‘Like Never Before’: Romance Fiction and all the Quick Wit!
About the Book:
Author: Melissa Tagg
Publisher: Bethany House
Source: Author Launch Team (Publisher) – thank you, Bethany House and Melissa
Publication Date: 2016
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Find the Book Elsewhere: Goodreads
Series: Walker Family, Book 2
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Inspirational
Rating: ★★★★★
…Like Never Before is another fresh and inspiring story; it’s traditional without conforming, full of fantastic and snappy dialogue, and genuine in its pursuit of heart-tugging and pure love.
Like Never Before by Melissa Tagg | Book Review
STORY | Returning home to Maple Valley is the last thing Logan Walker wants. He’s torn up over a past that took his wife and the mother of his young daughter from him. Charlotte isn’t without her scars either; though fine physically, the nearly 4-year-old hasn’t spoken a word. Despite local reporter Amelia Bentley trying to lure Logan back home to help her save the small town paper she loves, Logan is resolute in staying in LA where he’s a partner in a business that involves speech writing for political campaigns and he’s only now on the verge of his biggest career break yet. That is until he receives surprising news that sends him back to Maple Valley… and the promise of a happy future.

REVIEW | If you’re a fan of contemporary romantic-comedies, there is no story better to become blissfully lost in than one with Melissa Tagg’s name proudly streaming across its cover (especially when its as darling as Like Never Before). If you’re a fan of inspirational stories (with romance) then you must pick up this novel. If you’re a fan of small town charm then, you guessed it, read a Tagg novel. All of this and more holds up the specs that are unique to the “Tagg brand” in Melissa’s latest novel, Like Never Before.
Sometimes believing is a matter of deciding. – Like Never Before
‘You Belong With Me’: A New Romance to Tug on the Heart Strings
Each of Melissa’s romcom stories is pure gold. Just as cover art would suggest (can we take a moment to appreciate Amelia rocking the top knot!?), this is perhaps, Melissa’s best effort yet. As this narrative opens, there is a playful exchange of emails (between Logan and Amelia, who you might remember briefly in From the Start) that sets off the novel to perfection. Logan isn’t too shabby of a hero to say the least. Naturally as a fan of this family, I can heartily agree that Logan is worth the wait and then some. His character speaks to the kind of leading man he is, which is nothing sort of heroic for the setting and time his story unfolds in. To contrast his characteristics is Amelia who’s a kind of tonic for Logan despite the scars she keeps so carefully cloaked.
‘Like Never Before’ Review: Romance #Fiction and all the Quick Wit! What's your favorite Melissa Tagg #romance? Share on XFrom their first (re)meet cute to a janitor closet kiss (yes, this is a thing – and yes, it’s magical), and the nights they spend together (in the cutest possible way) to the classic film trivia, Like Never Before is another fresh and inspiring story; it’s traditional without conforming, full of fantastic and snappy dialogue, and genuine in its pursuit of heart-tugging and pure love. It’s the kind of read that feels like “coming home” or finding that favorite comfy sweater you simply must slip on when you experience the first crisp fall afternoon. This was a book its author struggled to tell, but as each writer has seasons in their work, the result is something she can be proud of.
Like Never Before is a sparkling masterpiece. No question, this is contemporary romance at its best; read it, enjoy it, swoon over it and discover why instead of asking yourself what you did like, one’s reaction to this story is, what’s not to like? ❤
Sincere thanks to Melissa and the publisher for providing a complimentary copy of this book for reviewing purposes; all opinions are my own.
LOVE your review. Wasn't it great?! That first kiss. Ohh I just loved it. I was so happy but sad to see it end. Especially because I devoured this in 4 days.
Did you read Melissa's most recent post on her blog about the one thing Logan says to Amelia about really seeing her?
It sure IS, Meghan! Melissa has such a natural ease and grace with each of her novels. SO glad you enjoyed this one too. I'm definitely anxious to read your review.
Yes! I did see that post. Isn't it beautiful!? Such an elegant prose and swoon-y moment. Thanks for mentioning it! I had been behind on Melissa's blog. :)
I'm really excited to read this one soon! I'm behind on new releases in Christian fiction but this one is at the top of my list to catch up on. :)
So good, Kristin! I cannot wait to read what you thought of it once you have a chance to read this one. :)
Not sure if this comment will go through (I have issues, girl!), but just wanted to say I loved your review and it's making me wish I had a copy of Melissa's book so I could read it sooner than later. Must pick up a copy!!!
It's so very Uncool that blogger tosses your comments; I am SO sorry about this, Cassie. Just curious, have you ever tried commenting with different "names"? (I.E., Anon or name/url? Just wondered if that would yield different results.)
Either way, I'm bummed about it. :/
Melissa's novel is gorgeous, and I cannot wait to read what you thought of it should you chose to share! :)