10 Romantic (and Swoon-y!) Film and TV Scenes on the Ice


Hello, readers, fangirls and fellow bloggers. Much as some of us may wish it away, it is still winter. Technically, it holds on until March 20th when Spring is scheduled to make its triumphant return. As the grip of winter continues to hold on, the 2018 Olympics occupy our TV screens. (As an aside, I’m so proud of the Team USA athletes! There have been disappointments, but there have been so many impressive highs that, in my opinion, are diminished when the critics say our medal count is low.) Because of this, it’s time we take a look at 10 romantic film and TV scenes on the ice!

LIST | 10 Romantic Film and TV Scenes in the Snowfall

For the season, and the four-year world stage sporting event, this little list of Memorable and Romantic scenes (on the ice) writes itself. Plus, let’s be real, I really put this together because of its appeal to the romantic in me. Since we looked at romantic moments in the snow a while back (on Silver Petticoat), this list screamed it too needed its due. So here we are. 10 romantic film and tv scenes on ice

You can read the list in its entirety on Silver Petticoat Review (link below).

Do you have a favorite figure skating film? Here's a list all about romantic moments on a skating rink! 10 Romantic Film and TV Scenes on the Ice Click To Tweet

Tell me, what are some of your favorite romantic film and TV Scenes on the Ice?! Figure skating films? Let’s chat about them all!!


Looming just around the corner are the 2018 Winter Olympics. In celebration of that and our love of all things romance, today we’re heading to the rink and taking a look at some romantic scenes on the ice!

Below we take a look at ten such moments from across the years and genres in cinema – both the big and small screen. As can be said with each list I share, this one isn’t inclusive. There are plenty I missed. (Including a slew of films from the ’30s and ’40s starring Sonja Henie – none of which I’ve seen.) That said, these ten are sweet and romantic, all especially fitting for whatever film or TV show they’re from. This is part of the beauty or swoon-factor of these scenes. They may not match up to our favorite literary moments, but they do suit their characters and the stories they unfold in. Continue Reading on Silver Petticoat Review →

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I just watched The Cutting Edge a few days ago bc the Olympics got me in the mood. I super LOVE that movie– but I definitely didn't know there were sequels!!! I'll have to check them out (although, it kinda scares me bc that movie is totally perfect).

    1. I haven't seen The Cutting Edge is SO long, Michelle. That said, they are some of my favorite nostalgic favorites, so I do need to give them a re-watch. The sequels aren't the same as the original, but they're fun nonetheless. For me, they're the kind of flicks I can "unplug" and simply enjoy. :)

      Let me know if you see them and what you think.

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