‘The Sun is Also a Star’: A Meet Cute Inspires a New Love
Author: Nicola Yoon
Publication Date: 2016
Publisher: Penguin (Delacorte Press)
Genre: Fiction; YA Contemporary Romance
Source: Bought
Rating: ★★★½ the sun is also a star book
The Sun is Also a Star Book Review | by Nicola Yoon
STORY | After his brother messes up his collegian prospects, Daniel’s hard-working immigrant parents push their hopes onto their younger son. Unfortunately for him, he doesn’t want to be a successful doctor. But on the day of his prestigious Harvard interview, Daniel leaves the house planning to make the appointment.

Natasha is desperate. An immigrant family from Jamaica, she’s lived in New York for most of her life, but now her family is scheduled for deportation later that day. Without “home,” Natasha doesn’t know who she is. What will she do in Jamaica? Who will her friends be? Her father’s failed dreams lead to this shift in their circumstances, but Natasha isn’t going without trying to find a legal alternative.
When fate intervenes and these two stranger’s lives intersect, Daniel believes that destiny is about to forever change his life.
REVIEW | A couple of years ago, I picked up Everything, Everything, and discovered a pleasantly good story. Inspired to read the former because of the film adaptation, the same can be said of The Sun is Also a Star. Finally, I pulled this brightly colored tome off my shelf, and began to read, with more skepticism than Nicola Yoon’s other novel inspired. the sun is also a star book
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The reason for this is that the description led me to believe it’d be a story that made a stand with elements I didn’t agree with. The whole universe plot line just didn’t sound a science I’d enjoy. However the more I read of this book, the more I appreciate the way in which this inserts itself into the plot. The interesting thing about this story is that it does rely heavily on fate, destiny, the universe, or whatever you may coin it, but somehow, it works for the story rather than against it.
I’m terrible at describing the ins and outs of why I do or do not enjoy a novel, so it’s difficult for me to say exactly why I don’t mind some of these threads. But I don’t. Taking place over the span of one day, this is fiction in the end, and turns out to be a contemporary romance that is quite charming. The style is unique. The first person POV switch off is primarily between Daniel and Natasha, our main protagonists, but we also experience point-of-views of the people Daniel and Natasha come into contact with over the course of their one day together. the sun is also a star book
I’d guess readers who liked Everything, Everything will also enjoy ‘Sun.’ It’s a unique novel among its peers and the interconnectedness of the characters might not be a mystery-esque plot twist, but it adds another dimension to the book. The romance isn’t quite as genuine as books with a longer timeline, but it’s still sweet. We believe in Daniel and Natasha because of what they learn about themselves. It’s in these unexpected lessons that they realize what they thought they want, and what is best for them might be where they need to be.
The Sun is Also a Star Book Review: A Meet Cute Inspires a New Love. Talking about the popular YA #romance novel by Nicola Yoon. Have you red this one? Share on X
Content Note: The Sun is Also a Star book contains some sexual innuendo, and a scene of “heavy” kissing. There’s also various uses of profanity including multiples of the F-word.
I really enjoyed Everything Everything, but this one just has not appealed to me. I had heard that there were POVs from random characters and I don’t know how much I’d enjoy that. I’m glad you enjoyed it even if it wasn’t a 5 star read!
Same! I was excited about this one at first, but the more I read about it, the less interested I became. Still… I did enjoy it, though I likely still prefer Nicola’s debut (and I think this one is the more popular). If you read it, let me know what you think. :)