Sweet Novella Stories Sure to Impress
Hey, happiest Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s theme is all about the “short and sweet” or Sweet Novella Stories. Our That Artsy Reader Girl July 17 topic reads: Favorite Novellas/Short Stories
Sweet Novella Stories Sure to Impress #fromthearchives Share on XBecause of the topic, I feel like it’s best to be all about the “short and sweet” intros and reasons. Until recent years (“recent” being maybe 2-3 years) I rarely, if ever, read novellas. But then friends began self-publishing and to begin their journey into publishing, they penned novellas. Of course, knowing this, I was ready, willing and excited to give these books a fair chance.
From this experience, I’ve discovered some sweet and even some emotionally complex stories packed in these small packages. The
tales I collected below feature historical stories, contemporary tales and of course, a romantic-comedy (or two). I’ve read most of these, but there is one on this list that sits on my shelf unread (but in fairness to me, it’s a new addition).
In keeping with today’s theme, we’ll walk through these stories with “short and sweet” thoughts. Let’s have a look.
1: This Quiet Sky by Joanne Bischof | Bittersweet and sad, this novel is beautiful. Goodreads
2: The Perfect Arrangement by Katie Ganshert | Romantic-comedy bliss a-la You’ve Got Mail. Goodreads

3: Dancing with the Prince by Kennedy Larsen | This one sits on my shelf unread. But as I said, it along book one (what!? I *had* to feature this one because 1: the color theme is pink and 2: I prefer its softer appearance) a new addition. Goodreads
4: Love in Three-Quarter Time by Rachel McMillan | If you like intellectual romances set in foreign (aka stunning) locales, this contemporary adult novella is your perfect match. Goodreads

5: As Easy as Riding a Bike by Bell Renshaw | More romantic-comedy bliss! This one is all about the small town lovin’ and romancin’. In other words, it’s a delight.
6: How a Star Falls by Amber Stokes | One of my best blogging friends, Amber has released a handful of sweet novellas (contemporaries and historical reads). Among them is this new adult romance – plus you can read her just-released companion story to this one, or her spin on the Sleeping Beauty fairytale! Goodreads

7: The Girl Who Could See by Kara Swanson | Unique and fast-paced, this novella story is a kind of sci-fi tale that works in some cute romantics. Goodreads
8: If Ever I Would Leave You by Susan May Warren | It may be the shortest book on this list (not sure because I didn’t fact check), but this novella is beautiful, and serves as an excellent tease for this couple’s full-length love story. Goodreads

9: Then Came You by Becky Wade | This is actually one story I’ve re-read. If you’ve read some of my prior posts, you know re-reading is not something I often do. But this one I have experienced in two different story mediums (written and audio), and both were enchanting. Goodreads
What are some of the short or novella stories you’ve read and liked? As always, I’d love to read about your recommendations – and am curious: have you read any of these? Tell me what you dislike vs. like about novellas! Make yourself a bowl of ice cream (because it’s National Ice Cream month), and share all the bookish thoughts below.
If you joined today’s meme, make sure and leave your Top Ten Tuesday links below so I can visit – or simply introduce your blog. I’d be glad to visit your bookish spaces.
Thank you for visiting! Come back soon.
PS: before you go…
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These novellas look so cute! :-) Great list! My TTT
They sure are, Chrissi. :)
Thanks so much for visiting.
I put my thinking-cap on and couldn't think of any or many novellas. I must not read them, because I don't even recognize any of your selections, but I do read short stories. My favorite short stories
I don't read many, Anne (or at least I didn't up until a couple of years ago), but those I have read have become new favorites. :)
Thanks for visiting.
Love in three Quarter Time sounds great! I think it's neat you've found novellas/ short stories to love from writer friends. I haven't read a ton of novellas but of the ones I have tried, I've been pretty lucky to mostly like them.
It is, Greg. It's a unique and atmospheric story that works well – especially since the author has traveled to so many of the places she writes about. :)
Thanks for visiting!
I haven't read any of these, but they do look really interesting. I will definitely be checking a few of these out! Thanks for the tips!
Our TTT: https://thebookdutchesses.com/2018/07/17/ttt-36-favorite-novellas-short-stories/
Thank you for visiting, Isabelle – and if you read any of these, I do hope you enjoy. :)
Nice take on the theme – sometimes we need something short, fast, and sweet!
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Right? I 100% agree. Plus, they're always quick reading. :)
Thanks so much for visiting.
Thank you so much for featuring LOVE IN THREE QUARTER!!!! I had so much fun with that story!
My pleasure, Rachel. Congrats on your September release! Looking forward to reading it. :)
Several of your picks also made my list this week too! I LOVE This Quiet Sky! It's one of my favorite stories ever.
Same. It's such a beautiful (albeit emotional) read. But then Joanne's a talent unlike any other (that I've read).
Thanks as always for visiting, Brittaney! :)
So many great books on your list! Love in Three Quarter Time is one of the best stories I've read this year. I loved The Girl Who Could See, too. Such a unique story.
YAY! Glad you spy some favorites – and did you see Rachel announced another romance novella to release this fall!? Sounds like another great adventure.
Thanks for visiting, Ashley. :)
thanks for sharing! I don't think I've read any novellas so I'm happy to have some to add to my list
Always fun to discover some new possible reads. :)
Thanks so much for visiting, Hallie.
The Girl Who Could See sounds intriguing! I'm so unfamiliar with the world of novellas that I'm hearing about a lot of new titles this week!
It is, Kelly! I do hope if you decide to read it, you enjoy. I liked that it was more novella length than full length since futuristic stories can (for me) drag on too long. :)
Thanks for visiting!
These do look short and sweet. Nice picks!
They are indeed, Alicia. Thanks for visiting. :)
Thank you SO much for including How a Star Falls, friend!! ♥ I've really enjoyed some others on your list, like This Quiet Sky, Love in Three-Quarter Time, and The Girl Who Could See. :) I think I read The Perfect Arrangement at some point? And I really ought to read Then Came You!
Okay…now I can't remember if I've read The Perfect Arrangement, and yet Amazon shows I bought it… Hmmm…
My pleasure, Amber. I cannot wait to read your new novella too. :)
So many good stories packed into such a tiny tale, right?
The Perfect Arrangement is darling! And I feel your dilemma. I've had this situation with books or films LOTS of times. It kinda makes me feel old. ;)
Thanks so much for visiting.
I haven’t read any of these, but I love the photos. Great list!
Aj @ Read All The Things!
Thanks so much for visiting, AJ. :)
I’ve only read Susan May Warren’s and Katie Ganshert’s novellas from this list. I need to read Becky Wade’s, Joanne Bischof’s, and Rachel McMillan’s.
Both favorites of mine. I hope you read those you're still anticipating. :)
Glad to have you stop in.
I've never read any of these, but I've added a couple to my list! Thanks for sharing :D
Fun! I do hope you enjoy if you have the chance to read them, Tracy. :)
Glad you visited.
These are all new-to-me, but I added a few to my TBR! You always put so much work into your photographs… I just don't have the patience, but wish I did. ;)
? Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?
Fun! Hope you enjoy those you think sound good, Lindsi. Thanks for the kind words re: the photos. I don't always have the patience either, but in the end, I'm always glad I stuck with it. :D
Thanks for visiting!