STORY: No one takes or loves their work more than Molly Gray. Special in a way not many people understand, Molly takes her Gran’s advice whether it’s about etiquette or doing a job you love and never disliking the job, to heart. She trusts her Gran to help her navigate life and the social situations she flubs. Now at twenty-five years old, her Gran is gone and she must navigate everything alone. the maid
‘THE MAID’ BOOK REVIEW: A COZY MYSTERY THAT CHARMS AND THEN DOESN'T. Review of the popular 2022 cozy mystery novel. #Books #BookReview #BookReviews #Reviews #Mystery Share on XStill… she has her work as a maid at a grand hotel, and the two or three people she considers friends. Molly’s life changes drastically when she becomes a suspect in the wealthy Mr. Black’s death. One of the hotel’s most prestigious clients, Molly is used to remaining invisible with the guests, but being the one to find his body puts her in a spotlight she isn’t quite prepared to handle…
REVIEW: A while back I saw this novel talked about fondly on Instagram. I don’t think I’d really known much about it prior to then, but the review and probably a couple others was enough to prompt me to pick this one up. The novel is, compared to those I’ve read, a unique story. The only novel I’ve read that comes close is Castle in the Sky, which is another one I did enjoy.

Molly is a likable character as the titular character, and is, really the primary too. She’s a delight from start to almost finish. I also love how she looks at life (how can you find truth more shocking than a lie?) and her singular attitude. Sure it can also be a flaw for her, but I think these are more strengths than negatives. the maid
What I could do without is the style. We’re in Molly’s head the entire time, which is fine, but the story shifts between present and past. It’s done fine and really isn’t “jarring” or ill written, I’m just a reader who doesn’t like this much shifting. I think I’m more of a linear story person. Then the “twists” wander a little too much into a morally questionable territory. It always forces the reader to look at the characters differently, which isn’t always bad, but it is sometimes more difficult.
Finally, I have to say, the end… it’s not lovable. At least not the little things. I don’t love Molly’s conclusions about truth and it felt more like one conclusion is there to satisfy a certain reader (and I would put myself into this category) rather than for a good reason. In the end, while this book doesn’t get the glowing recommendation it would have, I did enjoy many elements.
Author: Nita Prose
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Source: Bought
Publication Date: 2022
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary, Adult Secular Fiction; Mystery
Rating: ★★★
Add the Book: Goodreads
Content: there’s some profanity including 10 or so uses of the f-word throughout the entire novel. There’s other profanity sprinkled throughout. Conversation reveals people are cheaters and cheat multiple times on a spouse. There’s murder and conversation about a crime scene.
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