Little Letters, Edition 12


Little Letters is a random feature of “letters” to people or things that make us laugh or we appreciate.

Little Letters, Edition 12

Dear Books, in spite of my occasional (okay, frequent)griping, I really do like you.  

Dear Dad, happy (belated) birthday!


Dear Dancing with the Stars, let the rumor mill begin.  

Dear Frozen, you’re awesome. That’s all.

Dear Kaylee-girl, happy birthday!

Dear Jenna, tell me, why didn’t I listen to you before now…? Clearly I should have given more credence to your recommendation of Terri Blackstock novels. You were right.  

Little Letters, Edition 12 #FWarchvies Share on X
Little Letters, Edition 12 2014. Writing some random "letters" to people and things. Just because. All text is © Rissi JC

Dear (the) Mentalist, I’m in like with you.  

Dear Olympics, welcome Olympic year 2014! Go team USA.  

Dear Snow, okay, I can admit you are pretty if one is inclined to sit by the window, cradling a cup of mocha and gaze out the window, but really. If it’s not snowing, then it’s freezing and the wind is whipping all that fresh powder around. Anytime you’re bored, you may depart.  

Dear Taylor Swift, perhaps I shouldn’t admit this but I’m desperately hoping that your pattern for your first four albums holds true because if so it means in 2014 we get new music from you! Considering I’m still fond of Red, I’m eager to see what you’ve been working on these past two years.

Dear UPS Man, I just have to wonder… what do you think of those boxes of books you’ve left on my doorstep?  

Dear Veronica Mars, your quirky detective skills have been missed.  

Dear When Calls the Heart, thank you for being sweet, compelling and giving me a new favorite TV couple to root for.

Happy Friday, all! Hope you’re enjoy a great start to that always welcome weekend. What’d you think of the start of the Olympics!?

Since I got this into a draft post so late (bad blogger), I didn’t get the usual link-y widget into the code, but if you’d like to join in, feel free to do so; just leave your link in a comment.

Happy weekend.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. Me, too, Ella! They say the ice dancing and women team are their "aces" so maybe… *fingers crossed* Either way, as you say, I'm eager to watch more. :)

    1. Thanks, Juju – they're always so fun to write. I felt like this one was "small" in comparison but hey, it's Friday, so the blog needed something "easy and fun." :)

      I know, right?! Where is March!? ;)

  1. The snow…I mean, it's pretty and I like cold weather but this is far too much now, lol.

    Am a little miffed at our UPS person lately because of the package mishap last week (in which s4 of Downton Abbey was included)–added unnecessary work on our part *shakes head*

    Happy weekend Rissi! :)

    1. Right there with you, Lianne. It IS pretty, but it keeps us home and after so long… well, I like to get out and about. :)

      Bummer. Hope UPS gets better. Amazon shipping has seemed slower for us, too… though that's our postal service.

      Happy weekend to you, too, Lianne! Hope it's a good one – I'm going to watch the Olympics! ;)

  2. This is such a fun and cute post, Rissi! Love it! I LOVE the Olympics!!! I missed the ice skating last night, which I'm bummed about. We try to catch the Olympics as much as possible while it's going on. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

    1. Thanks, Tressa. Always have fun with these. :)

      Oh, sorry you missed the figure skating – it was fun to watch even if the U.S disappointed; you could probably find it on-line somewhere if you were curious. Enjoy the rest of the Olympics – I think the first medals are awarded this weekend, so here we go. Team USA! :)

      Same to you – happy weekend!

  3. Yup, I'm ready for the snow to depart. Bring on spring!!!

    Frozen IS awesome. Probably one of their best releases since Tangled if not farther back.

    :D I'm hoping we'll hear rumors about a new T-Swift album soon. I listen to Red, more than her other albums. lol.

    Stay warm, Rissi!! Oh, and on a totally unrelated note, I'm really looking forward to March 1st. ;D

    1. *High Five* It's pretty and all that jazz, but… ;)

      YES! Love the latest Disney pretty – I agree about Tangled and cannot wait for my Frozen pre-order to arrive in March.

      Same here – I'm still not tired of Red, it's a lovely album and I'm *hoping* a new album comes this fall; that'd be great news. :)

      We cannot wait for March 1st either, Rosie! It's going to be SO fun. :)

  4. I love this meme . . . I might join in later, but I'm not sure I have anything of import to say. Mainly it's "Dear, please stop making people verify their Cable provider in order to watch their favorite TV shows. Even though I know you're trying to be nice to people by doing this, people who do NOT have Cable just have to wait an extra week to watch an episode they've been dying to see. . . . Can't you make it an option?"

    1. If you do, I'll look forward to reading it, Hannah. :)

      That letter seems very legit. All these hoops Internet sites make us jump though can indeed be silly and time-consuming. *sigh* Hope you are able to still watch your shows! :)

  5. Cute post! My family and I just watched the Olympics yesterday (we DVRed it) and we enjoyed it a lot. As my sister put it, "Russia's opening was classy." And I agree; I loved the ballet parts they had and the music. Usually, when we (Americans) host the Olympics, I'm kinda disappointed. We spend too much time showcasing rock stars.

    1. Thank you for reading, Faith. :)

      Glad you thought the opening ceremonies was classy. We didn't watch them though I have been enjoying watching portions of the games and cheering on my team. :) Here's hoping the competition continues to be great!

  6. Hi! I stumbled across the photo from this post on google and I adore it! Is it your image or is it from another source? I'm creating a free writing program as a healing journey for people who are grieving and I would LOVE to use the image on my blog but wanted to check and make sure you're cool with that if it's your photo! And of course, I'd definitely give you credit. :) Let me know!

    1. HI, Caitlin. Thanks for asking about the photo. Like you, I stumbled across this on a Google search but unfortunately don't know where it originated from. Sorry not to be more help – and best of luck with your project! :)

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