The Rancher’s Surprise Daughter: A Small Town Romance



Author: Jill Lynn the rancher’s surprise daughter

Publisher: Love Inspired

Publication Date: 2018

Series: Colorado Grooms, Book 1

Genre: Fiction; Contemporary Romance

Source: Author provided – thank you, Jill!


Rating: ★★★★

THE STORY | As he works to keep his guest ranch running, the last thing business owner Lucas Wilder expects is the unexpected reappearance of his ex-girlfriend. Four years ago, the young lovers parted on acrimonious terms, neither one wishing to yield and admit mistakes. Now, seeing Cate again is like a sucker punch. But what makes it worse is the news Cate brings with her.


Cate never thought she’d see Lucas again. Nearly five years ago he broke her heart. Heartbreak that traces back to her childhood – and today, she still feels the scars of this. She knows in order to be honest in her faith, and find peace, she has to tell Luc her secret: he’s a father. He deserves to know. the rancher’s surprise daughter

For now, no matter her fear, she knows this. Together they navigate the new task of co-parenting. But more important, Cate and Luc attempt to repair broken hearts all for the sake of the vibrant young girl whom they both love.

REVIEW | Last summer I read one of this author’s romance novels (Falling for Texas) and found it as sweet as its title would suggest. Similar to ‘Texas,’ The Rancher’s Surprise Daughter is a cute little story that fans of wholesome romantic-comedies will enjoy.

Cate and Lucas are character’s walking a journey we care about. We cheer for them, and hope for the best. As the reader, we can feel a bit like a “third party” who sees what our characters cannot, so in this sense, we do dread the other shoe drop, which we “see” coming a mile away. Because of this, there’s a kind of dread we have on behalf of these two. This is because they are people whom we want to see happy. That said, and contradictory to this statement, this doesn’t ruin the charm that is the majority of this novel.

With a short page count (no complaints from this girl!), this novel is the perfect “pocket” read to take with you on a road trip or for that lazy weekend read. There are miles of smiles in The Rancher’s Surprise Daughter. Readers will easily come to love the chatter-box Ruby; and if you’re a romantic at heart, you’ll fall under the sway of the “reunion romance” between two stubborn hearts.

Sincere thanks to the author for providing a copy of this book; all opinions are my own.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. It's a sweet read, Lauren – one of those books you can enjoy without putting too much brainpower in. Sometimes I need those kind of reads. :)

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