Little Letters, Edition 15


Little Letters is a random feature of “letters” to people or things that make us laugh or we appreciate.

Little Letters, Edition 15 2015

It’s been a ridiculously long time since I wrote a “little letters” post (August in fact), so it’s Friday and it seemed the appropriate day to do so.  Let’s do this.

Dear Barry Allen,  

You’ve been missed.

Dear Books,    

You’re beginning to scare me. Please don’t attack me… it’s slowly beginning to feel like you might. But then again, I don’t mind being surrounded by your awesome-ness. Most of the time.    

Dear Caleb,  

Happy 2nd birthday! How quickly those two years sped by. Looking forward to seeing you again.  

Dear Cinderella,    

I am so excited to be joining you at the ball tomorrow. Cannot wait to discover what twists and turns your reimagined story may take.    

Dear Dan Stevens,  

Cannot wait to see you in your “beastly role” in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.  

Little Letters: Edition 15 2015. Writing some random "letters" to people and things. Just because. All text is © Rissi JC
Dear Emily Owens,  

I already miss you.  

Dear Frozen 2,    

It’s about time you became an official thing! 

Dear Gilmore Girls,

Brooke, Kara and I agree; you need to have a kick starter campaign. We miss you.  

Dear Hallmark Channel,  

Love your programming. Keep it up.  

Dear Key Lime Pie,  

Why do you sound and look that good? You might be on the weekend’s menu.  

Dear Kindle,  

While you can never replace a good old fashioned paperback (sorry!), I do like you.  

Dear Musketeers,  

Cannot wait to go on another set of adventures with you. (Ps; it’s not just because you’re skilled swordsmen, either.)

Dear Nancy Drew,

How snazzy you are looking in 2015!  

Dear Olaf and Sven,    

Well, aren’t you just the cutest besties ever!?

Dear Queen of Shadows,

You’re looking fierce.

Dear Sherlock

You. Are. Awesome.   

Dear Spring,    

The calendar may not have officially welcomed you yet, but it seems you are here. Sunshine, snow melting at a rapid pace and middle 50’s with 60’s in next week’s forecast. I think I can live with that.  

Dear Weekend,    

Welcome. Please stick around more than 48 hours?  

Dear Winter,  

You. Are. Gorgeous.

Your turn! If you have any letters to write, please do and let me know if you join in!  Happy Friday, friends.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Love this post! I agree – Sherlock is awesome, I wish the weekend was longer, I simply cannot wait for Beauty and the Beast, and Spring is here for me too (which I am quite happy about).

    1. Yay Spring! Next week promises to be nice as well though a smidgeon cooler. Still, I won't complain – today was the first day I was out and about without a jacket and gloves. :)

  2. You should totally do the key lime pie since 3.14 is national pi day. Plus key lime is so yummy. We have our fingers crossed about Insurgent, it seems so different from the book we are a little scared! Winter is so pretty, this year we didn't have the snow filled winter so I feel like we got cheated out of it. Spring is so pretty with all the colors blooming, baby animals and birds about and the re-awakening. I decided to join in and made my first little letters, hope that is ok!


    1. I am hoping to read Insurgent before seeing the film (which will likely be on DVD), and I'll be excited to see what you think, Shannon! Here's hoping…

      We didn't have any snow in December and barely any in January, but February was more snow-filled and it was enough for me. However I get people who might like outdoor winter sports wishing for more snow. :)

      Totally didn't know that about pi day, but I went ahead and made the pie anyway. Looks pretty tasty!

      Yay! I'm so glad you joined in. :)

    1. I cannot wait to know what you think of Cinderella, Tammy. It looks very promising plus the critics seem relatively kind. That's a huge plus. :)

  3. Winter – Had I not clicked on the last one, I would have thought you meant the Winter season.(It's pretty at first, and sometimes after the first snow fall, but BOO the cold.) That is an interesting cover – I like the red nails.

    Spring – Yay! It always comes just when some of us are starting to get used to Winter and think it's never going to end.

    Nice list, Rissi. I've actually been thinking of putting together my own.

    1. I don't mind winter… if we don't get a lot of snow. But I am not a fan of shoveling and all that jazz – and the mess storms can be, so if I can avoid it, I do. ;)

      Some fans don't really care for the cover and I can see why, it might be "simpler" than even the other books…? Either way, it's certainly striking!

      Spring is on its way! We can be very excited indeed for that. :)

      I hope you do, Ganise; I've been seeing everyone else do these (which is AWESOME!) and I keep reminding myself it's been way too long.

  4. Ah, this is so fun! :-)

    I'm excited to hear your thoughts on Cinderella after you see it today! I feel the same about books, haha! :-) And the kindle for that matter!

    Yes, Dan Stevens, can't wait to see you as Belle's beast!

    Frozen 2??

    I would agree… weekend, please stay longer. And spring, please keep on coming! No more cold spells! I'm ready for shorts and tank tops! :-)

    1. Hi Shantelle, thanks for reading!

      I feel like the enchantment and magic of Cinderella still hasn't worn off. It was beautiful. I look forward to coming by again and reading your review in full.

      Yay for books – and the ease of Kindle. At least it means we have millions of books at our fingertips. :)

      Dan Stevens will be awesome. I won't allow it to go any other way. ;)

      Yes! It was on Twitter last week; it's official, a sequel is on its way!

      *High five* The weekend leaves us far too soon.

  5. lol I feel that way sometimes about my tbr pile as well xD Awesomeness, but sometimes a wee bit frightful too.

    Hope you had a lovely weekend and that some nice spring temperatures have come your way. Much as I love winter, I'm read for spring now :)

    1. I'm glad others understand. ;) Right now, my books are daunting.

      You too, Lianne! Hope you had a great weekend, and are enjoying nice weather. Always makes for a pleasant start to a new week. :)

  6. I've really missed your 'little letters' posts!! This one made me laugh, especially the one about the books…LOL. Question- is Gilmore Girls really that good? I've been trying to figure out if I should watch it. Thanks for this fun post, Rissi!

    1. I missed writing these, Bekah! Hopefully I'll get back to it for a while. I used to have a document started that I'd add "letters" too now and again, and when I was ready to post them, I'd pick a few.

      I love Gilmore Girls. It has flaws, but… the humor is fantastic and keeps me interested. There's lots of back-and-forth relationship hopping, and sometimes the characters choices will drive you nuts, but it's worth the frustrations. Or I think so. :)

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