‘The Rise and Fall of Jane’: A Modern Version of the Bronte Romance
STORY | Jane Agosto cannot remember a time when she hasn’t been alone. First she was abandoned by a mother she never knew, then taken from the custody of an aunt and finally, she lost her only friend. As a young 20-something, Jane isn’t sure where she belongs, but for now, she determines to do a good job as the nanny for the daughter of a wealthy conservationist. the rise and fall of jane
Miles Hayes is a mystery. Kind one minute and displaying his temper the next, still Jane cannot help but be drawn to him. But his dangerous secrets soon threaten Jane and her dreams.
The Rise and Fall of Jane by Corrie Garrett | Book Review
REVIEW | Once in a while I pick up an Indie novel by an author I don’t know, which is unusual and a kind of “reader risk.” The draw of this title is its connection to a classic. Inspired by Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, the modern re-telling actually impresses me, at least to a point. Mind you, I haven’t’ read the Bronte novel, but still, this one is good.
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The majority of The Rise and Fall of Jane is a solid impressive modern immersive experience of a classic literary story. It hits nearly all of the right high notes in re-creating the same emotion or feeling as the original story (which I know as film adaptations only), and leaves us in a place where we might like to see more. The stumble it does take is the change in the plot that is a kind of supernatural theme (like humans who convene with animals) that feels, well, weird. That said, I think the author is trying to capture the supernatural or Gothic angles in a modern world.
Despite this, I still enjoy the romance between Jane and Miles, and Adele is a sweet character who I like getting to know better. I admire how well the author brings in the recognizable things that make Jane Eyre the story it is, but also the plot feels as though it can be its own kind of “new” story for readers to discover. Garrett does a nice job with the conflict and weaving in the moments we “know” the story to be comprised of, while also leaving the reader wishing for just a bit more.

Author: Corrie Garrett
Publisher: Independently Published
Genre: Romance; Adult Romance, Indie
Find the Book Elsewhere: Goodreads
Find the Review Elsewhere: Goodreads
Rating: 3-1/2 out of 5
Content: This one remains clean with exception to some minor adult themes and innuendo. Plus, if it’s not your thing, there is some supernatural aspect.