Little Letters, Edition 14 2014


Little Letters is a random feature of “letters” to people or things that make us laugh or we appreciate.

Little Letters, Edition 14 2014

Dear August, when did you get here?

Dear Avengers, I. Cannot. Wait.

(shout-out to Kate)

Dear Crazy for Fiction, thanks for the fun #Shelfie posts. I love the hashtag.

Dear Giveaways, you’re fun.

(Hint to readers: they’ll be new books up for grabs starting next week.)

Dear Into the Woods, don’t you look imaginative?

Please be good.

Dear Instagram, why do you have to be so fun?

Dear Kate, thank you times a million for all the #FrozenIsComing tweets. …and for gushing with me about this story.

Dear Liz, who needs birthday lunches ON the actual birthday; it wouldn’t be a birthday if we did anything before three months after said birthday. Because, we’re cool like that.

Dear Lizzie Bennet, how much cuter can you get? I want.

Dear J&J, I was so excited to hear your news and see your wedding pictures. Congrats. Wishing you happily ever after and so much more.  

Little Letters, Edition 14 2014 #FWarchives Share on X
Little Letters: Edition 14 2014. Writing some random "letters" to people and things. Just because. All text is © Rissi JC

Dear Julianna Deering, your books are awesome. Please, write more about Drew & Company?

Dear Mockingjay, well, you look snazzy.

Dear Novella, meeting that minimum word count was a spectacular feeling, so I’m wondering… why haven’t I been writing these past couple of weeks?  

Dear Phryne Fisher and Jack Robinson, we’re beyond thrilled you’ll be back on our TV screens this year.

Dear Samsung Galaxy, I have a feeling I’ll like you, but considering I have a pile of paperbacks to read, I’m reserving judgment.

Dear Sasha, thanks for being the first booktuber whose reviews/videos I like.  

Dear Summer, you’ve been nice this year. If you’d like, stick around.

Dear Summer To-Be-Read, why are you beating me? I’ve only read 4 out of 13 on that list, and it’s just not fair!

Want to join in? Stop by later with your links – I’d love to read your letters.

Happy Friday, friends.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Happy Friday, Rissi. Yes, I would really like to join in the little-letters fun. I've actually been thinking about writing some for a while now. I'll see if I can put together a post today or sometime next week.

    Avengers — Ah. Yes. Yes. Yes!!
    Instagram — It does indeed look fun. I'm still hesitating to join. We'll see.
    Kate — She's great! ( notice the assonance? ;)
    Novella — Writing can be an enormously demanding task but I do hope you find the strength to continue.
    Samsung Galaxy — I was just thinking about getting myself a new tablet. Maybe not from that brand but I'll see. And, to me, e-books can be very fun and useful but paperbacks are still preferable.
    Summer — It has to stay! It's my favourite!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Anytime, Ganise! You're welcome to join in. :)

      1 – ditto! I cannot wait.
      2 – I totally get that. I'm always weighing "yes" or "no" in connection with joining new social media, because, it's always like, "right, I need another something to keep up with." ;)
      3 – she CERTAINLY is. (and it's all appropriate.)
      4 – thanks! Right now, it's more busyness than anything. ;) I'm just too lazy at 10 O' clock at night to power up the laptop and write – and when I do, it's to catch up on reviews.
      5 – I agree! Paperbacks are still my primary, but my mother is really liking the tablet (she reads faster than ever on it), so I'm curious to try it out.
      6 – Summer is usually not my season, but it's been pleasant for the most part, so I wouldn't mind if it hung around.

      Happy Friday, Ganise – and happy weekend, too. :)

  2. Yay Little Letters! Your novella one was my favorite. Just finished one a few weeks ago and oh my goodness, it was like night and day, writing that versus writing a novel. It felt like a breath of fresh air…

    1. That's awesome, Melissa! One of my other letters pertaining to writing asked why reviews/novels, etc. hadn't mastered the art of writing themselves… like, really? That's the least these novels could do, right!? ;)

    1. Instagram is always fun – love it.
      Summer TBR – it's beating me, and I won't let it win.
      Mockingjay – that teaser and the full trailer was awesome. Cannot wait for more.

      Thanks for visiting, Bekah. :)

    1. Hi, Net! Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by – I have such fun with this little corner on the web and you all make it fun to "hang out." :)

      Thanks for all you do and for keeping us up to date on the best in Hallmark TV. :)

  3. Summer is going by WAY too fast! Although I do admit there's one particular day that always makes me look forward to August…. ;)
    Those shelfie posts are so fun! I'm enjoying them as well.
    Birthday lunches are awesome no matter when they happen!
    I love that cover for P&P. So pretty!
    Fun letters as always, Rissi! :)

    1. Ooo, now you have me intrigued, Kara. No matter the month, it's fun when there's a day you anticipate in it. :)


      I agree! We never seem to do anything "on time" with my dad's side of the family.

      Me, too! I'm VERY tempted to order that just because of it was all about Lizzie Bennet. ;)

      Thanks for reading, Kara! :)

  4. Ha ha!
    Dear Rissi,
    I love your fun-loving spirit and creative blog posts. Never stop. You're writing a novella! Exciting! Happy to hear you met your word count. That's an accomplishment worth celebrating.

    1. Hi, Gwendolyn! Thanks for being a part of the readership – and for the kind words. I confess, I have too much fun around here. ;)

      Thanks! I'm writing one for a content and still have more to go, but meeting the minimum word count is (for me) huge. :)

  5. Love the letters! And yes, when did August get here? And thank you for talking all things Frozen and OUaT. So much fun to look forward to with all the chats. :-) And holy moly….the Avengers! They can't get her soon enough!! Sigh. I feel you on the Instagram. It's addicting.

    1. Exactly. This year has flown by.

      Me, too! I appreciate you sharing all the OUAT photos/links and gushing with me. It's always fun. :)

      YES! Bring on those Avengers. They're just cool. ;)

      I've liked Instagram more than I thought… which is all I need. *sarcasm,* ;)

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