading In a Far-Off Land. It has lots of razzle dazzle, but also isn’t a rose-colored glad of the era. There’s a mystery and hard choices, and the novel is better for its plot and characters we desperately hope find peace.

Author: Stephanie Landsem
Publisher: Tyndale
Source: Publisher provided ARC – thank you!
Publication Date: 2021
Add the Book: Goodreads
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary Romance
Rating: ★★★1/2
Content: there is 3-5 instances of implied intimacy. In a few, it’s a girl being intimate for money and one instance we understand is rape. There’s innuendo about various characters and implications that people sleep with whomever they want as a way to get something they need or want.
Sincere thanks to the publisher for kindly providing a review copy of this ARC for review; ALL OPINIONS ARE MINE.
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