Life is a funny thing. We wake up each day, have a routine to start the day, and then head out or stay in to begin our day. For some of us helping to anchor the day may be that first cup of coffee, or maybe it’s to journal. Whatever our way to begin the day, there’s always something that kick starts our day and in part, defining behavior and choices. When it comes to actions, I think culture can make them seem unimportant. When it comes to words, we pick those apart and look for hidden meaning or sometimes, simply take the words at face value. Which is fair. We also excuse anything and everything in today’s society no matter its action, whether actual or verbal. All this to say, I’ve been pondering something, in part wondering do words or actions define us?


No matter my disapproving thoughts on social media, something which I’ve shared about, it’s interesting when now and then, you run across something that makes you think. This is what happened a few weeks ago when I ran across a quote that is credited to Jane Austen and reads:

It isn’t what we say or think that DEFINES US but what we do.

At first blush, there is truth in this quote. It all sounds really good. That said, I think in today’s society, words do define us and are important to defining us.

Social media is all about words. News commentary is all about words. Writing articles is all about words. There’s so much that involves words and thinking is certainly a part of defining us. I think all the time so saying that doesn’t help to define me is dishonest. On the same thought, I also don’t want what I say on social media to be the sole defining of me.

Do I believe in what I’m currently posting? Absolutely. Do I stand by what I say in my captions? Of course. But this isn’t the sum of me. This isn’t who I am as a whole person. I also see people say things based on a two sentence comment that isn’t at all the sum of someone’s belief on any one subject. It’s just ONE comment, and as such, the idea of having to think about EVERY possible scenario when leaving a social media comment gives me anxiety.

What I say and think is a part of who I am. Maybe even a big part. But it’s not solely me. I’m a person who doesn’t consider myself controversial and yet the media climate tells me I am.

I don’t think, in our 2022 society, we cannot say it’s an either or scenario. This quote isn’t wrong, but it’s not right either. What we do and how we do it IS vital in how people see us or in shaping us, but what we say largely defines us. Words are important. Words do matter. I sit with my thoughts. I think and ponder and consider and pose my thoughts out loud. My mother and I have long conversations about many things. We aren’t defined by any one thought. At least I don’t believe we are. Actions and words play roles in defining us as does observation. Whatever we believe no matter the question of “do words or actions define us?,” hopefully our actions and words helps define as as productive and happy people.

Thank you for visiting; please do come back soon!

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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  1. I agree that it’s not an either/or situation. Words are important and can be very powerful, but many times they have to be backed up by actions or they become meaningless.

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