Book Tag: The Naughty or Nice (Book) Tag 2017
Hey, hey, readers and friends. I didn’t plan on publishing anything today because it’s Christmas. However yesterday I finally replied to my Twitter notifications yesterday (seriously, WHY do I let those stack up so?), I saw that Sophie of Books Like Wolves
kindly tagged me in a fun book tag!
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Book Tag: The Naughty or Nice (Book) Tag 2017 #fromthearchives Share on XIt’s way too late to break this tag into two parts as I ordinarily would (answer some Qs in a booktube video and the rest here on
Finding Wonderland), but I thought, why not answer them in a blog post? So… that’s what I decided to do.
Without further preamble, let’s get to the
Naughty or Nice (Book) Tag.
Received an ARC and not reviewed it
For sure! If it’s an ARC I’ve requested, I make every attempt to read and review the book. But if publishers send them to me without a request, I don’t worry as much.
That said, I so appreciate publishing houses who so kindly send out ARCs. It’s always a pleasure and honor to be considered a reviewer for the books they publish.
Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley
I don’t use Netgalley with any frequency. In the beginning I was super excited about making use of it, however the e-arcs format really weird for me on my Kindle app. Add in the fact that I can’t read many books on my app (unless I want to get frequent headaches), and I stick with physical copies of novels.
Rated a book on GoodReads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)
Please tell me we bookworms all do this?! I know, yes, I have.
Folded down the page of a book/Accidentally spilled on a book
Yes to the first question, and no to the second. Or if I did ever spill on a book, I cannot remember doing so. And this seems like an event I would recall.
DNF a book this year | Lauren Oliver’s Before I Fall
Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it
Confession time: YES I buy books all the time based on their covers (#CoverSnob alert!!) but I think I can say I always have good intentions when it comes to reading them. The synopsis does have to intrigue as well as the cover. The latter is the “hook”
(what inspires me to pick the book up off the shelf), but the story has to keep me engaged.
Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)
Oh, yes! This has happened many a time. Not necessarily with homework, but definitely at times when I should be making dinner or writing promised articles or just writing blog-y things.
Skim read a book
No… at least none that I can remember. (Update: Maybe Princess Diaries? And yes, the more I think about it, the more I do remember… I’ve totally skim read.)
Completely missed your GoodReads goal
I don’t think I’ve ever challenged myself with a Goodreads goal. The reason being I know I’d crash and burn. Why set myself up for bookish failure?? *Wink*
Borrowed a book and not returned it
Not in my memory bank… but it’s possible!
Broke a book buying ban
I don’t know that I’ve ever placed myself on a book buying ban… but if I have, I’d like to think I didn’t break it. When I need to be, I’m told I’m a disciplined person.
Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about
My goodness… yes! Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s done this.
Wrote in a book you were reading | No.
Finished a book and not added it to your GoodReads
ALL. THE. TIME. I don’t make use of Goodreads as often as I once did. The reason for this remains unsolved.
Thanks so much for the tag, Sophie. This was so fun! If you’re reading this and you want to join in, please do. Then circle back and let me know where I can see or read YOUR video/post.
Are you on the Naughty or on the Nice list this year? What are you hoping to get for Christmas? Tell me about your “naughty or nice” bookish habits. For today, that’s an end to the Naughty or Nice (book) tag 2017! Tell me, which list do you think I’d be on?
Thank you for visiting!
Such a fun post, Rissi!!
*waves* Hi, Melanie!! Thanks so much for stopping by – and thanks for reading. Last minute though this was, it was a fun tag. :)
Merry Christmas, Rissi!
I think you're on the nice list ;-)
Let's see… what on here have I definitely done? I do fold down book corners from time to time. (Actually, I do it a lot, 5 days a week, when you consider how I mark what pages to do next for my kids with their textbooks, but I don't think that counts.)
I've spilled on a book once or twice, very much by accident.
I've bought some copies of books I already own just because they're pretty, so that's kind of like buying one with no intention of reading it, right?
I CONSTANTLY read when I should be doing something else. I mean, laundry doesn't really need to get folded, right?
I've definitely started book reviews, let them sit around, and then just never posted them because I forgot what the book was about before I wrote the rest of the review. I TRY not to start another book until I've reviewed the one I just finished, but that doesn't always happen. Especially since I tend to read 2-4 books at a time.
I write in the books I'm reading quite a bit, actually. Only copies I own, of course.
I use GoodReads more now than I ever used to, but I still don't add every book that I read to it.
*whew* I'm so glad to be on the nice list, Rachel – thanks!! :)
I've a feeling I have spilled on a book, but calling a time to mind isn't something I was able to do. Still, considering my natural clumsiness, I suspect it HAS happened.
You're right! Buying a book we already own for its cover IS like buying a book totally for its design. In fact, I just preordered the entire 'Austen' re-tellings that are being repackaged by Bethany House because they're stunning. Now I do want to re-read this series, but whether or not I'll read the new or old set… well, time shall tell.
Right! Folding laundry is overrated! :D
I've started a review (while reading a book) and been proud of myself for "getting ahead" only to leave it unfinished. By the time I get back to it, like you, I've forgotten what it was about! Or (as is the case now), I've read an ARC, meant to review it (so I could publish the review upon its release) and then forgotten. But I always have the best of intentions.
Returning to Goodreads is something I'd like to do. I made a few attempts last week to try and catch up on adding books I had neglected to add. But I'm *still* behind. In 2018, this needs to change. :)
So glad you stopped by!! Merry Christmas to you and yours. Hope your day was joyful. :)
I love this tag, so fun! I have gotten into such a habit of using Goodreads that I pretty much always update it- but that definitely does not mean legitimate reviews :) I seriously think if I didn't update my progress on GR, I would never recall which books I have actually read hahah. And I am the worst ever at not finishing reviews and forgetting what the heck it was about- in fact, I am sitting on one of those right now, and it is annoying, why do we do this to ourselves?! So fun, thanks for sharing!!
I used to update Goodreads ALL THE TIME, Shannon. Now, it's more periodic. Still, perhaps 2018 will be THE year I get back into it. I do like it and how it operates, I just don't jump on the site very much.
Good question!! WHY DO WE DO THIS??? 2018 could be the year we get organized… who knows! :)