‘Cinderella’ Full-Length U.S Trailer!


Fairytale lovers, today was full of the best (movie) news ever. We now have a full length trailer for the upcoming Disney live-action, Cinderella. Coming in March 2015, let me tell you, this looks awesome! cinderella full-length u.s trailer

‘Cinderella’ Full-Length U.S Trailer! Gushing over the arrival (FINALLY!) of Disney's full-length Cinderella trailer. Who's excited?
Here’s a synopsis:

The story of “Cinderella” follows the fortunes of young Ella (Lily James) whose merchant father remarries following the death of her mother. Eager to support her loving father, Ella welcomes her new stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and her daughters Anastasia (Holliday Grainger) and Drisella (Sophie McShera) into the family home. But, when Ella’s father unexpectedly passes away, she finds herself at the mercy of a jealous and cruel new family. Finally relegated to nothing more than a servant girl covered in ashes, and spitefully renamed Cinderella, Ella could easily begin to lose hope. Yet, despite the cruelty inflicted upon her, Ella is determined to honor her mother’s dying words and to “have courage and be kind.”

She will not give in to despair nor despise those who mistreat her. And then there is the dashing stranger she meets in the woods. Unaware that he is really a prince, not merely an apprentice at the Palace, Ella finally feels she has met a kindred soul. It appears her fortunes may be about to change when the Palace sends out an open invitation for all maidens to attend a ball, raising Ella’s hopes of once again encountering the charming Kit (Richard Madden). Alas, her stepmother forbids her to attend and callously rips apart her dress. But, as in all good fairy tales, help is at hand, and a kindly beggar woman (Helena Bonham-Carter) steps forward and — armed with a pumpkin and a few mice — changes Cinderella’s life forever. – via Youtube


‘Cinderella’ Full-Length U.S Trailer! #thearchives Share on X

I adore the “look” of this one. It’s bright and whimsical (something I did not expect); the costumes are glittery, colorful and beautiful; the acting (Cate will rock this character); and oh, my Richard doesn’t look half bad as the prince either (*wink*). You guys all know, I was the greatest skeptic about his casting. Definitely this will be one to must-see in the theater.

Your turn: what do you think? Let’s chat!

Photo: Disney

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. WOW!!!! I have to see this! My youngest is 8 and will LOVE this movie! It comes out 2 days after her birthday, a perfect birthday gift. Can't wait for school to get out so I can show her this, thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Aw, what a perfect birthday outing for your daughter, Shannon – I'd have been all starry-eyed and excited to see this for a birthday gift at that age. :) Hope she enjoys!

  2. I literally just heard about this right before coming on here and wow it looks great! I have to admit that I wouldn't mind seeing it in theaters!

    1. I agree, Laura – this one looks fantastic. I hadn't seen it elsewhere (until seeing it at the source), but literally as I was putting this post together, I saw other bloggers sharing about it. Ah, well! Doesn't matter – more places to gush over it far as I'm concerned! :)

  3. This trailer looks promising – and even though I've seen a lot of Cinderella adaptations, I'm looking forward to this one. Oh, and the costumes are gorgeous!

    1. It does, Candice! I'm so excited for this regardless of the number of adaptations that have seen the light, as you say – sometimes a fairytale is worth the clichés. :)

      I think I'd like these costumes to show up in my closet. ;)

    1. Those colors are what struck me most about this one, Kristin; they're gorgeous and I confess, I was a little surprised by how "happy" this adaptation looks. :)

    1. I'm just thrilled, Alyssa; I saw someone comment how happy they were that this looked so similar to the Disney animation and I agree! I don't mind unique, but it'll be fun to see a live-action version of the classic. :)

    1. Definitely! I'm happy this one is taker a lighter approach; I think fairytale lovers will appreciate that especially since we also have Into the Woods coming. :)

  4. Oh. My. Goodness. The synopsis makes it sound like they're staying remarkably true to the storyline–and I really appreciate that! I loved Maleficent in its own way, but seeing Cinderella as a live-action version of the animated film (though hopefully it will even be an improvement on it!) … that's just going to be AWESOME. Cannot wait. Thank you for sharing, Rissi :)

    walking in the air.

    1. I agree, Hannah – someone else mentioned how similar this looks to the classic Disney and that IS indeed awesome. It should prove a fantastic live-action version and the colors, costumes and cast will (hopefully) bring it all together beautifully. Cannot wait – thanks for sharing your impressions, Hannah. :)

  5. So exciting!
    The costumes and film work kind of remind me of 'Mirror, Mirror' with Lily Collins.
    This movie does look like it will be more serious and lovely than 'Mirror, Mirror', though.

    1. I agree, Ella; I think this one will have a more serious bent in comparison to Mirror Mirror (which is really quite slapstick in its humor) though certainly I don't think it'll be as dark as 'Snow White and the Huntsman.' It looks like the ideal fairytale from Disney and I cannot wait! :)

  6. First off, I completely agree with apparently everybody that the costumes in this film are absolutely GORGEOUS!! And, now that you mention it Ella, they are indeed also reminiscent of those designed for 'Mirror Mirror' (another fairy-tale adaptation I loved!)

    I have seriously been waiting for this movie for over a year, and actually squealed like a crazy fan-girl when I found out a proper trailer had FINALLY been released! (oh, and I loved your use of the word whimsical to describe the feel this trailer gives off.) It is looking like it will live up to all my expectations and then some.

    Not only is the cast phenomenal, I love the fact that Kenneth Branagh (one of my favourite screen-writers) has decided to both try and make it as close to the original as possible, but also improve on that classic version by (hopefully) adding a lot more depth to all of the characters, but especially the Prince, who, lets face it, is pretty much just set-dressing in the animated film (and not even that good-looking set-dressing to boot!) I LOVE the fact that he has them meeting before the ball (like in Ever After!), and also thought that fencing scene looked quite interesting.

    God Bless
    Eleanor Rose

    1. Squealing like a proper (crazy) fan girl is the ONLY way to go, Eleanor – loved that line! :)

      The costuming is familiar though they were done by two different designers. Sandy Powell (Cinderella designer) also was the genius behind The Young Victoria which now knowing I can see reflections of – and me too, I love Mirror Mirror. So fun.

      I hope this does live up to expectations – it's very reminiscent (as fans have said) of the classic animation, so that's nice since this will merely be a "modern" (in terms of production not setting) live action version of it and that's cool.

      Eleanor, I'm so glad you shared your thoughts – like you, now as an adult, I giggle over how brief the prince's appearance is in the animated flick (like, really… they're supposed to be in love!) and love films like Ever After or as this one appears to give more credence to him as a character. Plus Richard doesn't look as bad as I thought. ;)

      Cannot wait to see this one and its cast bring it all to life. :)

  7. I was surprised by this trailer, both by how much I liked it and how, as you said, "bright and whimsical" it is. But I love it! And I really look forward to seeing it. The cast really looks great. Another thing about it that makes me excited to watch it is that Kenneth Branagh directs it.


    1. YES and yes, SW. Cannot wait to see this one in all it's magnificence on that gorgeous huge theater screen. It promises to be awesome – and I'm glad you're excited for it. If this trailer is anything to go off, it promises to be worth that and then some. :)

  8. AHHH! I am so excited about this one! I love how they're doing this remake. Love and agree with what you said about the "look" and the prince–again, I'm so excited for this one! Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. YAY! Cannot wait 'til this one releases either, Bekah; it looks epic fun and the whole whimsical appeal is attractive. Excited for us all to see it so we can (hopefully) fangirl over it together! :)

  9. It looks like SO much fun! Can't wait to see it. And yes! Richard Madden certainly does look appropriately dashing, doesn't he? ;) And Lily James seems to fit. I confess to be just a teeny bit skeptical of her, but she does look quite adorable and sweet. So I think this will be loads of fun! :)

    1. Richard surprised me in this trailer. Looking at his photos when he was cast, I was totally iffy. But… I don't mind the look of him at all. ;) Lily looks appropriately princess-y and I'm excited to see what comes of this adaptation. I think many fans are skeptical about Lily because of 'Downton.' Hopefully she'll rise to the occasion. :)

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