‘PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES’ (2017): Swashbuckler Reunites and Returns to the Seas


When Disney decides to reunite and return with another adventure for the ‘Pirates’ gang, this girl is one who sits up and takes notice. Like so many of the films I add to my must-see list, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales is one I did intend to see on that glorious big screen, but alas, I didn’t make it. 

Instead, I settle for the option of seeing this one once it arrives to DVD. A wait that is indeed worth it all. 

When it comes to this franchise, its had ups and downs. But none of those flounders have been so bad as to stall the continuation of the series. As I (finally) watch ‘Dead Men Tell No Tales,’ it brings me back to the swashbuckling magic of the origin film. There is just something about this fifth installment that reminds me of where it all began. 

FILM REVIEW | Pirates of the Caribbean, the Curse of the Black Pearl (2003): A Return to the Classic Swashbuckler!
‘PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN TELL NO TALES’ (2017): Swashbuckler Reunites and Returns to the Seas #Moviearchives Click To Tweet

I think the primary reason for this is the story works so well as a good “old-fashion” swashbuckler rather than trying too hard to be a high-stakes, high-actioner film. Don’t misunderstand, this film still boasts plenty of unbelievable feats, but then, this wouldn’t be a proper box office film if it didn’t, right? 

A great pirate does not bother with such intricacies.

– Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

The important components are all here. High-seas action, lovely costuming, a hint of romance, sacrifices and of course, last but not least, Captain Jack Sparrow (who actually marries in this installment??). 

You can read my official, formal review on Silver Petticoat (links below). Tell me, did you see this one? If so, what’d you think??


Beware, spoilers! 

Of late, the box office is infiltrated with either remakes or some form of a “sequel” (even if they are four films removed from the originals). Even still, audiences make a success of them. One such success of 2017 is Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, the fifth series’ film to come from the franchise. Back in our lives is the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow, and despite his scoundrel ways, we’re thrilled about this. Review the review in its entity on Silver Petticoat Review →

Content: there is some action violence, and (covert) sexual innuendo. The film is PG13.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I ended up loving this one more than I thought I would. Have to say Henry's the perfect combination of his parents. I also have to say I didn't see the twist coming with Carina.

    1. Henry is the perfect combination of his parent's. In looks and personality; casting directors certainly did a good job in choosing this actor too!

      Like you, I so enjoyed this one, Carissa. Cannot wait to see where the franchise goes from here.

      …glad to have you stop by. :)

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