
It’s been five years since I read Dani Pettrey’s debut novel, Submerged. Since then, she has written an additional four novels that connect to that debut Last year marked the conclusion to that series and 2016 the beginning of something new. Her new series gets things running with Cold Shot, a mystery novel that again introduces us to a slew of memorable (to say nothing of handsome and heroic) characters.  

BOOK REVIEW | ‘Blind Spot’: Suspenseful Stories and Threats Return to Chesapeake Valor

‘COLD SHOT’: ELITE TEAM OF LAW ENFORECEMNET SOLVE MYSTERIES. Review of the 2016 romantic suspense novel. All text © Rissi JC

STORY: One moment of hesitation ruins his life, former SWAT sniper, Griffin McCray works as a Gettysburg park ranger. During one of his nightly rounds, Griff discovers a disturbed grave is home to a body that is anything but a historic skeletal artifact. This brings forensic anthropologist Finley Scott to the scene along with crime scene analyst Parker Mitchell, a face from Griff’s past. When the third member from Griff’s gang and college days, FBI agent Declan Gray, also gets the case call, Griff finds his past may have something to teach him, and his present is in danger of repeating that past.

“…the instant he thought he’d lost her, he realized how deeply he cared…” – Cold Shot


REVIEW: As usual, it takes no more than a chapter to become hooked on one of Dani’s stories. Cold Shot is yet again a brilliant and entertaining piece of fiction full of fast-paced twists that keep a curious reader rapidly turning the pages. The differences in this new series launcher (in comparison to Dani’s Alaskan series) are vast, and yet the structure and integrity of the genre is similar.

Describing this story quite escapes me. Keeping things simple, I will say the story is inventive in new ways. Though there is safety in the familiar, I like a balance of comfort and out-of-the-box thinking, and I think Dani achieves this in Cold Shot. This is an exhilarating, exciting, first class mystery. Between the primary whodunit theme and the memorable characters, everything is good. By the way, these characters all have epic names, too (seriously, I love the unique knack Pettrey has for naming her characters a tactic that keeps them present in the readers). This hot-off-the-press novel is not to be missed. (Trust me.)

Fans of Lynette Eason or Dee Henderson will find another kindred spirit inside the pages of Dani Pettrey’s Cold Shot; it’s romantic suspense at its very best.

About the Book:

Author: Dani Pettrey
Publisher: Bethany House
Source: Publisher/Author Provided
Publication Date: 2016
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Series: Chesapeake Valor, Book 1
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense
Rating: ★★★★★

Sincere thanks to the publisher for providing a complimentary copy of this book; all opinions are my own.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Dani Pettrey is one of my all-time favorite authors, and reading your rave review for her latest makes me want to read it all the more! I missed getting a review copy (ugh) but I'll have to buy it soon whenever I am finally caught up on my current reads. Fantastic review, as always! :D

    1. This one is SO good, Bekah. Hope you can read it soon – and I totally know what you mean about missing a review copy. Sometimes I *have* to tell myself "no, you can't sign up right now." ;)

      Ps; if you're interested, there is a giveaway for a paperback of this one running on the blog. :)

    1. Hi! If you'd like to enter Dani Pettrey's sweepstakes, you just click on the banner advertising it above. It will redirect you to Dani's website and the information on how you enter. If you're wondering how to enter Finding Wonderland's book giveaway, you can find the Rafflecopter form and all the information on the giveaway post. Hope that was helpful. :)

  2. I was actually going to pass this one up because I'm trying to limit my eARCs more, but then I read the excerpt and saw all the good reviews and reneged on that. Lol! It sounds like I'm really going to love it. Now I just need to read it. :)

    1. Uh-oh! Broke your eARC rule, huh!? I know the struggle. Let me tell ya', it's REAL! ;) I think you will like Cold Shot, Tressa. Especially if you liked Dani's last series or authors like Lynette Eason.

  3. Rissi,
    Wow, what a post! Thank you for sharing about COLD SHOT, the sweepstakes, and your insightful reflections on the book. I LOVED how you put it: an exhilirating, exciting, and first-class mystery. Thanks again for all that you do in support of great story, Rissi! ~Amanda

    1. My pleasure, Amanda. It's always fun to put anything together related to Dani's novels. Hopefully, next time I'll participate more fully in the sweepstakes – apologies for all the confusion this year. :)

      Thanks so much for stopping by. Always great to chat with you. :)

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