‘The Wonder of You’: Another Really Good Story!
A family saga (series) is one of inspirational fiction’s favorite tropes. One of them is penned by award-winning author Susan May Warren, who takes expands the idea beyond the typical three siblings (trilogy). Her world features a family of six. This is the next to last book which takes us on “baby” sibling Amelia’s journey. The story picks up just after Amelia returns from overseas, and feeling betrayed by Roark. Little does she ever dream he’ll follow her to the north woods of Minnesota nor does she know just who Mr. St. John really is.
The Wonder of You by Susan May Warren | Book Review

REVIEW | Stripped down to its most basic heart, Amelia’s story is lovely. I enjoy the slow build of her relationship with Roark, and since they already have a history, everything that goes down in her hometown is easy to accept without suspending a reader’s belief. Amelia, I think, is actually a favorite sibling. She’s young yet, but there’s so much maturity and wisdom in that head of hers. Just as an aside, let’s get the “bad” out of the way. The only facet of the story that I don’t completely enjoy is the “competition” of the love story and by proxy, Amelia’s flip-flopping emotions. I don’t want to give anything away which is why I probably shouldn’t say much more!
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A lot takes place in a limited number of pages (there’s a 60+ page discrepancy between the ARC and finished copy). Life or death situations present characters with choices they want to run from (often with the end result of God convicting them). There’s an emotional upheaval kind of story in Grace and Max’s life (from When I Fall in Love), experienced through Max’s viewpoint. But never fear, there is lots of joyful interactions between Amelia and her suitor, and I must say, Roark just might be my favorite character vying for the heart of a Christiansen yet. Plus, the accent, yeah, it hinders nothing.
“You know enough of me to believe me when I say I am not going anywhere. Not without you. You stay, I stay. …For me, you are the reason to stop running.”
– Susan May Warren
A sweet contemporary novel that uses the strength of family, love and God, The Wonder of You falls easily into line as another special kind of story from the pen of Susan May Warren. ♥
‘The Wonder of You’: Another Really Good Story! Reviewing Susan May Warren's fifth Christiansen book. #BookReviews #BookWorm #MustRead #WhattoRead Share on XABOUT THE BOOK
Author: Susan May Warren
Publisher: Tyndale
Source: Publisher – thank you!
Publication Date: 2014
Series: Christiansen Family – Book 5
Find the Review Elsewhere: Goodreads
Find the Book Elsewhere: Goodreads
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary Romance
Rating: ★★★★
Sincere thanks to the publisher for providing a complimentary ARC copy of this book for reviewing purposes.
Sounds intriguing. That is so crazy that the ARC and the finished copy had that many other pages
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
It sure IS crazy. I'm not sure why that is, but I'm hoping there's not much difference to the story. I have a finished copy, but read the ARC, so… who knows! And yes, this is an intriguing story, Missie. So sweet. :)
I enjoyed this one too! Though the next book is primarily about OWEN not Casper. But I predict that Casper will have a larger role in it. ;)
Ooops, my bad! Thank you for noticing that, Dawn. *goes to correct error* ;) I always get those two mixed up… why I don't know! They're nothing alike. Anyway, I would agree. Casper WILL play a large role in the story… especially considering who'll be raising Owen's daughter.
I've started this one and had to put it aside for other books, so I'm looking forward to picking it up. I have really high expectations going in, but I think I'll adjust those slightly. I don't want to be disappointed and I tend to not like books where the character can't make up her mind, so that may be an issue. We'll see…
I don't feel like Amelia's indecision here was "awful." I mean, she does flip-flop, but it's not as bad as some books I've read. That being said, it's sort of one of my pet peeves, so yes, I probably am being "hard" on the book by saying that. Still, I hope you enjoy this one, Tressa. I really did – and of course, LOVED the British hero. My favorite from this series is probably Eden or Grace's story, both were fantastic. :)
I can't wait to read this one! I love that there are 6 kids, so we get to revisit all the couple over and over again.;)
Yes, Owen's story may be the hardest one to get right.
Now I'm nervous about what happens to Max and Grace!;)
I think you'll love it, Amanda. Anything that does happen is all good. Or I believe it is. :) I loved how broken some of the characters are over the course of the book because it makes their change of heart so much more impacting by the end of the book. Here's hoping Owen's story is much the same. :)