
‘THIN ICE,’ BY IRENE HANNON. A former Delta Soldier must re-adjust to life as an FBI agent working on a missing person case. Text © Rissi JC

Suspense fiction can be a difficult genre to get “right.” In addition to all of the everyday moving pieces (and threads of mystery), the genre also brings in the complicated business of a romance which has to work with the mystery. This is the latest romantic suspense from RITA award-winning author, Irene Hannon.

STORY: Former Delta Force solider, Lance McGregor is now a civilian. He finds life in the States is takes time to readjust to, primarily as regards his work as an FBI agent. Before while still a part of his Delta unit, Lance had a wider net in which to ensure the safety of the lives depending on him. Now he’s required to go through proper channels before he can move ahead.  

‘THIN ICE,’ BY IRENE HANNON #bookarchives #BookReviews Share on X

His first case with the bureau involves a mysterious call from a woman claiming her sister is still alive. Cursory investigation reveals Christy Reed’s sister supposedly died in a house fire months earlier, only now Christy is being teased with letters in her sister’s handwriting. Could it be that Ginny is still alive or is Lance’s investigation primed to discover the worst?  

Thin Ice, by Irene Hannon | Book Review

As a suspense novel, this one throws in some unique twists and turns. Fortunately for us, there are plenty of good ones that keep us guessing including some of the things that, at first page might not seem important, but actually make our heroine such an interesting one. Her background is something I find fascinating to learn about, not to mention being a past that makes her a more dimensional character. Similarly, Lance was a fabulous character. He’s an upstanding man who does a lot of growing throughout these 300+ pages. His brother Mac (from book one, which I have sadly not read) and younger brother Finn also makes an appearance, the brother who enjoys a superbly well-written and poignant subplot to carry readers into the third and final novel, which arrives this fall.  

If you’re a reader of Lynette Eason or Dani Pettrey – or a TV aficionado of popular crime show procedurals, Irene’s novels should be on your list of must reads. If not, why haven’t you added them? The characterization and development of the villain (*shudder*) is spot-on perfection. We smile as the good guys enjoy quiet moments of happiness amidst the terror lurking in the shadows – whether they be real or ghosts (both of which are applicable in the scenarios inside these pages) and fear the creep that is the villain. This IS what dynamic suspense should be; Hannon tells a great story full of twisty creepy things.  

Thin Ice takes its reader on an exhilarating journey; one that is begging to have its pages turned long into the night. Because who can read just “one more page” while in the midst of such a fast-paced, breath-catching mystery? I know I can’t. 

About the Book:

Author: Irene Hannon
Publisher: Revell
Source: Publisher Provided
Publication Date: 2016
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Series: Men of Valor, book 2
Genre: Fiction; Mystery/Suspense, Romantic Suspense
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 

Sincere thanks to the publisher, Revell, for a complimentary copy of this book for review consideration.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I LOVED this book! The villain was super creepy and gave me the chills, which is awesome because as a writer-in-training I know that is what you want to achieve and it's hard to do.
    Irene Hannon is fast becoming one of my favorite suspense author!

    1. As did I, Kara! Have you read Lynette Eason's 'Always Watching'? That book is also AMAZING if you like mysteries. I'm glad you found the book good also as an aspiring writer. Those are the kind of books that are the most rewarding – the sort we enjoy as a reader and want to learn from as a writer. :)

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