‘Pirates of the Caribbean, the Curse of the Black Pearl’: A Return to the Classic Swashbuckler!
Ah! Pirates and heroics, high-seas adventure and romance. This Disney film (based on an amusement park ride) is the “little” film no one expected anything of. Turns out critics and audiences alike quite underestimate its abilities. To this day, this film is still one of the biggest blockbusters and it inspired three subsequent box office hits. This title, the first in the series is by far the most memorable. It’s one of those good old-fashioned swashbucklers, and for this film, all of its moving parts just work. pirates caribbean the curse black pearl
Pirates of the Caribbean, the Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) Film Review
18th century Port Royal tolerates no pirates or any such shenanigans, and yet a ship that emerges from ghostly shadows encounters a recently looted and destroyed passenger ship. It’s the governor’s daughter who spots it, and the lifeless body of a boy. Around his neck, Elizabeth spies what appears the mark of a pirate in the form of a medallion, and in fear for his life, she removes it.
Some ten years later, Elizabeth (Kiera Knightly), the only child of Governor Swann (Jonathan Pryce), is all grown up. With hopes that his headstrong daughter will make a match with Commodore Norrington (Jack Davenport), Elizabeth’s heart has never been stirred as when she is in the presence of childhood friend Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), the man she rescued those many years ago.
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But everything changes when, the brazen and infamous pirate Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) walks into their lives, and through a twist of fate, he rescues Miss Swann, and is then arrested for his trouble. pirates caribbean curse black pearl
Late that night with Jack safely locked away awaiting execution Port Royal comes under attack by the notorious Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush). When the pirates break through the Governor’s mansion, they take Elizabeth as a captive which inspires Will to coordinate a rescue of his lady love… and straight to the jail cell of Captain Jack Sparrow.
What can one say about this popular movie that hasn’t already been said, and scrutinized? When the first television spots played, I remember thinking it appeared too crazy for my enjoyment. Fortunately, the rest is history. This movie is one of the best script, and includes some of the best special effect sequences from Hollywood. The comedy is funny without trying hard, and the sets are impressive. Overall, it’s a clever film beyond contrast (especially when we compare it to its successors). Suffice to say, this quirky film is as lovable as it is adventurous. pirates caribbean curse black pearl
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Fortunately for us, this plot has a lot more going for it than a kidnapping. Clocking in at over two hours, it also dabbles in ancient treasure, a curse and some pretty creepy skeleton pirates. (If you think this sounds crazy, just wait until you see it on-screen.) For the life of me, even I cannot place a finger on what it is that draws the viewer in. It doesn’t have the usual pull of the film’s I see, but its characters are rich in personality. Though not a devoted Depp fan, I will concede there is no one else who can pull off the swaggering Captain Jack Sparrow. He owns this character with the most authority ever. The supporting cast helps with this pursuit, too but most of all, this movie isn’t so much about award-winning performances as its easy-going ability to be FUN! pirates caribbean curse black pearl
Photos: Walt Disney Pictures
This film is PG13 because of swordfights, and the injuries or death of various characters. One crew is “undead” and yet cannot ever die which opens the doors to any number of scenarios. Some sequences may be frightening to younger viewers. There is sexual innuendo and the camera often sees Elizabeth in her undergarments – her gowns also display cleavage. There is some British profanity but nothing terrible. Jack doesn’t like to be without his rum
Note: this review was published in the archives five or more years earlier. Since moving to WordPress, 90% of the reviews, lists and articles need re-formats and/or other updates. Updated edits and changes to fit current formats have been made; it has also been updated with new photos, and republished.
This review was originally published November 7, 2011
I love this one, I must have seen it about 10 times. Captain Jack makes it. I think Knightly rather woodeden. But her dresses are so eleborate and elegant!
Me, too, C.C! I actually need to watch this one again. The first in the "Pirates" series as well as the fourth are by far the best two in the series in my opinion.
Would Disney even have this series without Johnny Depp!? I don't think so…
Kiera does a decent job, but then, I like her as an actress so that may be why I like her in this role. =D But a lot of people have said that she annoys them.
Sounds awesome! I feel left out cause I have'nt seen it :(
But I really really want too!
I hope you can see this, Rebekah! I simply LOVED it! There was something "magical" about the movie that has as yet to be recaptured. =D
Enjoy "Pirates" whenever you have opportunity to see this.
I LOVE this movie. If my entire DVD collection were wiped out, and I had to choose only five titles to re-purchase, this would be at the top of the list. It is just perfection.
This is the only POTC movie I've seen.
I think I enjoyed it(I probably watched three or four years ago)
Charity – WOW! That is a compliment for this first "Pirates" movie. =D
I really do need to re-watch this one since it's been ages since last I saw it. It was such a great movie – one that no one expected anything of.
Ella – I hope you did enjoy this movie. =) It is the best of the series, but you should see the others sometime – or maybe just skip to number four. =D
I remember watching the pirate of the caribbean for the very first time, was great.. such an exciting movie.
It IS indeed. I just love these movies, most especially this first one. :)