In the decade plus of doing this, I don’t think there’s ever been a period of time where scheduling any of the work I do has been a part of my life. At least not in any meaningful, extended period of time. Late last year, I did start to schedule blog posts and work, and discovered, likely to no one’s surprise, it is helpful. As someone six months into this, writing about scheduling and how it helps seems like an interesting thing to do, mostly because perhaps it will help how I work even more than it already is.


SCHEDULING WORK AND HOW IT HELPS. Talking about #schedules and how it helps keep work. #Writing #Writer #Scheduling #Schedule Share on X

Because of all the things I plan during seasons or things in my head I want to plan surrounding a season or holiday, just prior to Christmas of 2023, I decided writing things down would be helpful. Indeed, it was. I wrote down the posts I planned to publish and the things I wanted to share on a calendar page that laid out the content so that I could see when something should be published and also know when I needed to have something publish ready. This is helpful especially when you plan seasonal content otherwise the time tends to slip past and then it’s too late to share.

This isn’t some complicated or new notion, but the truth remains that it is helpful, and here are three reasons why.


Simple yes, but planning content is helpful. I know in writing books there’s always the argument of whether a writer plans or is a pantser. For some, I think the latter does work really well. But still, objectively speaking, I think some plan is helpful. Periodically, I open my calendar file and try to add things to the calendar too. Sometimes that means taking into account a holiday or season as I plan. Other times I do some research to find content to plan for. Then there is the content I wrote weeks ago, never published but find a place on the calendar for.


Knowing when something is being published has been immensely helpful. It’s nice to see it on paper and know the what and when is being published. Sometimes how far ahead the content is planned out is always so nice. scheduling work and how it helps


The results of this has been great. Not just in the “knowing” when to publish something, but also it’s much easier to keep a schedule. It’s something I’ve been doing for six months now.

You don’t have to buy some program, though there are scheduling apps that you can purchase, to utilize this. You can find calendar downloads in Microsoft Word and use those or likely you can even find calendars to download through other sources, too. No matter what schedule app you find most usual or calendar, it all serves the same purpose.

It’s helpful to have a schedule when it comes to tasks for work, and know the what and when of when something will publish. It keeps focus, too.

Sometimes we do shuffle things around from its original publication date, but the helpfulness still exists. It is especially helpful when it comes to publishing something like a celebratory movie anniversary (because we all know I publish those late).

Since we often live by habits and routines, this is one that is a net plus helps keep things running better and more efficiently too. It’s a simple change that makes not only the planning of content simpler and easier, but the entire day more efficient. Thankfully this has taught me the value of planning. It’s way more helpful than I already thought. So the conclusion is, yes it may take a bit of work, but scheduling is the way to go. This is coming from someone who’s been both a scheduler and someone who doesn’t, well, that’s my takeaway.

What are your thoughts on this topic of scheduling work and how it helps? Do you think it’s helpful? Do you like to keep things random? Or do you like schedules? Comment all of your thoughts below. Let’s talk.

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About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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