Bitter and sweet, The Life List is the latest feature to come from Netflix.
The Life List (2025) Netflix Film Review
Mourning her mother looks very different for Alex Rose (Sofia Carson). As part of honoring her, she goes on a kind of journey to complete a bucket list that she made as a child. On this quest, Alex makes unexpected discoveries while trying to discover what she wants to do next. Along the way, she finds her people… and possibly the right love story, too.
‘THE LIFE LIST’ TAKES HEROINE ON JOURNEY OF JOY. Review of #TheLifeList, a #Netflix dramedy. #Romace #MovieReview Share on XA dramedy that is a Netflix production, The Life List also is a film that continues the partnership between the production company and Sofia Carson. The actress has led at least two of Netflix’s films, and played female lead in one of their popular action flicks. From all that I’ve seen her in, I really like her, and in this role, she’s equally good. In comparison to other roles I’ve seen her play, this one requires a bit more emotion and I love that this shows a different side of her. She has played a variety of different emotions and types of characters, and Alex Rose is another memorable one.

The whole Nina obsession (and the whole reason of why-didn’t-you-tell-me bit annoys) is a little weird, and honestly, not a part of the film I think fits or works. But then to counter this, there are some unexpected moments that I didn’t anticipate this film working in. Based on the novel of the same name, The Life List is inspiring, romantic and emotional. All these things are true of this title, and they all exist within a two hour film. It’s all very heartwarming and perhaps a tiny bit too sentimental. I did still find this unusually charming and lovely, and enjoyed the romance, along with the scenes of Alex learning how to do life in a full kind of way. If you like Netflix films, then this is one you should add to your list.
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Content: There is some sexual content and innuendo. A man is found by two young kids naked and dancing on a bed (he’s waiting for his girlfriend). Adults talk about getting high and do by using gummies and other drugs. A couple has sex (who aren’t in a relationship) which leads to some emotional consequences and fallout. Adults talk about what they did as teens, like losing their virginity or who they had affairs with (we learn one person had an affair). If it bothers you, a minor characters likes the same sex. The film is PG-13.