Welcome to the 2.0 phase of our content and conversations, aka a rebrand!
2023 is a new year and instead of staying the same, we decided to dive in and make a big change. Nearly thirteen years after the first publication, title changes, a host change, surviving (sort of) SEO use and an unusual amount of layout changes, we enter the biggest shift this space has seen. It’s time to unveil the changes and rebrand of our space here.
Through the many years, this space has been many things. It began as a kind of archive for reviews of fiction and film. It drifted away from this to some extent and is now a collaboration of content that extends beyond just that. There’s controversial topics to discuss and pop culture to share, films to love and loathe, and curated lists of favorite TV couple moments to gush about.
It’s this expansion that has, at least in part, helped to make this space more fun.
While change isn’t always positive, this is.
🖋️💻INTRODUCTION TO RISSIWRITES.COM 2.0: A REBRAND💻🖋️ MAKING CHANGES. STILL GOING TO HAVE FUN. REBRANDING. Share on XBack when we became a dot com, I’ll admit I wasn’t sure about best options. I didn’t know what change would come or where the content would go. One thing I did know for certain was that writing, obviously, would always be involved. This then, in a roundabout way, leads to this rebrand.
Presenting Culture Characteristics.

We are here to celebrate all mediums of story and encourage conversation. All from an unusual and perhaps unpopular perspective.
Why Culture?
I was looking for a word that encapsulates what we cover, which doesn’t really “fit” one box. We no longer focus primarily on books. Instead, there is fiction and film feature one day, and another we cover news about or the latest album drop from Taylor Swift. On a different week and different day, we might discuss Emily Blunt’s remarks about how she picks her roles or share our thoughts on social media’s negative impacts.
So, we use culture as is “pop” or “popular” culture to use a broad term for what we publish here.
Why Characteristics?
Culture today seems to be a kind of caricature of things. It seems to wear a costume, confusing not just culture as in society but also itself unable to keep up with its shifting “rules.” We look at the characteristics of culture such as its qualities, yes, but we also feature the different types of what is under the umbrella of culture.
What will you see here?
If you’ve read here often, we don’t plan to overtly change anything. Our “look” is different, but the content will be mostly the same. Sundays features some type of list, Tuesdays we have some sort of fiction list, and Fridays we cover a roundup of pop culture news. The rest of the days fill in with film reviews, features on favorite TV couples or reminiscing about the best romantic scenes between favorite fictional couples, schedules for popular TV networks plus more.

Discussions is something we want to feature more frequently. Conversation is something we always encourage, just so long as it’s from a respectful perspective.
Pardon our dust as we make changes, and work on ensuring a smooth transition. For now, not a lot will overtly change. But we do plan to expand our content. Until then, we’re just tip-toeing into this and hope you enjoy what we have so far.
We hope you join in the conversation. We hope you stay a while and enjoy your visit here. Most of all, we want you to rediscover a favorite fandom or find a new one to love.
This is Culture Characteristics.
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