12 Box Office Stories and Books I Like But Won’t Re-Read Or Re-Watch
Hello again! Here we are at another Tuesday. Our standard weekly date, or it is for those of us who adore this weekly book nerd meme. Today, like last week, we get another unusual topic. We talk about (and other things) books I like but won’t re-read. Let’s have a look.
That Artsy Reader Girl April 10: Books I Loved but Will Never Re-Read (submitted by Brandyn @ Goingforgoldilocks)
Okay, we all know I don’t re-read. This has been a topic of discussion prior to today. It’s not that I wouldn’t like to re-read books. It’s just that… I don’t re-read books. (I’m beginning to feel like I’ve got so many topics I could write about for those discussion posts I’d like to publish more of, yet don’t. Note to self: start writing said discussion posts.)
By way of explanation, the reason for this is, simply because there are too many new books on my shelf. They’re what I reach for when I’m ready for a new read. They’re the books that excite me most. (Ironically as I’m writing this, I am re-reading Once Upon a Prince because of the new film adaptation.) If I’m not picking out my own book to get lost in, then the preventing reason is that publisher or author provided TBR.
That’s not to say I’m not still interesting in the many books I’ve read and liked, it’s just there’s no time. So, with all that in mind, let’s get to listing today’s list. Some of the books below might be books I liked over loving, and therefore just don’t feel a particular urge to re-read. Others may be books I did love and want to prioritize re-reading (someday), and then you might even see some films on the list that I loved but – *gasp* – still haven’t re-watched!
Here we go. Books Stories I Loved But Will Never Maybe Re-Read or Re-Watch.
1: Young Widows Club by Alexandra Coutts | This is, for my reading experiences, a really unique YA novel. I did enjoy it, so while I adopt the “never say never” motto, I don’t know that I see myself re-reading this one anytime soon. Goodreads books I like but won’t re-read
2: If I Stay by Gayle Forman | This is actually one I could see myself re-reading because as I’ve mentioned time and again, I liked it way better than anticipated. Still, it does kinda fit with today’s topic just because I gravitate towards lighter and happy reads! Goodreads

3: The Fault in our Stars by John Green | Unlike If I Stay, this is one I don’t see myself re-reading. I mean, if ever I did, it’d be for the humor alone, which is quite entertaining for this genre. That said, if I do want to re-live the story, I’d probably just re-watch the film. Goodreads
4: Luther and Katharina by Jody Hedlund | This is another story I didn’t expect to like, but did. That said, simply because I’m not a big historical fiction reader – particularly this era, I don’t see myself giving this one a re-read either. Goodreads
5: The Winding Road Home by Sally John | This is a throwback read for me – and one of the first books I reviewed, so I don’t remember all the particulars. But it sure sounds like I thoroughly liked this one. I just don’t know that I see myself re-reading it. Goodreads

6: The Meeting Place by Janette Oke and Davis Bunn | Once upon a time, this series was one of my favorites. Much as I enjoyed the series at the time, I simply don’t see myself ever picking this one up again. Goodreads
1: The Age of Adaline | Though very different from the normal period dramas (or contemporary romance as this mostly is), I adored this film. Why I haven’t enjoyed a re-watch yet, I’ll never know. But either way, this one is beautiful.
2: Belle | Despite the iconic titular name, no this film has nothing to do with the Disney character. Instead this is a 1700s historical period piece. There’s something elegant and really beautiful about this story. Despite fond memories of it, it’s another one I’m ashamed to admit I’ve not yet watched a second time.
3: Into the Woods (Disney) | Went to see this one way back when it was in theaters with my mom and aunt. I was the only one who really enjoyed it, and yet to this day, I haven’t watched my Bluray. Why remains a mystery.
4: La La Land | Despite seeing this one in theaters, and liking it – despite the controversial end, I haven’t re-watched this one. Still, just thinking about it makes me want to pop it in the DVD tray.
5: Marvel Cinematic Universe | Believe it or not, there are very few Marvel films I’ve re-watched. This is weird. I know. (Weird because I’m a Marvel film nut.) Fellow MCU fans, which one should I re-watch first?
6: Sing | Aww, this one is so cute! I remember thinking it was the best thing ever when I was watching it, but alas, I haven’t gone back for a second viewing – and I really want to. What’s your favorite “feel good” animated flick? books i like but won’t re-read
That’s it for another edition of this week’s Top Ten Tuesday. This version went with a books I like but won’t re-read kind of spin! Tell me, what did you feature with today’s topic? I’d love to hear all about the books you loved but won’t (or maybe won’t?) re-read! Do you go back and re-read those books you thought were the “best ever” back in the early reading days? Tell me all about them and why you won’t re-read them – I’d love to chat with you.
Remember to leave your Top Ten Tuesday links down below so I can swing by and visit, or simply introduce yourself and your blog if you’d like. I’m always glad to meet new bloggers and friends.
Thank you for visiting!
Great list! Just reading this makes me suddenly want to rewatch La La Land haha. Happy reading :)
I have that reaction oftentimes too, Kay. In fact, just writing the little I did about these films made me want to go binge them right then. ;)
Thanks so much for visiting.
If I Stay is a book/ movie I kinda want to read/see but just haven't yet. The Age of Adaline does look like a good film. And the Marvel films- I think I've seen most of them more than once, but not all. I'm pretty fond of Winter Soldier, and actually the first Captain America isn't bad either. Not as fond of the first two Thors, but will definitely rewatch Ragnarok!
Hope you enjoy If I Stay if you decide to read and watch it, Greg. 'Adaline' is lovely, and of course, I'm a Marvel (film) aficionado. This is why it's a little weird I've not watched them more than one. I like all three Thor films, though will admit each one gets a little bit better and 'Radnarok' was EPIC. Loved that one.
Thanks so much for visiting.
I'm the same way about Marvel movies! I love them, but for some reason never rewatch. But I'd probably rewatch the Avengers first :) Ooh or Guardians of the Galaxy as I do adore those so much.
Loved The Avengers so yes, I'd really like to re-watch that one, and of course, 'Guardians,' too. That movie was hilarious, and that reminds me: I still have to watch 'Vol. 2'! Looking forward to that.
Thanks so much for visiting, Lindsey.
Oh, I adore Belle. I haven't rewatched it yet either. Must to so soon!
It's SO good, Alicia. Why I haven't yet re-watched it is anyone's guess.
Thanks so much for visiting. :)
Great list! I still really need to watch Into the Woods and I'm super curious about Belle!
Belle is beautiful, Tracy. Hope you enjoy if you see it. As for Into the Woods, it's far more bittersweet than anticipated, but also really good. :)
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I love to re-read and re-watch movies. For movies, I have memorized most of the lines – that's how much I love to rewatch movies!
I tend to re-read books that I love since they are my comfort reads. I have re-read a few old school romance books and while I remember that I loved them before, I have also changed my thoughts about the books after I re-read them.
I love to re-watch movies, too, Zeee! That said, some that I've enjoyed I just haven't gotten a second viewing in. Why I don't know.
…I don't re-read books though. Or VERY rarely. Still, someday I would like too, especially those that are for, as you put it so well, comfort reads. Of which I have many. :)
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I need to watch SING. My kid saw it without me and I've been bugging him to watch it again so I can see it. Also, IF I STAY should probably be on my list too because I didn't really LOVE it?? I mean, I liked it, but also I felt like a robot because it didn't make me that emotional???
Sing is SO (so) cute, Michelle! I don't have a legit excuse to watch these kids movies, but I sneak them in now and again because they make me smile. :)
Nothing wrong with that. There was one story that didn't touch me either and it's VERY emotional. It was just how the film was produced and presented. For me, it just didn't inspire me to "feel" what the story should convey.
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I have yet to watch The Age of Adaline and Belle – one of these days I'll have to try them! :)
Lauren @ Always Me
They're both lovely, Lauren! I do hope you enjoy both if you decide to watch them – and let me know what you think. :)