Sadly I didn’t make time to read either one of Rachel’s previous works, both of which sound good. What I do know is her writing in the blogosphere everyone praises her books, so I knew, sooner or later, I would be reading something from her poetic pen. It came “sooner” when I had an opportunity to read Rachel’s newest release, Anon, Sir, Anon.
STORY: The feisty, unmarried and clever Genevieve Langley may be unremarkable in appearance but she’s a good hand at nursing. This prompts her well-to-do parents to send their daughter to care for an uncle suffering some health issues. Upon her arrival, Genevieve or “Vivi,” finds living in a crusty bachelor’s world to be quite unlike the life she leads. The real excitement finds her when a popular actress dies, and along with Uncle Farnham, Vivi sets out to solve the case.
Anon, Sir, Anon, by Rachel Heffington | Book Review
‘ANON, SIR, ANON,’ BY RACHEL HEFFINGTON #bookarchives Share on XIn the world of Whistlecreig, a place I imagine as a small, quaint village where you might “see” Miss Marple, Rachel creates a darling “cozy mystery” that is unique. I don’t think I’ve ever read a mystery quite like this one and I very much admire the narrative. There’s plenty of danger within the pages, only it’s not necessarily the fast-paced kind. The (ARC) text takes its time setting up the mystery that embroils everyone as does the solving of said mystery. Much as I enjoy the camaraderie of the characters, some of the relationships that forge seem a little awkward or as if they aren’t well written. That said, I do understand the purpose of the “bigger picture” story almost requires these connections and as such, I cannot fault them too much. I’d be more specific here, but then I’d be giving away some pivotal plot point.
If you’re searching for a fresh take on the quiet, quaint and cozy mystery genre, then Anon, Sir, Anon is fun. It’s a unique and snappy read that’s precise and elegant from a budding Indie author.
About the Book:
Author: Rachel Heffington
Publisher: Ruby Elixir Press
Source: Author provided e-ARC
Publication Date: 2014
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Genre: Fiction; Mystery
Rating: 4 out of 5
Sincere thanks to the author for providing a complimentary e-ARC copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
This sounds cute! I love fall for the uggs and pumpkin spice coffee! Too bad it is SNOWING tonight :( POO! I am not ready for that!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Neither am I, Missie! Oh, no – snow go away! Hope it didn't last too long and they you enjoy this novel if you read it. It's quite cozy. :)