
‘ANON, SIR, ANON,’ BY RACHEL HEFFINGTON. Review of the 2014 historical fiction Indie novel. All text © Rissi JC

Sadly I didn’t make time to read either one of Rachel’s previous works, both of which sound good. What I do know is her writing in the blogosphere everyone praises her books, so I knew, sooner or later, I would be reading something from her poetic pen. It came “sooner” when I had an opportunity to read Rachel’s newest release, Anon, Sir, Anon.

STORY: The feisty, unmarried and clever Genevieve Langley may be unremarkable in appearance but she’s a good hand at nursing. This prompts her well-to-do parents to send their daughter to care for an uncle suffering some health issues. Upon her arrival, Genevieve or “Vivi,” finds living in a crusty bachelor’s world to be quite unlike the life she leads. The real excitement finds her when a popular actress dies, and along with Uncle Farnham, Vivi sets out to solve the case.  

Anon, Sir, Anon, by Rachel Heffington | Book Review

‘ANON, SIR, ANON,’ BY RACHEL HEFFINGTON #bookarchives Click To Tweet

In the world of Whistlecreig, a place I imagine as a small, quaint village where you might “see” Miss Marple, Rachel creates a darling “cozy mystery” that is unique. I don’t think I’ve ever read a mystery quite like this one and I very much admire the narrative. There’s plenty of danger within the pages, only it’s not necessarily the fast-paced kind. The (ARC) text takes its time setting up the mystery that embroils everyone as does the solving of said mystery. Much as I enjoy the camaraderie of the characters, some of the relationships that forge seem a little awkward or as if they aren’t well written. That said, I do understand the purpose of the “bigger picture” story almost requires these connections and as such, I cannot fault them too much. I’d be more specific here, but then I’d be giving away some pivotal plot point.

If you’re searching for a fresh take on the quiet, quaint and cozy mystery genre, then Anon, Sir, Anon is fun. It’s a unique and snappy read that’s precise and elegant from a budding Indie author.

About the Book:

Author: Rachel Heffington
Publisher: Ruby Elixir Press
Source: Author provided e-ARC
Publication Date: 2014
Find the Review elsewhere: Goodreads
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Genre: Fiction; Mystery
Rating: 4 out of 5

Sincere thanks to the author for providing a complimentary e-ARC copy of this book for reviewing purposes.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. Neither am I, Missie! Oh, no – snow go away! Hope it didn't last too long and they you enjoy this novel if you read it. It's quite cozy. :)

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